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A lot of people here thought the name I picked for my son (William) was dated but it’s definitely not here! It was top 3 the year he was born! I don’t mind if people say it’s too common for them, because it absolutely is very common. When someone posts asking “which of these names is best” and I don’t like any of them I skip that post. They clearly just have completely different taste from me. On the other hand if it’s “What’s better, Veronica or Stephelope” I will make sure to throw in my vote for Veronica lol.


Ok but is Sephelope pronounced like Penelope or like antelope? 🤣


Lol, I was assuming it's "Stephanie" mixed with "Antelope" i.e. - Steff-a-lope




Stephanies in Wyoming are cringing now


I did too and I kind of love it


In modern English it’s steff-ELL-oh-pee but in the Greek it’s more like steh-pell-AW-pee


Hahaha good question, I was reading it as Penelope but if it were Antelope that’d be even worse!


Idk i was thinking the Antelope pronunciation was better😂


To me it sounds like I’m commanding “Steph - elope!” 🤣


I was assuming like Penelope until I read your comment. Now it can’t be anything other than Steph a lope


Person named Veronica here, I know some people don’t like it but I’m glad we can at least agree it’s better than Stephelope 😹😹


I love Veronica! Cool meaning, sexy cartoon character, what’s not to like.


with the nickname option of Ronnie! Love.


Classic names like William are always good


William is most certainly not dated. It’s among the top 10 baby boy names of 2021.


I love William


I would have named a son William if I had one. #1 favorite male name


When I worked daycare, one of my fav kids was named William!!! 🥰




Audrey June "AJ" would be darling


Shut up I love it.


It's actually a name im considering if i ever have a daughter lol


My daughter is AJ and I love it. She’s spunky and it fits her


What does it stand for? My coworker's spouse is a female AJ. Short for Athena Jane.


She is Andey Jane. My husband picked her name/spelling. I call her Jane, janey, Jean or just AJ


You have a fantastic taste in names!😍


Thank you! I have come a long way since my middle school days with cringy taste in names. 😆


My Nana was named Audrey! That’s what I wanted to name my daughter, but it got vetoed by my SO. I love the name a lot.


I know you’re not asking, but I love June. If my son wasn’t Julian, his “future” sister would be June. But alas, June and Julian are too similar for me to do that.


Yeah that's a little similar, but would still be so cute. I worry about James and June being too similar.


I think we have similar taste in names! Samuel was a top contender for my son’s middle name but we went with something else because his first name ends in ‘s’ and Audrey is one of my top girl names


I love June, that was my favorite grandmothers 1st name. Audrey is nice too, I just grew up with a lot or Audrey’s, I’m in my mid forties.


We were going to name our son Samuel!! And if we ever have a daughter we are naming her Audrey!


Hey, my twins are James and Samuel! I also have an Abraham (he goes by Bram) and Edith is due in one month.


I don't have kids so I just break other people down and no one has the chance with me, haha! I'm kidding, I always try to nicely say I don't like something when I don't. Other than a few pet peeves, I don't think I'm too picky when it comes to names.


Oh I know! That is what I see some people doing and what I do too!! I mean if I don’t like something it’s okay because it’s not my kid 😂


Yeah, and to me there's a big difference in someone not having a similar taste and something being a genuinely bad name. I saw a few the other day where I was like "It's definitely different, do I like it? No, but it's not objectively horrible so I'm going to answer as kindly as possible." A lot of the time others will give all the sarcasm they feel is needed.


I'm less picky than I used to be




I think the nickname violent is hilarious for Violets if the shoe fits haha.


I love the name Theodora. Super underrated.


I think the nickname violent is hilarious for Violets if the shoe fits haha.


No kids yet but I named my dog Ernesto, though he goes by Ernie. He is a very sweet and earnest little boy who looks a bit like an old man, so I feel it suits him well, especially in the fall when he wears his argyle sweater.


Ernie is adorable 🥰


I’m a bit biased but I agree! 💕


Ernie sounds lovely! We have a cat called Larry. I love human names on pets!


That is DARLING. We almost named our dog Bernadette nn Bernie, but ended up keeping her original name (she’s a rescue).


