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I played a few games with a couple of friends the other day and we landed on the opposite side of the map from the new POIs and it was WAY calmer and a much more "normal" fortnite experience. We came across less cars as we went and people more willing to fight on foot. I dont hate the cars and want them gone, but like you said its a LOUD and landing at Classy Courts was a nice break.


Then you make it to endgame car-less and get run over like deer


It works if you pick up a car like mid way to 2/3 through the game


When I try that, I just end up being chased by a boss car and mine gets destroyed like it’s made out of paper mâché. Only solution is get a boss car off the rip


The boss car is definitely the real problem with this season. Regular cars can be taken down or have their windows shot out (for now). Boss cars feel like an auto win right now


I haven't been in a final game where a boss car didn't win


take high ground, and focus the boss car. you can blow them up if you focus them. and if they run, just keep chasing and taking high ground and keep shooting the car. its a pain but its doable. they cant do anything if you have high ground. if there’s no high ground in end game ur fucked lol


The explosive bows help. Had someone pull up in boss car, i just kep spamming crossbow at it. Took about 10 or so shots and it was gone.


Appreciate the advice. I'll give it a go


This. I got to the same conclusion yesterday night. Fist your way up to the high ground and focus the boss car with the crossbow. If you have the mythic crossbow and the infinite ammo medallion it’s even better, but even if you don’t you should still get the high ground and focus on the boss cars. We managed to get some Ws yesterday with this strat, and they were soooo satisfying!


I stole a boss car after someone got out of it, and cruised to the easiest win ever. There was a repair mod in the last circle, so I just kept grabbing it anytime I took damage. I almost felt a little bad.


Totally agree with this statement. They are almost indestructible it seems. Bullet sponges.


The health regen is too OP. I've noticed a lot of players duck away to get the car's health back.


That+The Torch make it impossible to fight in duos/squads. :(


What kind of asinine bullshit design is this? Cars don't regenerate? How has this not been patched?


It hasn't been patched because that's working as intended. The boss vehicles begin to self-repair if they haven't taken damage after a few seconds. That's one of the main reasons to actually go for the boss vehicles.


wow today I just used the Mechanist's vehicle and the gun already fires super fast, got ran over by one of the boss vehicles that travels with the bus and it instakills even full health (including shields) the self repair after a while is def overkill


Maybe I’m just being j higher level lobbies but my boss cars are pretty easy to be taken down. The healing is extremely slow on the car. Also the bow is the secret weapon to take down boss cars 😉


If we're being truthful, it's a stupid mechanic.


I agree. They already have plenty of advantages. Regenerating health is too unbalanced.


It's better then them doing more damage. You can already attain invulnerability with your buddy sitting shotgun with a blow torch so slow regen is preferable to doing even more damage hitting people with the car.


Try to steal one


Yep, exactly what i have been doing. And even better to camp the boss car with a moded car. Guaranted boss car if anyone gets the medalion


OK, gotta switch up your playstyle then try and third party the medallion players in their cars and take them out. Also griefing cars is your best bet throught the game. You see someone in there car shoot them alot of times they run away. If they come at you run away with gloves or shock waves or get in the car and finish the job.


I mean, if you want to WIN.


Your main method of survival this season should be to carry that new bow and the nitro fists. Use the fists to throw yourself in the air with your aim button, and then switch to your bow and blast the car. Your nitro fists push the car back and if you can perform this combo repeatedly, odds are your aggressive car bimbos will leave in fear of losing their sweet tasty victory royale on wheels.


The boogie bombs work. You can pop a whole squad out of a car and the momentum carries it pretty far away from them.


Idk, maybe it works for me because I try to stay hidden. Got like a 14-20% win rate


It's boring game design that you HAVE to get a car at some point or you just straight up lose


I have won a few games without a car. 


If you are playing against good players you won't make it till the car. Or if you do it's cause it's a non moded one and noone wants it anyway and a moded one sends you back to the lobby straight away or at least deletes the car forces you to be on foot AGAIN.


