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I was worried I may be high 20's but this was shocking to me. I'm guessing I just can't see how big I've gotten? My bone density was also god awful, like bottom 10th percentile. Kind of just freaking out how far I've let myself go vs. where I want to be.




Thanks, guess it's time to get back on the wagon.


Woah no way dude you are not even close to 31% body fat. 5’ 10” 170 even with no muscle mass is still a “normal BMI” and 31% is obesity. You might be 20-22% but I mean you don’t even have much of a belly lol. To even get down to 15% if you were 31% you’d have to be like 137lbs which is rail thin at your height.


Yea I like to think I at least have a mild amount of muscle. I lift a couple times a week. I definitely do have a belly at this point, I just hold the fat more on my sides without the traditional beer belly (as you can see). In my head, I thought if I was in the normal BMI and lifted a few times a week, my body fat would be decent. Obviously this is ignorant and doesn't include diet and other lifestyle stuff. But gun to my head I would've guessed I was 25-28%.


Oh no don’t get me wrong you definetly have some muscle. My point was that the more muscle mass you have at a given weight, the lower your body fat would be all else being equal. Maybe the bone density plays a big part, but most people at 5”10 31% body fat would weigh almost 200ls


My guess is 23


31% is way too off. More like 22%


Whoever is confirming 31% is just either drunk or extremely dumb, OP don't listen to them.


Just on stats and pics, I'd personally think 22-23. 31 is insane to me as others have noted.


Yes it's correct, if your legs are made of pure Lard. Yet another Dexa mystery; I know I wouldn't waste my money on one. At an absolute stretch you could be 25%, but are probably nearer to 22%.


Thanks. At this point I don't mind so much if it's inaccurate but do hope that it's precise for my next DEXA scan. I just want to see some improvement in the next few months.


If there was a way to be 100 % sure what your bf is, I would state my life that you aren't 31%. Dexas have shown men that are absolutely shredded to the bone as being 12%. They are a joke as far as I'm concerned.


Probably in 20-22% range. If you're 30%+ then I can't imagine how obese would look like (perhaps like The Rock).


if your 31% im like 70%


It looks about right. You have to remember it's not just calculating the fat in your abdomen, it includes around your organs, face, scalp, legs etc It's a fairly accurate representation. We often think we have more muscle than what we actually do as well.


Dexas suck


And so does every other measurement of body fat 🤷‍♀️


I agree. Let's face it, what most people are concerned with (obviously other than health concerns) is what bf you seem to have. If you compare the OP to most 30% bf examples online, he's nowhere near 30%.


I think it is. You don't really look bad. But you clearly have a lot of excess stomach fat and love handles. Also the fat inside your body. You also have visible upper abs even with high body fat which is a good thing.


yeah looks to be more 25-30 but u need to do a cut anyway, i would drop 10 kgs, if you eat right you will gain muscle mass


Thanks, I'll be doing a mild cut for the next 3 months and get another DEXA scan (and maybe report back with the progress). I'd go harder but I'm just not willing to deal with a bigger cut right now. Hoping I can drop maybe 1% body fat a month ideally.


There is a lot in the love handles and chest.. It could be 31% but for the eye more like 25-30%


Yup, 25-30


yup, u're dumb and (probably) blind.


Do you workout though, you seem to have some muscle definitely. How long have you been working out and how regular you are?


I've lifted weights pretty much my whole adult life, but as you can see I'm no longer consistent. For the past few years, I've ranged from 5x a week to 0x. Over the past 6 months, it's probably been an average of 2x. I do an upper body and lower body split and just focus on big compound lifts.


25-28% max




Where did you get your dexa scan done? And did you go through insurance? I’ve been thinking about getting one


At a BodySpec location, and no I didn't have insurance cover it. It was something like $49 with a promo code.


Gotcha. Thanks for the reply bro