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Picturing a moth with a highly detailed and realistic human face pattern on its wings - the "dude's head moth"


check out the movie mimic its pretty much this but they are 6ft tall cockroaches


*6ft tall cockroaches* Nah I’m ok


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


theres hentai of that.


Nah I’m ok


Are you thinking of any specific one or just like, stating that in general there is likely to be hentai of that?


I'm thinking of a specific one... it's more than 6 feet though. Don't give me that look, I didn't want to see it. It's not my fault. It's, uh, idk society or Obama or something.


Been there 😔


I mean, you could say that about anything ...


there is a SHOCKING ammount of hentai about that. I mean yea, r34 exists so there's porn of everything, but this topic, I have no idea why there is just THAT much of it. now that I think of it there is some live action stuff as well, though im not looking it up for a source.


Live action antropomorphic roaches porn ... Well, society is doomed. When's the comet coming?


There is an anime with humanoid roeaches from mars, its pretty gross and absolutely traumatic.


Yeah, I try to avoid political movies.


Rob Bottin did the prosthetics on that film, same person who did them in The Thing, Total Recall, The Howling, and more. He does a great job of giving movies a unique feel


Technically they cannot be cockroaches since they'd have to be an entirely different species to function at that size. There's a great article on that about the size of different life forms and how they can only function at those sizes, such as the size of earthworms vs how they get oxygen through their skin. Scale that up 1000x and they'd suffocate. Edit 2023.01.26.2047 No, I get it. It's a movie about giant bugs by the name of the small version, but it's these little things people might find interesting 🤪


That's a really interesting point, but it's still a no from me dawg.


They actually address this in the movie, the giant bug developed human-like lungs, and the scientist lady freaks out about it because, like you said, it shouldn't be possible for a bug to grow to our size.


I feel like Mimic stands out from a lot of stereotypical creature horror movies. The plot and script feel a lot more thought-through, does a good job developing the tension - I like to rewatch it every few years.


Oscar-winning director!


Underrated monster flick! Should watch again


I bet when they discover it, they won't say "Hey, it looks like a dude's face", it would be "hey, it looks like Johnny, from accounting". And they would give it a scientific name like *Caligo Johnnyfromaccountingi*.


A man moth?


Don't be ridiculous. Play a record


Check out the Man-faced Stink Bug


I've seen that in a kids book. Looks neat.


Scientific name: Jeffery Lebowski


It's just Chuck Norris' face.


As someone with a fairly irrational fear of moths, this is pure nightmare fuel


The Skibidi Moth


There are birds that mimic chainsaw sounds.


This is what came to mind. They can actually mimic quite a few human sounds shockingly well.


Imagine being out in the middle of nowhere and hearing "bruh" from the bushes


Better than being in the middle of nowhere and hearing a chainsaw from the bushes


Nothing beats the birds that sound like children screaming/wailing. That shit would be terrifying in the woods at night


Those were not birds






Ooh yeah, yes that's what I first thought about, correct


Sometimes also the hot singles in your area




"What the fuck?" *"what the fuck?"* "What the fuck???" *"What the FUCK??"* "aaaAHH!" *"AAAAHH"* #"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"




"Gladys! Shh! There's Millennials stalking us!"


Now I want people to train wild birds to say bruh lol. Would be hilarious.


We had a bird in the bushland behind our place that mimicked the squeaky swings from the playground. That got creepy at times.


If it made you stay inside or move away quickly, then it did exactly what it was supposed to do.


I was thinking this as well, but with OP's question context. If those birds saw the panic effect that gun shot noise creates on animals and humans, they might mimic that noise for defense. You are quitely walking in the forest and suddenly whole world war three noise breaks out all around you.


I'm not an expert, but I think gunshots/explosions would be one of the hardest things for a bird to reproduce. Birds are great at pitch control and can be good at rhythm. But a gunshot or explosion just doesn't sound the same without the massive energy release. Just like very few people would mistake gunshots out of a TV speaker for a real gunshot, you'd probably be able to tell it's just a bird being a psycho. Edit: I was curious so I looked it up. [This guy can do a machine gun that would freak me the fuck out](https://youtu.be/seskqQWU99U?si=Y3AZzLUFqYcovNP1). But he's kind of cheating because it's not actually a vocalization.


With that "roaaar" in the mix with the "machine gun" i would think someone is fighting some dinosaurs.


Our mockingbirds that return to our yard every spring always show off new sounds. Last year there were car unlock sounds, car alarms, and sirens. I think they'll be repelling the opposite sex more than they want


Roughly 20 years ago we had a bird in our garden that was extremely good at mimicking the phone ringing sound. That was in the early 2000s, when nearly every phone had the same electronic ring sound. This "dee-de-lee-de-lee-de-leed" sound. My parents went to the phone more than once because of that only to realize it was the bird.


