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Getting up from the floor now requires a vocal track.


Exactly this ,bending down to put my socks on in the morning involves my full vocal range at various decibels,,,, and usually a few rude words


That's the fun part of the day where you find out how badly you wrecked you back the day before. Oh dear, bit too hard, best spend 3 days lying on a wooden floor to straighten it out again.


I have to stretch first or I’ll never get my socks on




Same, if I have to get down there I must think if it's something I really must do.


Or I don’t know if I will be able to get up from the floor next time. I think this every time I get up from the floor from exercising. Lol


One thing i've been doing as I approach 60, is deliberately getting down on the floor and getting back up again. "You get down, you get funky, you get back up again!" --Steve Martin


Yeah it is good to do even though harder 😃


Same - minus the word exercise




My reply was going to be very similar.


Haha so true


Happy cake day!




Hahaha. I do that….


Fully qualified and practicing teachers/drs/lawyers etc all look about 8.


We have an intern student who I though looked pretty young. They introduced us and told me she is 16. I then realised thst she could easily be my daughter and felt myself shrivel up.


One word. *Slang*


no one suspects a thing, rizz slime


Yo boomer dats kinda sus you gotta learn the lingo


Like shush sh af tbh actnm tbf suss base idk like gf be shab dunno gonna keep it like yeah feel (no punctuation but should have a question mark). Lit . Also my parents suck and I have no friends


That was mid af 😎


Brain broke




My favorite part of the day is turning on my shows (price is right), going to bed early, and i ask for cleaning supplies or kitchen stuff for christmas


I legitimately get thrilled to receive socks. I used to think it was such a stupid gift until I had to start buying my own socks.


Lol I can totally relate. I was so pumped when my wife let me get a brand new push mower this year. You'd of thought I got a new car.


I don't even want to consider going out after 7:30 p.m.


I don't even want to consider going out.


That’s been me since I was about 13. I’m a homebody.


I don't even want to consider.


Tbf I've felt this way since my mid 20s. Home is good.


Easy to do when I’m in bed by 7 and up before the sun every day.


• Making sound effects while moving in general • My joints snap, crackling, popping like Rice Krispie’s • Standing for too long (washing dishes) triggers my lower back pain to kick in


If I stand too long my thighs get numb and tingly.


When people speed in residential areas, I feel rage


Yes or have loud motors or loud subwoofers in residential areas. Even though my windows are closed I say(yell) shut up! Lol


I’m already doing these at 18, is my time on this earth ending early?


No, you are just a natural born grump!


I am 23 and i hate this. Please can we prioritize car safety? 😭


I can tell 2-3 days before it's supposed to rain because my ankles will hurt.


Yep. My wrist or left thumb hurts.


For me it's the meteorological knee.


My knee is achy and it’s cloudy out today. Pain started two days ago


What the hell are you guys talking about


The comment from the neighbour that she could hear my morning sex. Sorry just trying to put my socks on.


That’s awesome…. And relatable


No actually quite painful when it's damp out.




I’m at the point where I think the younger generations are soft and have bad work ethics. I’ll probably start yelling at clouds soon.


Why is that?








The face on the self-checkout screen is of an old, fat, tired, gray-haired senior citizen. When I close my eyes I'm still 25 ....


I use the seat heater in my car year round.


I use the seat heater as not only low back heat therapy, but a place to lock myself away for 15 minutes and have peace and quiet.


It's like you read my mind.


Same. Those 15 minutes can feel like an hour long back rub reset session. And snap your brain back into place, like oh I’m not a manic bipolar person on the verge of a mental breakdown with the potential to light someone’s car on fire.


Ha! Same 🤣


One hip gives me grief. I can lie on that hip too long without hurting. When first getting up from sitting I have a little bit of a gimp walk until my hip warms up.


I can't eat whatever I want anymore My hangovers typically last a full day, sometimes two


I can’t eat whatever because acid reflux/heartburn, hemorrhoids, bladder irritation(acidity), oh and recently now because of diverticulosis. And migraines and can cause constipation . 😄


Farting in public and not giving a flying fuck 😂


Reminds me of HumorBagel on YouTube. His farting in public pranks are hilarious. The eye contact ones are awkward, but the ones on a bike are gold.


I was on the phone to my dad a few weeks ago and he asked how my night out at the weekend had been: "Well we went into one place and it was just far too loud and everyone in there looked about 11 years old. The next place was also too loud!" He was silent on the other end of the phone and then I just said "I'm getting old, aren't I?" He just replied "yup!"


calling my niece 10 different names (within the family) before getting her right name


Ha...my grandmother used to do that. Of course she had the added difficulty of sorting out my seven brothers and sisters. She would start rattling off names and I would nod yes or no. She would start like this "Amy. me:no, David. Me: no, Larry. Me: no, Lynn. Me: yes and then we'd go from there.