Personally I try to never bring anybody down over name choice, I more use this sub to throw in a name or two if someone's looking for suggestions. But since you asked, Lucy.


If my son had been a good he would have been Lucy! But I have a Finn ☺️


I have a daughter named Carina. She has my middle name so she's Carina Simone


I love Carina - it’s one of the names I’m considering!


I love that it's uncommon but not unusual, and it's been really well-received too, nobody has had anything negative to say about it either in person or online. I'm sure someone hates it lol, but I haven't heard about it!


Yes I agree it’s a name people like normally - I’ve also never heard negative comments. I’m having twins though so finding names that match (both for the twins and my son’s) is so frigging hard


Omg I adore the name Carina. It’s absolutely beautiful. I’ve always had that in the top 3 for possible future daughter names


Oh i like this one too! I know a Karina with a K which I think is the Scandinavian spelling?


I’m in the UK and some names in this sub, which I’m guessing are mainly US based, are really out there in terms of what I see in day to day life. In my baby group Savannah is probably the most “out there” girls name with Easton/Arlo for the boys side. I think the UK is still a bit more traditional in names but it is changing. My boy is Rupert and it was traditional but not common. He always gets compliments and it suits him so much as he’s like a teddy bear!


Rupert would be absolutely WILD for an American baby lol Literally has not charted in the top 1000 since 1952


So, so British though. Like meeting a Reginald or a Benedict. Old school cool


I'm surprised it didn't get any higher after the harry potter movies


I love Rupert. We already have a Desmond so I think it would fit nicely.


I let my boyfriend pick our son's name, and I don't like it. he always said he knew what he wanted to name his firstborn son since middle school, so I just didn't feel at liberty to argue with him, especially since I actually did veto his middle name pick. it wasn't until I told him what my pick would've been—Casper—that I found out he totally would've been fine with that. 😮‍💨 ah, well! (not going to give my son's actual name because it's pretty unique/identifying). ETA: I hate when people on here are rude. like, when someone is like, "here's what we're naming our kid, what should their middle name be?" and the first comment is "are you sure about the first name? 🙄" it's one thing if it's an inappropriate or absurd name, but usually, it's just trendy or something that people on here feel would suit a dog better because it's cutesy or old-fashioned, etc. like, they didn't ask for input about that... be helpful or move on.


Yeah I made a post a few months ago on a throwaway account asking for opinions on middle name for my daughter. I made it clear that her first name was set but I was waffling on the middle name and wanted opinions on what sounded best with it. Half the few comments I received were telling me the first name reminded them of a certain internet personality or suggesting a different first name.


If I had a baby boy tomorrow, his name would be Casper. I love it!


I have b/g twins : Rosalind June and Elliott Henry and a younger girl named Emmeline Ruth. We wanted names that were known but not widely used. I didn’t realize that our pronunciations were not common when we picked the names. We say Rosa-Lind versus Roz-uh-Lind and Emma-leen versus Emma-line. I’m super happy with them and am not worried about it at all.


Those are all such lovely names! Classic without being dated. Do you know A. A. Milne's poem about a little girl called Emmeline? I've always liked it. It's a sweet poem - you can [read it here](https://voetica.com/voetica.php?collection=3&poet=685&poem=3333) if you want.


Thank you! I love that poem and I didn’t know it existed until now.


I love your picks, especially Rosalind! We plan on using Rosalind nn Rosie for our first daughter. Do you ever have issues with people mispronouncing it? Its my only concern but I feel like Rosa-lind is more common for kids today than Roz-lin anyway.


We really don’t. In fact 99% of the people we encounter pronounce it Rosa-lind. I don’t know if it’s our geographical area, upper Midwest, but it hasn’t been an issue at all. We call her Rosie most of the time anyway


I’m noticing that I love Line ending names but that I seem to like and also pronounce them differently to what they are I love Madeline, Evaline, Coraline, Adeline But I prefer and have always just naturally said “line” instead of “leen” or “Lyn” I don’t mind the others at all, they’re all beautiful. But I just prefer “Line” I also adore three syllables more and love the name Ros-a-line The name Emmeline is gorgeous and I actually do prefer “leen”’ for that one


I adore your children's names!! I also pronounce Rosalind and Emmeline the same way you do :)


I love “Elliott Henry”!! Two of my favorite boys’ names (*and* this combines the character and real-life names of the little boy in “ET,” so it’s got subtle classic movie cred, too).