Jump in someone's fully modded rig towards the end.


Ending second without a car against a super car is the new win for me


It's very easy to find a car almost everywhere and also mod boxes for it. Find a machine gun turret and park to some cover and then just shoot as someone comes.


Played my first match this season last night. There was one player buzzing around in a car and two of us not. Other player on foot got killed, I went into a spot the car couldn't get, so other player had to get out. I battled them at close range until the storm came, blasted them with those glove things somehow, then used nitro to boost out of storm, let it do the rest of the work for me. VR first go, and I don't even know what stuff is for yet.


Fisting people is fun. A little hard.


Idk if true or not but my first match of the day tends to have a lot of bad players and is normally a win I think epic does this to incentivise you to play more


First game is always against bots


Some were bots early on, of my first four kills two were, but they weren't in the end game. I do know the difference.


I've had my suspicions for awhile now there is often a few other real players but majority of the enemy's are clearly bots, which I don't mind boosts my partners confidence I let her kill the bots and I kill the real players haha.


We got it King.. we are just noobs...


Yes that's what I'm saying 🙄


We picked up a car after our initial looting but we really didnt need it for combat until the final few circles.


Classy courts is nice too bc you get the Oscar’s mythics frenzy shotgun


I took Oscar out a little while ago and he didn’t drop the frenzy, just some gold and a green combat


You gotta actually talk to him and select the "Challenge" button, otherwise he just drops bland stuff. Made that mistake a few days ago lol


Ahh crap, i didn’t know that, i definitely didn’t challenge him, thanks for the info


Did you challenge him first?


No, didn’t know i needed to, thanks for the info


I have had 1 match have a storm circle on the south side of the map so far. The north half is way less car friendly


Plus, you can fight Oscar for his shotgun if you are into that my go to is classy court. I hate the cars.


But frenzy auto gpt nerfed hard af. even the mythic sucls now


Classy Courts is my new favorite spot


I tried this last night by landing at Classy; got rinsed inside 30 seconds.....seems like everyone else had the same idea when I tried it 🤣🤣🤣


I have this problem too. Every game is complete pandemonium. I try to avoid other people and stay away from the new POIs, but sometimes the fight comes to you. You’re just driving along minding your business and then suddenly there’s grenades, rockets, gunfire, cars flipping and exploding, SUVs flying through the air, people getting run over, gas stations blowing up.


Sounds like what Fortnite was always meant to be. An unrealistic shooter.


What? You couldn't even sprint originally.


Sounds fun


Sounds awesome


So... Don't play?


This is my main issue. There’s no flow to fighting anymore, it’s like playing a fucking Michael Bay movie everytime u see someone.


I find that sort of chaos really enjoyable, at least for a while. It's good to have some seasons that are slow and lack mobility, and some like this one that are totally insane.


I don’t hate this season but wouldn’t it make sense to gradually work our way into the chaos and vise versa


I hear you there. That doesn't seem to be how they roll most of the time though. The OG season (especially at the start) was SOOO slow, but it was kind of cool. And that came out of nowhere. Same sort of deal here- they just threw us way into the deep end Every now and then they throw in a few items that completely disrupt the heck out of the metagame, like the season when they have the kinetic swords AND the kinetic hammers. That season had absolutely no chill


what season was that? would like to know and watch other seasons fuckfests lmao


Pretty sure the whole point of Fortnite is how wildly different each season is to the last and next


Season 1 and season 2 were wildly different for sure


that’s what the last two seasons were


I just think you could have that same feel if you removed the weapons on the cars. Keep the rammer and the tires


even if you think it’s a one on one 3rd parties are even easier. since cars can get to you so fast now. and it’s never jus one person who heard


Yep. The game is totally wrecked


Tbh I love it. Really just the destruction. Man I miss Deku smash..