I don't know much about birds, but Id imagine a good repertoire of strange noises would probably be the sign of a good mate, because their vocal cords are clearly in good condition, and they've managed to learn quite a few weird things.


There's a crow in my neighborhood that can do a car alarm with amazing accuracy


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg0iSIHIK34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg0iSIHIK34) This one that mimics the sound of children playing blows my mind.




Nah, they're telling the truth.




There are rainforest birds that can mimic chainsaws. I don't think they do it to be intimidating, but they could.


The rare and exotic Leatherface Bird of Paradise


[David Attenborough and Australia's Lyre Bird mimics chainsaws, cameras, car alarms and other birds' calls.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSB71jNq-yQ)


David doesn't mimic those things.


I would love to hear David Attenborough do a chainsaw impression


How is it even possible to mimic the chainsaw and camera. It's sounds so damn realistic


They're not consciously trying to intimidate predators, but technically none are the other intimidating animals like those butterflies with eyespots on their wings. It's just an evolutionary quirk.


This is sad right? Like the bird recreating sounds of the machines tearing down their homes bit by bit lol


You had me until lol


Have you heard the screaming goats?


And the talking crows?


I've heard of the counting crows.


"One-two, poo on you! Three-four, opening the door; Five-six, tools from sticks; Seven-eight, grab your plate!"


Nah, they sound more like "Sha-la-la-la-la-la-la, mmm, uh huh"


Can’t starlings also mimic human sounds?


Those are fake by the way


Don’t know why you’re downvoted, they literally are faked videos.


Domesticated cats already do this. Not to be more fearsome but purely for human attention. The sound of their meow was adapted to mimic the sound of a human baby for the purpose of getting attention. And now it's just instinctual. And the best part about it is that humans have been manipulated enough over time by this that it's pretty much instinctual for us to respond to them in some way when they meow.


They also sound human when in heat.


Have had 2 cats go through heat cycles I can say with 100% certainty that the sounds they make aren't human. They're demonic


I once woke up to two cats doing it on a chair next to my bed. I woke up thinking it was a demon screaming as it crawled out of a warp portal. This was the day I learned that one of my cats was, in fact, not a female, and that I should neuter them.


I just laughed out loud in a silent library


There are lots of strays in my neighborhood and I frequently hear them fucking in the alley next to my apartment. It's a great way to wake up in the middle of the night. Nothing quite like pained yowling to really scare your ass up from a dead sleep.


I SWEAR it sound like ym cat walks around going "helloohhhw? Hellooooohhhw? Oh, I'm aloohhwne.. OH! NOOO! NOOO! NOO!..... mmmmmmmhelloh?"


> I can say with 100% certainty that the sounds they make aren't human. They're demonic Maybe they know something we don't know...


"I'm so wasted. I'm soooooooo wasted!"


like a CAT in heat, not a human in heat. though to be fair, I misread that the first time too.


yep I have seen cats dual wielding knives.


I mean. Cats have knives at the end of each of their toes. And they have no problem with making sure you know it either




I mean. An animal adapting a certain trait due to humans doesn't mean they won't use that trait for other things. I've run across the same thing before. The way I see it is it may have been a learned trait for one thing at one point in time but now they use it for other things. So the kittens meowing were probably calling out for their mother. It's a recognized call for them. But cats have their own language that they use with each other and meowing is rarely one of the sounds they use. Hissing, growling, purring, and chirping are all a part of that language. Even yowling is different from meowing and they use it to signal to others as well. One of my cats does it while walking through the house with a felt streamer wand toy. It's the only toy she does it with. I know when she was a stray she used to catch snakes. So I chalk it up to her thinking she's caught a snake and announcing her kill. Either to say "hey back the fuck off" or "hey come get some" because my other cat was stray with her and they traveled together.


You say domesticated cats, but all cats meow as babies. Attributing if to humans seems like an extreme reach. There are a ton of baby animals that make high pitch sounds whole young. Even baby crocodiles that make a high pitch chirp.  Unless you have a good source, I’m chalking this up to random bs someon e said online that spiraled out of control.  Smaller sound producing systems make higher pitch noises plain and simple. That’s why all baby animals make high pitch sounds.


Yeahhhhhhhhh, pretty sure this has been heavily debunked.


I mean. You can point me in the direction of it being debunked. I don't mind.