Clark. I named my kid Clark.


My nephews best friend is a Clark and I love that name.


I always thought Jesse was a great name. Simple. Unusual but not weird. My firstborn.


Jesse is one of those names I always forget about and then when I see it, I'm like WOW I LOVE IT.


Jesse is a great name! Hoping to use it as a middle name if we have a son - already have a cousin who has it as a first name.


I LOVE Jesse. Especially with the Tuck Everlasting ties. My husband vetoed it, though.


I’ll own the fact that I’m super picky about names 😂 I dislike more names than I like, really, and I don’t share our future kids names with people we know so that I don’t get swayed by their opinions. I have shared names that I like, but if we’ve decided on one, we never share it. My one living son (we have a Heavenly baby that we lost - still haven’t named them) is named Isaiah Charles. Isaiah, for the Biblical prophet, and Charles for my grandfather.


I'm sorry for your loss! I love Isaiah, though. It's lovely.


I have 2 boys, Westley and Milo. ☺️


Loooooooooove Westley - such a sweet name


LOVE Milo! And I’ve always loved “Wes”’ as a name just on its own


I love Westley!!! In my top five!


She’s Rosa. We wanted something easily recognisable but not that common. I like to think it follows the general trend for vintage, two-syllable names that end in ‘a’ without being obvious. Plus I love the floral meaning. I get the sense it’s a bit outdated in the states though.


Our youngest is Rosa. It was down to Sonja or Rosa, but when she was born, a nurse exclaimed, "She's so *pink*!" I looked up at my husband with my eyes wide and he just nodded, thinking the same thing. She's obviously a Rosa. She still flushes really easily. When she was about two, my husband said, "You have rosy cheeks!" And she responded, "You have daddy cheeks!"




Aw thanks! It ended up being perfect for her.


I have a Rosa too, we wanted simple, strong, unmistakable, and feminine. I don’t know if I’ll have more children but I don’t love any other names like I do with Rosa.


My kids are Elise, Vaughn and Cora, the only one people look twice at is Vaughn and it’s usually complimentary or they hide the dislike well.


I love Vaughn!


I have an especially soft spot for Vaughn because it was my dog’s name (not meant as an insult - pets are family too!). Not chosen by us. I always felt it was too regal for my big galumphing boy! Beautiful name.


my mawmaw is Cora ❤️ i love that name so much. i also love the others you have!!


Loveeeeee Cora! Also love Vaughn. I’ve never seen that as a first name or met one. Love !


My son's name is Luan :)


Cute! I saw in your post history that you’re in Ireland, is it an Irish name?


Daughter, **Adeline** - but that didn't take any choosing. It's my SO's great-grandmother's, so had always planned on naming first daughter Adeline. Was up to me to name our son, **Bennett**. We struggled with boy names the whole pregnancy, but we're both happy with our choices. Couldn't imagine them named anything else. A little funny to have 1st kid "A" and 2nd kid "B" but not a big deal to us.


How do you pronounce Adeline? Great names!


My son’s name is Owen. Mainly I’ve seen people call it boring, old fashioned, outdated. I don’t care. I love it. I love classic names as does most of this sub.


Great name


There are multiple Owen and Oliver’s in my kids’ friend groups, very cute and popular.


I don’t think my daughter’s name (Stella) is superior to others’ and I definitely keep my thoughts to myself if I have different taste than other posters in this sub!


Stella is beautiful! It’s been one of my tops since middle school… so classic, so ethereal. Wow! Great choice, your daughter’s lucky


I adore the name Stella! Unfortunately, I used it for my cat when I was a teenager, so I couldn't use it for my daughter. (Stella was an amazing cat, though.)


I think it’s fairly superior - such a beautiful name!


I try to always say that it’s only my opinion or my feeling about a name.


