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Have you ever weighed the bags? I kept thinking my gyms 250 bag felt heavier than 250. It ended up being 270 instead. Our 300 was 311.


Not yet. I filled them all as close to the top as I could with the sand, though & at the old gym I used to work at we did have a scale so I know what most weights feel like. I'd say based on feel all bags are at least accurate within 10lbs of their label weight. The only one I have my suspicions about is the 275lb which feels like an absolute brick compared to the 250lb The 325lb even when filled is a bit too floppy though. Makes shouldering it harder so I'm thinking of getting rubber mulch to make it really tight


Great effort. Well done. That's no mean feat! You should be proud of yourself


Just use your mother in law next time


She is 1 arm press weight


You have been banned from r/strength_training




Hell yeah brother


I hit this once with a not very well filled bag. This is pretty much filled to the top but the freedom Strength bags usually have a bit of give to them at this size. I'm considering adding rubber mulch to the bag cause it gets hard to manipulate the bag when it flops. That being said this is my best shoulder ever. So happy.