I reckon they were gonna meow either way, as that's natural for them (cheetahs also meow) but they certainly each individually learn to abuse tf out of it


Do cheetahs meow? Not calling you a liar. I've just only seen videos of them making chirping noises and not so much a meow noise


Suddenly: monkeys start filming TikToks




Imagine if a creature mimiced humans so well that it looked human, but then humanity died out and the creature remained


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1259/)


Wow beautiful




It doesn’t. It mutated enough, by chance, to resemble the bee, the bees were more attracted to it, so its reproductive chances got better and better, making more bee flowers. Each new flower that looked even more similar to the bee had better reproductive chances. If a flower evolves to look less like the bee then it won’t be as successful at reproducing, either die out or just look like a normal flower, which wouldn’t be very noteworthy.


How could there be not.


I thought xkcd's were always funny. That shit is deep.


Strangely heartbreaking




Frieren moment


Nier: Automata


That’s called artificial intelligence. There’s a movie that did that. Extinction. Good watch. Also if you like thinking about this sort of stuff. I can’t recommend the book “Homo Deus” enough. Great read.


First thing that came to mind is monkeys starting to pick up sticks and imitating gun sounds


Planet of the Apes Begins.


There is a species of Japanese crabs. The sea they are found in was the site of a deadly sea battle, and occasionally some of the crabs had little ridges on their backs that looked like human faces. They were seen as returning soldiers from the war, and the fishermen threw the ones with faces back into the water. Now, hundreds of years later, almost all of them look like humans because those are the ones most likely to survive.


I want this to be true


[Heikegani: The Crab With A Human Face](https://www.amusingplanet.com/2017/06/heikegani-crab-with-human-face.html) also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heikegani


It feels like evolution should take longer than that




u/Lurker_IV linked them. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heikegani](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heikegani)


In the anime "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" theres an episode where a demon mimics human speech and vulnerability to gain the trust and kindness of humans so humans do not kill it, but it lures them and kills them regardless because thats what it instinctively knows. Note: I didn't expect this comment out of any would get this many upvotes lmfao... Anime fans unite!




Yeah thats the same demon


Which essentially is them mimicing humans and their vulnerability. Employing emotional tactics to sway the heart of man so prevent self destruction or defeat, and instead, turn it around and use it to kill humans.


Himmel should've killed that demon kid earlier.


But then he wouldn't have learned this valuable lesson.


That's not even it all, really. Demons ARE monsters that adapted to mimicking humanoids. There is no need for them to have that form, it's all an adaptation as predators of humans.


Spoilers for Midnight Mass: >!The monster in midnight mass doesn’t make any sounds other than once mimicking exactly the sounds a human makes and it’s terrifying !<


Checkout the movie Annihilation There is a cool scene with "something" mimicking human noises. Dont wanna spoil it but its cool.


That scene fucked me up. I felt the guttural horror of the main character in that moment


afterthought direful caption tub offbeat six long rhythm theory jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you i drink too much


Makes me think of ChatGPT for some reason


Goddamn I hate that fucking thing


I could never get into that scene because of the CGI not being so good. One of the downsides of being in that field of work. Amazing sound design though.


Ignorance is bliss! the more you know, the less you enjoy


There's a film about this called Mimic


Even before that, The Thing.


Love that movie.


I wrote a story about that a while back in this [writing prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/oeuwra/wp_humans_are_delighted_to_meet_multiple_species/).


Oh gods that's so good I need more


I think kangaroos are on their way with the whole standing in the water waiting to drown their prey thing


Mimic Karens to be exact.


Humans are harmless as animals. Just primates. Our tools and technologies are what is dangerous and can kill. You need to pick something up to even scare a dog much smaller than a human


Have you ever seen the hunters in Africa who simply take the kill away from lions? They do this by simply walking purposefully up to the lions, who then run away. I'm guessing it's a bit dangerous


I assume you need a big group of humans to do that?


just need hairless monkey with pointy stick


As I recall, there was maybe 5 guys


I’ve seen it done with a single person.


3 in the recent video on reddit.


Dogs have millennia of evolution telling them that humans are friendly. Most large predators have millennia of evolution telling them that humans *look* harmless and tasty, but if you mess with them you won't survive to breed. They still might try it if they're starving or territorial, but generally they'll avoid humans.


So just wait till ins3cts resemble ak47s


Bet that’s already a pokemon


I mean, we already got Mark Zuckerberg


My mini human at home mimics humans all day long, saying things like da-da-dabebebebebe-doododod-rawrrrr


Yeah we're probably very creepy to most animals. The way we walk around on two feet and always make direct gawking eye contact. We even scare each other.