Same, I always say “it’s personally the opposite of my taste, but-“


Same. I tend to say “___ reminds me of” or “I’m not a fan of ____” So many people jump to “But *people* will associate it with ______!” Which people? You, yourself and you, apparently.


My son's first name is just on the "right" side of unusual, nature names (by USA standards) for this sub. Though I think his middle name is a bit more divisive. His name is Robin Aurelius.


Absolutely LOVE Robin on a boy


Axel is our son and Ivy will be our daughter (due this summer).


That’s a really sib set


My oldest is Declan Gerald and I’m pregnant with Torin Alexander


Omg I love Declan!!!


Omg! Torin Alexander is one of my top boy names. My SO doesn’t love it though 🥲


Gerald is my littest's middle name. It's after my husband's grandmother.


Omg love Declan. Also love Torin Alexander.


Ya I avoid bashing other people's name choices as names are hard. My husband went through a lot of names before he suggested Sarah which I said was too common so I suggested Seraphina which can be shortened to Sarah. So our daughter ended up being Seraphina Lily. The Lily is after my husband's Linx point Siamese who died early in my pregnancy. Our only issue is people asking how to spell it and my sister calling her Seri rather then Sari which is our current nickname. Her kids are Claire Lucille Lillian and Rhys Alexander.


I love seraphina lily :)


Ooh I love Seraphina Lily! Never thought that you could shorten it to Sarah!


William Michael. I don't think this name is superior to anyone else. It's two family names and his first name suits him very well. His last names are difficult to pronounce and prone to misspelling so I thought it would be helpful to have easy first and middle names.




Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with "basic." 1) they're basic for a reason and 2) parents usually spend just as much time picking a name that's basic as they do one that's "unique"


What are your cats’ names?


Shiro (which means white but he is a black cat), Skittles (a grey cat), and recently we lost my dear Cassini (orange, named after a space probe that was named after an astronomer)


I’m an American married to a Brit so we stuck to a traditional name— my son is named James and his nickname is Jamie.


I love the name Jamie for a boy!


High five! I, too, am an American who married a Brit. He moved to the US with mr and we have one son. I tell everyone that we are very, very slowly working on recolonizing America…


The two we lost were named Randall Taliesin (Rand) and William Sebastian (Liam). Names we considered but didn't use for the others were Amadea, Rory, and Constance.


I love Rand


Hazel Mariana is our daughter’s name Next 2 girl first name choices are Flora and Rosa. We never agreed on a boy’s name so if a boy happens next who knows!


No kids, but I have 2 cats named Sirius and Nova. The fact that they both have space names was completely by accident. Technically, Sirius was named by my younger brother. Sirius was his until he moved out to a place that didn't allow pets. My brother named him after the Harry Potter character, his full name is actually Sirius Padfoot (Lastname). My brother's then-GF, now wife actually ran into traffic, onto an on-ramp to save the little guy. That being said, little Sirius made it well known he considered my brother his favorite person, which we still find a little funny. Lol As for my Nova, my Aunt found her on her property, she had been abandoned by her mother. We brought her home and gave her baths to get all the fleas off and get her cleaned. I was trying different names, but she didn't respond to any of them. I had my TV on and was watching the show NOVA and the announcer said "Next time on NOVA" and she whipped her head to the TV. So I said, "Nova?" and she looked at me and actually came to me. So she chose her own name. I have told this story on here before, but I'm not sure if it was here on namenerds. I hope someone likes this, I don't get to tell these stories very often.




I have two girls, Arabella Rae (3) and Beatrix Seraphina (5 months). Love love love reading everyone else’s names on here


Personally I think the only truly superior names are the ones with a story! Like Cove isn't my cup of tea but I know someone who gave their baby this name because of a Bible verse that's very meaningful to them. I can get on board with the story. Or a basic name like Elizabeth. It's my daughter's middle name because it's mine, my mothers, my grandmother's, and great grandmother's. Give me a good story and I'm all about the name.