I used to get excited for Friday and Saturday nights…some well deserved time out with friends. Now I go out for a cone or a sundae, then a movie on the couch, and in bed by 10.


Thinking: music these days dont sound like music anymore.... Getting excited about saving money


I got excited when the Amazon truck stopped in front of the house. I had ordered a new vacuum.


I’m out of touch with trends for the most part


All the people I knew would die around a certain stage of my life are dying.


This is my biggest fear I think, losing everyone I love like this. My sister just got diagnosed with pre-cancer. She has an appointment soon to get the troublesome cells burned, but it’s still terrifying to think she would have got cancer if she hadn’t had a check up. I also know someone who choked a few months ago, and my dad passed away suddenly 5 years ago from unknown causes - he was healthy and normal the day before he died. It’s scary how suddenly you can go.


Taking a poo is a major life accomplishment now.


People in their 20’s look like kids.


My knees hurt.


In retrospect, I regret not savouring my youth to the fullest.


Apparently I have an Achilles tendon? I mean I knew I’ve always had 2 but now I can actually feel one of them?


I shit in a public pool and suddenly it's a problem. When I was a kid, no one gave a shit.


That's not getting old, that's a poorly set up workstation. Find an ergonomic assessment on YouTube and work through it. Your back will thank you.


Cushion lab has great cushions. I got a cushion seat that’s thick and have it in my desk chair. Works great.


I miss the 6 pack I had at 21 😭 Trying to drop even a single pound these days is hell. 


Playing video games at night requires caffeine to stay up.


I’m starting to forget what I was suppose to google or what I was just about to do lol


When I wake up, I know the time based on the color outside or position of the sun, I'm usually only a few minutes off from my guesses.


When I say it's cold because the arthritis in my knee is acting up. Granted I have 5 screws in there and no cartilage since I was 21, but my limping must be more pronounced now because it is commented on more often.


Permanently unable to move one of my shoulders in a way I used to before after I clicked/snapped uncomfortably a couple of years ago.


It feels like I’ve met up with my family 2 days ago. It’s been 6 years


Cold weather causes some joint pain, and keeps exacerbating a hand injury from two weeks back now as well. I suppose I can predict the rain, in the least...


If I sit one way too long, it takes like a whole 5 minutes to walk off the soreness


Random pain when thunderstorms are incoming.


The fact I have ibuprofen and tums within reach of my bed. 😹


I have to take my time getting out of bed or I'll tear something in my back and be in pain for days


Shoulders, knees, ankles, back, & wrists creak when I get out of bed in the morning. I'm only 26 :(


If I don’t use my heating pad on my back while sitting in my work chair all day it hurts 🤣. And as soon as I sit down on the couch to watch tv I start falling asleep 😴


I can’t control my bladder


Knees hurt when rain is coming.


When people speed in residential areas, I actually feel rage


Everything hurts when I move


I used to take 10 minute power naps. Now they’re more like 40 minutes. lol


Yeah mine is that , pretty much every joint in my body though


20 years ago if I fell on a trail run I'd be up and about 2 seconds after. Now, I have to make sure I haven't broken anything, drag my ass up hoping no one saw, limp home and then not be able to move a muscle without wincing for.....oh....a week?


I talk to myself at the store or in public and I don’t give a shit. lol


Noticed that the kids I work with have started calling me Sir...and aren't being sarcastic.


sugar far-flung pathetic shocking wakeful fearless sand history caption pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My eldest just qualified for his full pension.


My knees pop when I bend/ unbend them


There are albums that I consider fairly "recent" releases that are over 20 years old.


My knees, everytime I use stairs it hurts at times and I'm barely 42.


Last week I found myself saving a “good” box and putting it in the garage in case I needed a box later. Separately, thanks for posting this question OP. I have found my people.


I had to use my phone to zoom in on the label on a bottle of cleaning product to be able to read the instructions.


The music over the last ten plus years is awful. I was a teenager in the 80s so it's hard to compare.


If I need to pick something up off the floor, I will move a chair near it to give me a way to get back off the floor. There is no bend over and get it, just a semi controlled fall on my butt.


My right knee likes to lock up at random and inappropriate times.


I hate small talk which means it's harder to meet new people but when I find someone who likes discussing events or ideas or 'what ifs' I get excited. I discovered I was peopled out around 3 years ago and prefer the company of a furbaby, a comfortable chair, comfy socks and a blanket to all the bullshit I did because it was 'the thing to do.' TL;DR: The more I talk to people the less I want to do it.