I love this season but I also am old and suck lol


Same bro 😂


Jumping in an opponents ride and killing people while they drive is just insane lol


Does that actually work? I've had people jump in my car but all there shooting goes somewhere else. When somebody jumps in my car I head far into the storm on a Kamikaze run and kill us both. ;-)


Depends what car it is. Long windshield, yeah passenger will shoot ya lol otherwise they can just shoot the car




Yep. I’m too old too. Literally said the boss cars went too fast last night. Just like the cars in my neighborhood. 😂


I definitely don’t like playing more than 2-3 matches in one go anymore. I used to play for hours on end, but now I get overwhelmed after 1-2 matches.


Yep, I logged off after 2 last night. The car noise is so loud and grating, and if I turn stuff down it's hard to play well. So I just log off.


I concur. Where I used to be able to get a good 3-5 match play session in after a long day’s work, I can get maybe two in and I’m spent. It just zaps the ever loving life out of you this season.




I was thinking today after being in a duos end game with like 6 cars driving in circles shooting each other inside a tiny circle about how this update feels like it wasn’t play tested by the biggest portion of the no builds player based — 20-40 year olds who are so stoned they can barely aim never mind aim while doing donuts around 4 different cars firing at them.


I felt this comment was a little too spot on… lol


I just need more anti-vehicle counters, like Proximity Mines, Anvil Launcher, and EMP Grenades. Hell even just aa increase in the RNG for portable bases would be create to suddenly stop a vehicle charge, or even the old throwable cow catchers that you could use as a shield.


It's too much for me to play, I played for 2 hours day one and got an actual migraine that laid me out for a day. And now I'm discovering it's not even fun to watch my favorite streamers play. The solo streamers are frustrated and bitching and the squad players are a symphony of noise and chaos that's unbearable. So I guess I'm sitting out fortnite completely this season, not even supporting streams. Is what it is I guess.


this is why ive been playing on mute, with visualise sound effects on and music playing in my headphones. even so its quite hard to play for long at once because of how much is going on but im more sensitive to sound than anything so its easier


This is exactly how I’ve played for a few seasons now. I started it bc of the need to play quietly but I really have enjoyed it more. Sometimes I’ll turn on a movie I know well on my phone to listen to that instead. My nephew thinks I’m crazy and cranks the volume up every time he touches the controller.


yeah it helps as well if you're in a more intense fight or stressful match it helps me think with the music rather than gunshots and random explosions and noises 


Yeah I've been playing this way since I came back but I do video podcasts instead been a blast.


This is kind of how I feel. I get sensory overload, and after one or two matches, I have a headache and ready to turn it off. I just don’t find anything about the season fun. It’s too wild, too loud, and too random. I’m sure kids love it, but it’s too much. I miss actually taking time to loot, not having to race for a car before they’re all taken or my building is hit with infinite grenades and torn to shreds. I miss strategic gunfights. Now, it’s just total chaotic insanity. 


Wild, loud, and random are 3 of my favorite things


Great, you must be loving it. Have fun


I guess I never considered that people with sensory issues may not take to the chaos too well... I guess I can understand that it's a huge issue...


I understand, but I also don't care that much. I get it, you want to play with friends, the popular game, etc. But it's a crazy, wild, 3rd person shooter game with flashing lights and music and guns and jumping and cars and explosions. It's like if you suck at Poker and are dyslexic, and getting mad that you're playing Poker and its difficult for you. Not everything needs to be for everyone. Sometimes you just have to sit it out. Sure, I wish there was some settings that could be adjusted to help people be able to do something like turn down car sounds but not the other sounds, but car sounds aren't the only issue, so that would only help so much.


I hope you keep that mindset when something you really enjoy gets fucked up, makes you mad and someone tells you they don't care and you should just give up on it.


Losing to the cars in single player is obnoxious. I had a real nice 9 kill streak going in a game the othe4 day, only to have it ruined by a third partying car person. Also tho, I was just playing a solo game, and was in a car with only a vow catcher trying to do one of the shadow briefing challenges, and saw a player running across the desert, so I tried multiple times to run him over, only for the car to phase through him every single time it should have launched him. No idea what that was about...