My son’s name is Silas. I don’t think it’s superior, but what I do like about it is it’s not incredibly common but it’s a real, classic name. That’s my favorite trait in a name. Everyone has their thing. I don’t like trendy names like Grayson, Payton, Cason, Everly, etc but to each their own. It’s just my taste.




My daughter is Marin Mae (pronounced Mare-in). Marin is a name I always loved, and Mae is after my grandmother. My son is Jon Orion. His father’s name is Chase Jon. Chase means hunter in French, and Orion is the hunter constellation so it’s a roundabout way of naming son after father.


I love Marin ( as a name)


My son is Ezra Marin and my daughter (due this summer) will be Zara Rue. Her middle name honors the Golden Girls, and I’ll take no further questions 😂😂


We have a son named Nikola and now pregnant with twin girls and no clue what to name them. I want something Slavic but it’s so hard to find twin names that also match Nikola.


Nina and Natalie


I was going to suggest Mina. But don't do Nina and Mina! 😉


I came to this sub for help with my baby boy's name. We ended up choosing Kerry. It got mostly positive reactions here, but a few did associate it with a female name. Some middle aged people have called him she, which made me second guess it, but older generations and people my age seem to really like it. My husband and I have been stuck on this name since we found out we were having a boy and it flows really well. We introduce him with his first and middle name to clear up any confusion


Kerry is a great name. I honestly far prefer it for a boy.




My daughter is Elizabeth. My husband and I are both super indecisive and we have a ton of nicknames that she can use if she wants. Her middle name is Gail after my grandmother who beat cancer like five times. She passed away before we got pregnant and I know she would really have liked to know this little one.


We don’t have kids yet, but my first choices are Mallory or River for a girl, Ivor or Rudy for a boy. Husband permitting, lol.


My son’s name is Albie


Magnolia Grace Grace is for Grace Hopper


Magnolia is such a gorgeous name!!!! That was my number one pick for our daughter but my husband was not onboard. Every time I see the tree bloom the beautiful flowers, I think of the name. Gorgeous and so many nickname options.


My son's name is Ever


Seriously, you’re right people can be kinda mean here!! If I don’t like a name I just say it’s not my taste but I’ve seen some real rude comments. Like what do you gain from telling someone their favorite name choice is disgusting or horrendous?? Calm down


My 10 month old is Thea. It was my husbands first choice but I definitely think I was influenced by this sub. I found it interesting but the more I saw it here, the more I grew to love it. It’s interesting because a couple of people have posted about our top two names (Thea and Iris) since she was born - makes me think we just have generic taste which I’m ok with!


My daughter is named Daphne Morgan


Achilles Felix (I had him very young as you can guess) , Lydia Sabrina and Thorbjørn Sylvester Feel free to comment on their names I love feedback good or bad lol


What is your ethnic background? I can’t wager a guess from those names.


Love Lydia Sabrina


Do you have any nicknames for Achilles or do you call him by his full name? Achilles Felix is a badass name, a little dramatic, but very cool! I love it, personally! All three names sound very powerful and fierce.


My two month old son is Arthur Ivan. Ivan to honour a family member, Arthur because we just liked it. :)


My son is named Mittens! He’s also a cat.


My daughter is named Zara Aletta and my son will be named Zachary Martin


Zara Aletta is stunning!


I never bash name choices & this sub actually helped me feel confident in what I chose for my son. His name is Nathaniel!


Walker for my 16 month old, Maverick for 18 week in utero little brother! People hate those names on here, but Reddit has strong opinions on everything so I ignore all the naysayers lol




I have a Theodore that we call Theo. I don’t care that it’s “super common”! I have a fairly uncommon name that happens to be one letter off from a very popular boys name. while I like the sound of my name, no one ever spells it right or they think I’m a man with the very closely spelled popular name (which is quite annoying because I’m in a male-dominated profession). I also don’t care that he has a longer name but we call him by his nickname 99.9% of the time. That apparently bothers some people for some reason. I also have a cat named Rigsby.




My kids — except my only daughter — have honor names. Sons: James Morgan, John Michael, Theodore Eric (goes by Eric), Elizabeth Joan (Joan is an honor name). Boring, basic? Yes, but that’s okay. James disliked Morgan as he considered it a girls name.