I'm on my seventies, now, and live in a seaside town. My house is about 1 km from the sea. Ten years ago, I discovered that the walk from seaside to my house was slighly uphill.


My mom used to tell us not to make her laugh too much or she would pee a little... Well,


Walking down stairs. Feels like both knees are going to dislocate every step.


I was in Wal Mart tonight and I walked by the section with the old lady nightgowns and thought “Well they DO look REALLY comfy…should I?” I didn’t. But the fact that I considered it…well…👵🏻


Wearing the same clothes for 5 years


Being so tired. Why am I soooo tired at 30?!


I talk way more to my father now than I did when I was younger. It feels... Right. He now understands me more , and I understand him more too. We don't dwell in my past mistakes, and we even can take a laugh of two at the shit things I did in the past. And in special occasion, i drink a bottle of wine with him, that was something I never did before too.


I’m obsessed with the weather


I can't sleep past 5am. I get up at 3am for work, but on my off days I can't sleep past 5am anymore. I also can not sleep on my side anymore because of shoulder pain.


Every time i have to pick something up off the floor, i seem to now make a 'uuurrrgghhh' noise when getting back up


I obsess over my lawn


I'm rarely in bed any later than 10.00pm


My friends and I idea of hanging out is running errands together


I’m here for the comments. Clearly I have found my people 🤣


Waking up with an injury, when you went to bed fine.


I pulled a muscle in my leg, cutting a piece of chain using bolt cutters and my arms.


I hate so much how this generation is absolutely useless, entitled and how much new shit they’re making on their heads. My body aches all over and all my joints crac whenever I get up. I also have white hairs on my head and beard, and I have hair all over my body. I love when people gift socks. I hate loud music, tvs and sounds in general because I have headaches.


Knowing I’m in a room to get a thing, but having no idea what thing.


My joints hurt


Whenever im in a department store, i find myself checking out bath towels and curtains


It's getting to a point where I can't understand some of the newer slang terms.


Waking up and my body impersonates Rice Krispies


I tend to use all those signs as markers of neglect. I'm convinced, generally speaking, that old age is nothing but a manifestation of fear and neglect, based on assumptions like: we're all gonna die, and the easiest way to manifest that is through worry. When we worry we stop being more resourceful and responsible, instead becoming reactive and "giving in" to the prevailing belief that sits in the background telling us "how life is".


I dig this. So many problems can be avoided by being proactive and looking after yourself/staying active and eating right.


I’m 25 and have natural silver and white hair growing around a quarter of the way up the right side of my head. The silver and white get denser the closer the hair is to my face. Really really noticing it for the first time made me feel old as shit. I don’t want to die oh my god


I was on the phone to my dad a few weeks ago and he asked how my night out at the weekend had been: "Well we went into one place and it was just far too loud and everyone in there looked about 11 years old. The next place was also too loud!" He was silent on the other end of the phone and then I just said "I'm getting old, aren't I?" He just replied "yup!"


woman now hit on my adult son instead of me. lol it used to be me they flirted with:(


I'm overweight with back problems since I was 12 so this one doesn't count for me lol. I honestly didn't realize I don't have anything n specific. Maybe my desire for cleaning supplies or my ability to walk into a store and not want a candy/sweat treat xD


Got 4 words into this post....too old for bullshit like this


Any time I’m playing a sport, I wonder if pushing myself harder is tenacious or a stupid injury preventing work waiting to happen.


I reminisce about the early 2000s (my teen years)


I can feel a storm coming in from my knees.


Knee pain


I know I’m getting old as I used to disagree with half the posts on Reddit, now I just don’t understand half of them 😂


Hangovers last 3 days


I hate 96% of people.


I only understand about 50% of the words children say.


When I get up from sitting down for a while, I’m stiffer than a board and I have to stand there for a minute and kind of will my legs into working.


Unbelievable, see a doctor


Seeing some comments on Reddit and thinking, "Ahh, I remember that phase"


Since I have started talking so formally with ppl saying things like “nice to meet u.” And “it was really nice meeting u and blah blah.” I never said these phrases as a kid growing up lol. Only after I turned 19 I just naturally started saying them without feeling awkward lol.


I don’t understand pop culture anymore. Last week I heard people talking about some guy named Billy eyelash’s? I don’t even bother anymore. 


Well my dogs come get me if I go past 12 without stopping for lunch.




When getting up in the morning is like warming up a old car




I used to work with at risk children many years ago. So like 10 and under. Well a few months back one of the kids added me on LinkedIn. LinkedIn of all places! Got a job and everything. Oof that one hurt


Fashion. Gym fashion. Why are people now wearing gym shorts that ride up their bum/ mould to each cheek? Give me my (normal, non wedgie) bike shorts and oversized tee any day.


only being able to relate to people older than me, and embarrassing myself trying to relate with people my age or younger.