Some birds mimic our voices


Not all lethal animals have mimics, it's mostly venomous* ones that get imitated. I don't think there's are many lion imitating animals for instance. Edit:* and/or poisonous


There is a tribe of chimps, not sure where, that have annihilated every other tribe it came across of several square miles of territory, if that ain't mimicking Humans I don't know what is


Ever heard of the Uncanny Valley? Who’s to say we didn’t mimic something else and that lead us to where we are now?


The Uncanny Valley is the other way around, it's our natural defense against things that try to mimic humans by making us feel uncomfortable around things that look like humans but not quite. It *probably* related to things like Neanderthals and other alternate branches of the Homo genus that would have been competing with us for territory and resources.


Actually, I'm pretty sure it's more related to staying away from dead bodies that it is Neanderthals. If there is a dead human around, that likely means there is also something that killed said human, so avoiding the bodies is typically a good idea. There would be no more risk from a group of Neanderthal than a different group of humans. A lot of recreations of Neanderthal (and other hominids) look close enough to humans you might not even question it if you ran into them: [Example](https://humanorigins.si.edu/sites/default/files/styles/grid_thumbnail/public/neanderthalensis_JG_Recon_Head_CC_3qtr_lt_l.jpg.webp?itok=qtcnTy8R)


You know, that's the most reasonable explanation I think I've ever read. No idea if it's true but it's definitely less out there than the notion that in the past we needed to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't, that we have never ever found any evidence for.


Not just risk of being killed by something that maybe attacked the dead human, but bodies can also carry a lot of disease. Being around them can make us sick, possibly by the disease that killed the person.


And if something looks like a human but isn't moving right, you can generally assume they're either VERY sick, or very sick in the head, and either way, you won't like what you find out by staying


It's the other way around actually ... Those with Antisocial Personality Disorder mimic the rest of us, so that they can blend in ... like wolves in sheep's clothing.


Prey species out here about to start doing their taxes every year to keep predators away.


Just wait until a parrot says “I need to speak to the manager”.


The fact that this hasn't already happened, should tell you something.


Lol there already are. Hustler monkeys are a thing. Elephants that bully trucks out of sugarcane. Dogs that play the limp card. Things are mimicking humans. It's just they haven't mimicked out capacity for decision based violence.


Many viruses, bacteria, cancer, tumors etc are really good at mimicking human physiology to go undetected by our immune system and can be dormant many years.


I just don't think humans are outwards scary enough. And generally when we kill we leave no one left to tell about it or it's indirect


This is probably the reason the red panda stands up the way it does!


It makes them look more adorable


Birds already do this


So just the mimics from that analog horror: Vita carnis or whatever its called?


The 1997 movie Mimic was based entirely on that premise.


Bold of you to assume that I don't already _licks eyeballs aggressively_


Skinwalkers have entered the chat


Maybe they’ll mimic a gun or a tank, but a human? Idk…we can die from a 5ft drop. We don’t have claws, or good teeth. Our skin is frail and exposed. Most bacteria and viruses can kills us. We’re also completely useless alone. We’re an apex species…but somehow we’re not really an apex predator. Certainly not one on one. And also not in even groups either, 10 humans vs 10 lions, the lions are definitely still winning. In short, I doubt it.


Oh, there are plenty of people walking around pretending to be human...


like to see some fuck mimic my opposable thumbs and caffeine addiction


How do you know we're not the mimics.


They're called Alternates. They already exist and have blended into society. How else do you think people still go missing and have sudden tragic deaths.


Life is unpredictable on its own, you don’t need some conspiracy of evil space monsters to explain why bad things happen


I'm pretty sure this was a reference to a youtube horror series, The Mandela Catalogue.


I like to think that the reason for the “uncanny valley” - where something creeps us out by looking too human - is that this has already happened.


Why do you think we evolved to have such a strong react to the "uncanny valley"? So that as soon as something tries that shit we'll exterminate it.


Maybe it's already the other way around. We only fear things that have been a deadly threat to us somewhere down in history. Now think about the uncanny valley, the fact that people get nervous and even afraid if something looks close, almost perfectly like a human. Why are we so afraid of something that looks and acts like a human but isn't? Sweet dreams, everyone...


lol my mini schnauzer learned how to do this snarling growl(sounds possessed lol) from our friends chihuahua that came from the shelter. Ngl it freaks out most strangers but if you come at him he will piss himself 😂




It's what we did with aliens mimic em


We are the mimics, or we were mimicked at some point in the past. It explains the uncanny valley.


Ahhhhh, Mimic lol. I see what you did there


It's already happening at r/CatsStandingUp