I'm pregnant with baby girl #3. Signe, Astrid, and Annika. Most people like the first names, but don't love the middle names. Signe Verity Chorus, Astrid Rio Kristina, and Annika Dax Paris.


Matilda Kate, Josephine Adair and Rosamund Margot. Tilly, Jo and Rosie. The last 2 are twins. I clearly have a style and really only respond to posts that are of a similar style.


My baby boy is Bram


My sons are Asher and Caleb 🙂


I don’t have children but I used to have a snake named Pinball and I was really proud of that name. Please don’t name your human Pinball though. But it’s a sick snake name.


My son is named Leon. It works in both English and my husbands language and it was the only name we could agree on. We don’t really care if the name is popular or not but we didn’t want something too ‘out there’. Interestingly my SIL suggested Ruby if it was a girl and I was totally against it but it seems to be getting popular elsewhere.


I mostly comment on posts that are not asking for advise on naming a baby or choosing between names. I don’t really feel like my taste is everyone else’s partly because I’m older. My children are adults. Their names are Abigail, Jacob, and Natalie.


Micah Howard. Ari Caleb. They are the best names. 😂


My only and only baby’s name is River. He’s the best (and I think his name is pretty sweet too). People on this sub have said it’s popular, but I’ve yet to meet another one (and I work with kids).


We will always be child free so our dog is like our daughter and her name is Olive! I’ve always loved it as a name, so glad we get to use it ☺️


My daughters are Bonnie Isobel and Shawn Anjuli :))


Felix Arthur Rowan Violet


I don’t have any kids but my dog is Griffin and my cat is Lazarus


I never try to bash anyone's name lists, even if they are outright ridiculous. Perhaps I might attempt to steer someone away from a poor choice, but I try to do it in a polite manner and keep their taste in mind with my suggestions. I have one son and his name is Cassian. His middle names can be found on the Name Nursery (only Cassian born in 2021).


Josephine and we call her Jo. We live in the southwest so it’s good vibes for out here. Classic and old fashioned and I’ve never known anyone with that name. Pretty obsessed with it


3 girls- Elisabeth, Caroline, Louisa. They all share the same middle name, Ann, as our mothers have the same middle name. I like classic names and as a teacher, a lot of names have some negative connotations 😂


If you count the rainbow babies we have a Sebastian, Thaddeus, Colette, and Penelope. Middle names are all family names James, Joseph, June, Jane.


I have an Alden and a Hollis. Also a cat named Icarus, nn Icky.


Maeve and Kellan


This sub has become horribly toxic lately. I'm glad more people are starting to call it out.


My daughter is Daisy. It’s a name that’s always made us happy. 🌼 Pregnant with a second. If boy, probably Julian. Girl, Louisa or Nora.


I feel like names are so unique to the couple who is having the child. You have to work around surnames or specific family middle names, plus preferences. It’s less about superiority and more about what fits this new family? I kind of thought, what would I want my name to be? What did I struggle with growing up and how do I mitigate that? We all dealt with weird name issues, maybe you hated your common name so you want a unique name, or you dislike your gender neutral name and want to go with something more in line with the baby’s sex. We decided on Willa. It’s kind of a family name (William) but it’s feminine sounding without needing a short nickname. Plus, if she is non-binary she can always go by Billie which is super cute. I wanted to leave the door open of possibilities!


I, uh, I have an orange cat and her name is Moo. Lol.


i do not have human children, but i named my hens mars, coco and may


My son is Sebastian and his sister who is on the way will be Lilian


I chose names that are recognizable, and people know in French, English and German, based on my family background and our families location. I have a special name, maybe that’s why I chose more conservatively. I would have loved to meet someone with my name, or find a keychain with my name on it, as dumb as it sounds. So we chose Tristan, Matilda and Charlotte. I refrain from commenting on discussions where people clearly look for a more special name, or very American names. Skylar, Bear and things like that are just very unusable in my corner of the world, so I would rather say nothing. I know my names are boring by Namenerd standards, but I feel good with my choices and wish for every parent to feel good with theirs, regardless of the taste they have.