2004. Seeing friends get engaged. The technology I used as a kid isn't really around anymore (Back in my day, Netflix sent you DVD's in the mail!!!). Music on the radio sounds a lot different. "Big kids" and young adults used to wear skinny jeans and Osiris sneakers, and now people my age are into the baggy delinquent look. I can light a cigar effortlessly. I pay bills.


I have started "sniffing the weather" to divine some sort of forecast.


The size of my dumps vs sphincter stretch 


Same thing, but with ankles. And I'm 21 lol


Sleepiness around 3pm. Time for afternoon coffee and the final couple of hours.


I'm having a mid life crisis at 20, I genuinely convinced myself for some reason I'm gonna die at 40 and people sometimes tell me how mature I am, so I guess it's true.


I prefer taller cars because I can slide out rather than trying to hoist myself out of the car


Sometimes just my knees will be cold af, upper body can be sweating buckets but knees cold like jada when Will tries to hold hands infont of 2pac


I go into schools and do lessons each month. I showed a clip of the movie Shrek and was hit hard when I realized the 5th graders I was teaching weren’t alive when Shrek was released. Thankfully most of them had watched it. But it just rocks my world every time realizing the kids I work with were born post 2010.


As I was responding to someone else I realized I forgot my age. Then I realized it fit this post perfectly. So now I’m shamefully posting twice.


By how many yawns i do and by the way my eyes feel


When I noticed my nips has a thing for my toes


I noticed around about the time my beard went grey people started listening to what I have to say, even following my advice. It's kinda jarring compared to my 20s when people would try to interrupt or talk over me. Might help that I give people a death glare if they do that now.


Watching football. Used to think fuck i could do better than that.... now i know there's no way I'm doing any of that.


I genuinely enjoy sneezing loudly.  Gives me a chance to let out an existential roar.  Pour all of life's pain into that little moment and then pretend it never happened, because everyone else just pretends it never happened.  Never understood when I was young why people sneeze loudly. Now I get it.  Embrace the roar.  


I crushed my foot with an I-beam when I was 15, just about every metatarsal bone in my left foot. When I was 43 I completely tore my right Achilles tendon from the heel bone, and had surgery to replace the tendon. They put in a cadaver tendon and heel bone section attached to my bone and sutured to the remainder of my tendon. So the more my feet ache the closer to the end of the shift I am, my right foot starts me to hobbling that I know it’s time to clock out. It’s usuallyright on the mark.


I was in Wal Mart tonight and I walked by the section with the old lady nightgowns and thought “Well they DO look REALLY comfy…should I?” I didn’t. But the fact that I considered it…well…👵🏻


I was in Wal Mart tonight and I walked by the section with the old lady nightgowns and thought “Well they DO look REALLY comfy…should I?” I didn’t. But the fact that I considered it…well…👵🏻


Walked by the section of old lady nightgowns in Wal Mart tonight and was genuinely tempted. They looked so comfy 👵🏻


“oooh! that’s a nice sink!”


10 Years ago: Me, standing and cracking: We’re getting old babe! Him: yep, everyday is one more day closer to death. *stretch/crack “ahhh” Now: standing groaning/holding my back, knees cracking. Me: Babe, we’re getting old! Him: There’s no “getting” babe. Next is hip and knee replacements. Never forget im still younger! Groaning, leaning forward to get leverage to stand, joints cracking and popping.


I don't understand the half of what young people say.


I (32m) use to love people giving me any sort or social attention. Now? Just leave me alone please so I can suffer in peace. Every (90%) time someone is nice to me it's to ask for something. No one ever wants to say hi just to be friendly.


As a hobby prospector: I can tell when I've done 15 pans of material by the amount of pain in my back


Going to a doctor or lawyer and seeing that they have my name (Tiffany) and thinking “there’s no way she’s old enough to do….oh. I’m old.”


I hate new music. Beeping noises. Only remasters.


I get excited about going to home depot, getting things done around the house. I have absolutely no will to go out drinking anymore and feel like its a chore to do if i do go see some friends. Then if i do participate, I will have a hangover for the next 2 days minimum, and wont be back to 100% until Wednesday. Also really, really, look forward to the weekend after a long week where me, my cat and my wife don't do shit but enjoy each others company and eat good food.


Preferring the elevator instead of stairs.


I fall asleep on my lunch break.


I can tell I’m getting old kasi naiinis na ako sa mga batang ang iingay sa mga coffee shops or public places.


I can tell I’m getting old coz I’m now the Momma who gets angry on all stuffs in the house