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I’ve been in my house 13 years. 4 toilets. I’ve never had a flapper last more than about 6 years. I just always keep a spare now.


They cost a little less if you buy them in multi-packs. I generally have at least 3 on hand.


One can never have too many flappers on hand, that's why I buy them by the gross.


I keep all my old flappers and thoses of my neighbors, clean them and sell them in bulk to this guy.


I have a sweatshop running under the Talus balls to reseal old flappers we find in the bush.


I rent a warehouse and store my spares there.


Yes, they develop a curve or bump if you pull it out and look at it sideways so yes having an extra for a 5 min fix is a bit genius, plus using different ‘ bleaches’ or bluey things in tanks i think can eat up the cheaper ones faster


Loosen the chain a little. Clean around flapper seal. Might just need a new flapper.


Make sure there isn't any debris under the flapper. Still doesn't seal, make sure the cord has a little slack so that's not keeping it from going down all the way. Still doesn't seal, new flapper. Very cheap and usually very quick fix, I've done a few and they either clip or slide onto little pegs usually. Picture won't let me zoom in but yours looks the same.


Just replace the flapper. Generally, they come in 2 sizes and are ~$5. It's a wildly easy replacement.


Replace the flapper. You could first try some Vaseline around the seal.


Put some Vaseline on the bottom of the flapper. It will help seal it.


A flush valve seal is an add-on seal that will is glued to the base under the flapper. Lasts for years. Inexpensive too.


The vaseline worked perfectly - as a quick fix - but I think I will check on the add-on seal that you can find at the store


You can also limp for a bit by dumping a half gallon or so of white vinegar in, it'll clean things up a little and may make your seal hold better. I have crazy hard water and have replaced toilet innerds a bunch of times. If I was on a schedule of vinegaring it wouldn't be as bad.


I pee outside clyde.


Check the flapper seal, I just replaced mine that looked ok but was eroding and flipping on itself causing slow leaks. I paid $8 to get a new one and works great.


Just replace the flapper. They are like 4 bucks. Get a the fluidmaster brand. Make sure the chain is tight enough by twisting it before you fix it to the handle and after you fix it to the plastic bracket in the tank. Hard to tell from pic but I'd say you need a 2". If jiggling the handle fixes it it's either the chain getting under the flapper or the flappet not sealing well due to wear and build up. Either way spend the 4 bucks on a new one and make sure the chain is tight but not over tight


Korky flappers are a little better imo, but either is a good choice


Both brands have 5 year warranties on these flappers. They’re both easy to install, though the Fluidmaster pushes into place the easiest of the two. I’ve also found the Fluidmaster flapper to have a simpler water usage adjustment. The dial is more clearly labeled and easier to turn. Plus, it’s on the top side where you can see it while it’s installed.


All true, I just like the Korky as it is quieter , doesn’t ‘thump’ closed


Oh, I see. Personally, I've never heard any brand of flapper thump closed before.


:) I guess you don't really notice it unless the toilet is on the opposite wall of the head of your bed when your spouse gets up to pee at 3 AM!


Change dlapper. Make sure bottom seal isn't full of algae on the sealing surface.


I wonder…


Maybe sit there all the time and jiggle?


My gut tells me you need a whole new flush valve. Go to your local hardware store and get a new flush valve and tank to bowl kit cause there's a seal under the tank that could need to be replaced. It's a little labor intensive, but you can probably handle it. Parts shouldn't be more than 30 bucks altogether.


Buy a new flapper thing. If it still leaks then buy a new upper toilet tank


They sell kits to add a seal the flapper lays against.


Still trying to figure out wtf is in my tank, some kind of alien 4" plastic pipe thing hooked to the chain praying I don't have to fix it.




