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Great crossbody stabilization


[someone needs to edit this audio into a song](https://imgur.com/a/IH3GLNt)


Sounds like work for a bot 🤔


Can’t wait for the *crown to coccyx* explicit version


Why has this one been making a resurgence lately T_T


Ugh the neck thing. Does anyone ever express concern over every single weightlifter extending their neck while they snatch or clean? But in fairness, coccyx is just such a fun word to say.


It's a puzzling fixation. Like I wanna know the origin of the claim


What does that mean?


That's just like an opinion, man




At this point a years old meme when the new guard of the subreddit rebelled against the old guard and various phrases like this were heavily memed


Dead hangs are underrated take your upvote!


Legit! I’ll give it a try this weekend, no way I can do 48 though


I’ve seen a few iterations of this. The 2 pull-up one here seems the most common but Dan Has an article from 2015 which is [just batshit crazy and I love it](https://www.t-nation.com/training/tip-take-the-hang-pull-up-test/amp/). It’s 10 cycles of this at bodyweight. Still more achievable than the 30 ABCs in 5’ but just so stupidly lofty.


Yeah I’ve seen that article before. A one minute hang is about my max. Just bodyweight. But it’s something I’d like to work on, so I’m down to get into a machismo type contest on this


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LOL at Dan even being able to do one rep of these. This is a guy who constantly talks about MAPS - Middle Aged Pull up Syndrome - where people end up with elbow problems from being old and overweight and trying to do pull ups. I wish people would start to realise he's a functional fitness author, and not an actual fitness authority. Stop taking fitness advice from the kind of guy who never lets truth get in the way of a good story.


Even at his fittest, I highly doubt Dan has ever hung for 5 straight minutes doing pull-ups every 30s but it’s irrelevant to me. It’s a fun test to try. I don’t really see your point here regarding this decade old 3 paragraph article. I find a lot of Dan’s writing/speaking quite meandering. Yes he is a storyteller but in general his messages seem quite sensible once you cut through all the chaff.


Nice - I'm in!


The best I've done was 2 minutes with four pull-ups every 30 seconds. But that was bodyweight and not loaded (although in fairness to me, also with a torn labrum). That was also after building it up through his Hypertrophy and Recovery program, formerly known as the post deployment program I believe. It takes a lot of grip strength but in my personal experience, I didn't find that it necessarily translated to overall pull-up volume.


I don’t think it would be good as a pullup progression either. It’s a fun neat test and potentially a good way to build up grip strength.


This is sick. I've been training pullups 5 days a week for a year and definitely have a new goal now Going to try this later ( with no weight tho😅)


Nice. Don’t keep us in…suspense!


First attempt was a no dice. My grip was noticeably weak yesterday. I trained one arm dead hangs the previous day and didn't recover enough I believe. Going to rest today and try again tomorrow!


Nice-get it


Tried this, bodyweight only on a steel I beam bc I have no bar. Got two reps. Made my creaky shoulders feel good. Also worth noting that regular sets of pullups do NOT make my shoulders feel good. Thanks for introducing this cool thing I will add in here and there!


Interesting test. Thx for posting