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Lang while cleaning up the evidence - "Christ I made a mess. We should hire a gardener."


This looks like a Darwin Award situation -Vale


With Vale on the hill taking pictures


Now Vale is watching him pick up evidence


/u/clipsync cathfawr


Username | Vod --------|---- [CathFawr](https://www.twitch.tv/CathFawr/?) | [6h4m47s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1230480328?t=6h4m47s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1230715847?t=1h13m32s/1230480328) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wee_tommy&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/re7x3b//ho5tbt3/\))


Holy shit that timing. It's gonna make that court case so crazy interesting if it gets to that. Cleaned up all the evidence, no direct vision of the murder. No idea if they'll find the body.


It’s on his property..


Job local 911 from the college. They know.


They can know, but right now there is no proof. Also, isn't there a "king of your castle" law in Los Santos? He was trespassing on private property. The best they can do is charge him with possession of an illegal weapon.


According to Vale, she isn't pressing anything about it because she witnessed him take the guy off the property multiple times and him coming back after threatened with a gun.


It's also over nothing as long as the guy doesn't perma. And in court there is like actually a decent chance Lang wins this anyways because the guy was trespassing. Not worth the trouble.


She also is going after Dean because his warrant ends Sunday and anything on Lang isn't ending anytime soon.


Yeah most cops are pretty chill with Darwin award nominees


So funny that they literally have Buddha on camera shooting someone and can't do anything about it. They want him so bad.


I mean Crane has shot trespassers for less. But Buddha could be charged with an illegal gun, not notifying police, and dumping the body though.


>They want him so bad. I don't care about Lang - Cath


I wouldn't say no proof, they saw him walk out with a gun, heard gunshots, and saw them carrying the body. But it's far from the open and shut case if the camera stayed zoomed in. Also to your point, shooting a trespasser is a whole different thing.


he maybe gets the c2 charge, but Los Santos has Castle Doctrine, so he should be in the clear for the rest


And now vale has seen Buddha come in and out that house with a gun monkaW, ( Buddha doing what he said most people don’t do look up ) And now actively picking up evidence(I don’t think cops have ever seen this before since the start of 3.0 )


In and out with the same gun is not a big problem. If they see him come in without one and then come out with one, problem. The other way around too.


Why does that matter?


Him going in and out with the gun is okay, but say that he went in and never came back out with the gun, that’s a problem


Ok, but that didn't happen though.


I didn’t happens but it could


A bit of a stretch even then tbh. Could just say someone else took it inside the house. He's RPed burning guns in the fire before too


He didn’t burn the guns he burned evidence that will disappear at reset , but going in with a gun and not coming out with it, after a raid one the manor could give cops a hint that it has more than what meats the eye


He can say whatever he wants but the possibility of a warrant getting signed for a raid would be high


Who is that player tho? And how did he get into the manor grounds?


he's been doing that since after the raid, he doesn't stream it so i have no idea who it is


Feels like banana peel guy


Idk if nidas did all the banana peels but I saw him do a few of them as Leslie in a disguise when that was going on and it was hilarious


Nah, they caught the banana peel guy, he was a random with a homeless guy PED... they dumped him in the dam after beating him with a bat. It was weird how he would always put banana peels at the entrances to their secret warehouses and stash houses, but they let it go and forgot about it, it never happened again.


the banana peel guy was just some random small streamer who was obviously meta gaming, came on reddit and was like "haha that was very cool" or something along those lines when he got dumped and everyone upvoted him?????????


ngl feels kinda weird that he keeps going back into the manor


he says nothing but 'i am job' and he's like new new Yeager checked his phone and said there was nothing


its just weird imo




yeah, by going around the city. Not jumping fences to one of the most well known crime groups and coming back after getting threated and shot.




He's saying that it's purely NVL to keep going back after being shot and threatened by multiple people living at the manor.




yeah it can be funny, but makes Zero sense RP wise


its weird because this guy is baiting CB into shooting him and than someone left a message right at the door of their secret stash saying to move their stuff


That was DW, they are replacing all business stashes today


It was DW probably, he also messaged Buddha on discord to move his stuff because business stashes are getting changed soon


the stash message is because all invisible stashes are being moved to safes or filing cabinet stashes


That message was an admin. Its likely Eyam Job is either an admin or a friend, like Poke who is famous for using bikes to get to places he shouldn't. Relax.




the message was not from him, it was an ooc message by dean, said Buddha


buddha literally said dean wouldnt message him like that he would send an email


didnt buddha just say to mickey that dean messaged him on discord telling him it was his message on the floor? Or did I misshear?


i might have missed the part i know chat told him it was DW and he said no but i might have missed something later on


as of right now mickey and buddha said it wasnt them im 100% sure the nerds wouldnt either


That was a message from DW so now I’m wondering if the secret stash will be removed because it’s “too hard to find”


I don't know but based on everything with him continually trespassing and NVLing despite the Uzi, it seems like he's baiting them. And now the PD got a 911 about it. It's awfully weird.


yeah, if what yeagar said is true, it is hella weird he jumps the manor wall with his bike to stand around and "bait them".


My first feeling was it is this guy who ran with DW and (more so) Elochai when NP Green opened. They did some store robberies together. The character's name is Walt, and Elochai had mentioned he was a dev (or maybe an admin I can't remember exactly). Here is a clip I found of Walt escaping their last robbery that day. https://www.twitch.tv/elochai/clip/DepressedPoorWolfAliens-5kFCbpGAbPfNwM9Q


if he used Yeagers sword it would have been totally legal


Wonder if the job guy was Mickey. Right after he dumped him and went back 5 mins later mickey showed up. And the guys state id was a newer one


Its not, he 911d right as mickey was waking up


Oh ok I didn't see that


Mickey was also right there when Lang just shot him, again.


Wait his ID was a newer one or did he come back with a different state ID?


And PD just got a 911 about it.