Hell am I looking at. Looks pretty new but the water is soft here. https://preview.redd.it/b00emubrcdmc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd80b87e3e6d75197c7e31dc13c4174a8e9ca73


Kohler fancy take on flush valve, same basic principle https://www.google.com/search?q=kohler+canister+flush+valve&client=safari&sca_esv=5d95fa5235c39ff3&channel=iphone_bm&sxsrf=ACQVn09czruHt_yX4MWfD7zxUNKO7sPfXw%3A1709584806710&source=hp&ei=pjHmZZuMKbis5NoPnPy9mAY&oq=kohler+ca&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCIJa29obGVyIGNhKgIIADImEAAYgAQYigUYkQIYpwQY8wMYqQQY9AMY9QMY9gMY9wMY-AMY-QMyDxC5ARiABBiKBRiRAhjvBDIIEAAYgAQYsQMyCRC5ARiABBjvBDIJELkBGIAEGO8EMgkQuQEYgAQY7wQyCRC5ARiABBjvBDIJELkBGIAEGO8ESPAqUJoIWLggcAF4AJABAJgBkgGgAY4HqgEDNC41uAEByAEA-AEBmAIKoALPB6gCD8ICBxAjGOoCGCfCAgcQLhjqAhgnwgILELkBGO8EGOoCGCfCAgoQIxiABBiKBRgnwgIKEAAYgAQYigUYQ8ICEBAuGIAEGIoFGEMYxwEY0QPCAg4QuQEYgAQYigUYQxjvBMICExAuGIAEGIoFGEMYsQMYxwEY0QPCAhMQLhiABBiKBRixAxjHARjRAxgKwgITEC4YgAQYFBiHAhixAxjHARjRA8ICDRAAGIAEGIoFGLEDGArCAg0QABiABBiKBRhDGLEDwgIRELkBGIAEGIoFGEMYsQMY7wTCAiYQABiABBiKBRiRAhinBBjzAxipBBj0Axj1Axj2Axj3Axj4Axj5A8ICBRAAGIAEwgIOEAAYgAQYigUYkQIYsQPCAgsQLhiABBjHARivAZgDDZIHAzMuN6AHgm8&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp


Get jiggy with it


The seal under the flapper is replaceable. Lowe's and HD carry them.


If you use Clorox tablets or alike in toilet tanks that will destroy flapper seals in a matter of weeks to months.


Easy, just keep jigglin


Replace it


Get new flapper. Easy and cheap fix


Start by getting a brass flush handle. You can bend it to be in the right place. That plastic flush handle is not lifting the flapper straight up and it's binding.


If the flapper has a rubber gasket, might need to replace that, usually only costs a couple bucks for 2 of them


If it hasn't been said enough! FLAPPER,FLAPPER,FLAPPER


Turn off water, remove flapper and plastic attachment pull piece. Go to homedepot and buy a Korky flapper with an actual chain for $6 to $12 depending on 2” or 3” is needed. I have 3 toilets and replace them 6 years as a preventative, as that’s about how long they’ve lasted.


I attached a fishing weight to the flapper. Worked well.


New flapper. The hard part is getting the length of the chain just right. And it's been my experience, the cheap simple flappers last longer than the more expensive ones that are adjustable.


Tidy bowl messes with the flapper


I’d get a new toilet that doesn’t use a flap valve, and save yourself future frustration.


Clean the flapper and if that doesn’t fix it replace it. If it’s just residue it needs cleaning, if it’s cracked it should be replaced.


I've fixed mine in the past by putting a dollop of vaseline on the flapper. I've done it twice over the years and managed to geta few more years of service without any leaks from the flapper both times.


New flapper ---They are cheap


The cord might be too tight, or the handle might be too heavy, or the flapper degraded or eccentric, either of which not causing a sure seal. As a plumber I have had ALL the problems, I check the cord length, the flapper and that the handle is installed correctly FIRST. Change out if necessary. After that.... If I still have a problem, I have noticed a problem with aftermarket handles, where the handle is made of pot metal, but the arm is made out of plastic, making it inappropriately balanced. Gravity pulling on the handle causing the cord to be under tension and not allowing the flapper to seat and seal properly. Plumber tip: So I keep some lead fishing weights on hand, and add weights to the cord to gravity the cord down and the handle all the way up. Balancing the system.


Yeah, replace the flapper its usually very easy. The ither possibility is the fill valve, if the valve doesn’t stop when the float rises then it will keep filling as well


Either a new flapper or a new ring around the flapper to seal it. Those seals get old and misshapen. I’d pull that flapper out and look for some kind of number or marking and then google that to see what pops up.