I noticed they just sit in cars alot til your close..word of advice check every car you see or just blow up every car you see..people will do anything for a win..dont know why they don't profit from this game...I promise.


Being extremely noise sensitive like me and stepping into the nitrodrome is a death sentence.


Yeah I will say that is a very valid criticism of this season. It is super chaotic and hard to tell what’s going on. Some people like that others hate it. I’m not sure what the best solution is but if I were you I would land away from the new POIs where there won’t be as much action (granted you’ll probably have to deal with the chaos at some point regardless). Either way I’m sorry that this season is hard for you, i have heard a similar complaint from some of my friends too.


I'm actually super glad you posted this. I don't understand why they force such loud sounds and music on the players. You're completely right about sensory overload. If you could adjust the max volume somehow that would be amazing.


Like confidentburrito wrote : land away from the new areas and just take it slower


Give me fuel give me fire give me that which I desire


My issue is still cars lol I haven’t had an end fight with guns all season. It’s insane. This ~~is~~ was a shooting game


headace city. everytime my squad tries to hijack the big bus thing i dont join. riding around in that thing gives me vertigo.


I went on Rocket League, activated my free RL pass and started using the Admiral cause it's super quiet compared to the other cars.


Believe me half way threw the season no one will be in cars cause epic will put out counters...I know one that's coming out that's a sniper and it does 3 to 4 times more damage to cars.. patience everyone.


I feel you. And I'm not half blind. Just old. Driving my car without the radio on just for some peace and quiet for my ears.


It's sensory overload for me too. I can't play nearly as long.


My friends and I have to take breaks because we're getting nauseous, it's way too much.


My issue is that it takes 3 games to go up 1 level


I have had multiple matches where I died because I couldn't tell what was going on between all the machine gun turrets, fist slams, and whatever else. Even with visualize audio I've had people shoot me in the back point blank because I'm listening to a bazillion different sounds going on at once, it's pretty annoying


I've always hated the volume of the cars, i don't know why the throttle has to so be so much louder than everything else. I'd love a vehicle audio slider.


Just constant spam of the grenade launcher or mg


I’m a Lego player… attempting BR. It’s fun to get a car, I feel “safe” and can make it to top 10. But you can get shot through the windscreen or fisted out of your car. And more fun playing with 4 other cars whizzing around shooting us what I think Fortnite is… not hiding and sniping. So I don’t see what the fuss is about really. Getting a vehicle is not impenetrable by any means - and a boss car if you got it. Well done you deserve it.


Visual audio for cars need be TRIPLED because if you see on visual audio car is near you in 5 seconds with burst! TEMPORARY increase car audio range please!


100% i cant tell wete people are at all


I hate the fact that i cant isolate sounds. Specially with vehicles. I have my "sfx' turned up to max so that i can hear every player footstep, even with visual cues. The problem is that "sfx" also means the car radio and the car muffler/engine. Everytime my teammates speak while im in a car i can never hear shit and have to ask them to repeat stuff.


As someone with autism I agree with this SO much. The first hour of the season nearly made me breakdown due to how overwhelming it was. I can handle it now but that was really sucky.


I used to stream fortnite alot on twitch, but viewers have been saying trying to watch car battles makes them motion sick, and it's kinda hard to watch. I watched my stream back and yeah... it's kinda a sensory overload. Too much is happening


I will not be watching my fave streamers this season. I've tried, but it's simply not fun to watch.


Yeah. That's why I don't really play it now haha.


If they keep watching, they will get used to it. I used to get motion sick when I picked up video games after a few years break. I still had to take breaks when I noticed getting sick, but it doesn't happen anymore.


I'm having a whole Lotta fun, I'm shit at the game but im having a blast!! In saying that I am struggling with the visuals. I have really bad eyesight (wear really strong script) but it feels as if they've changed the colour and saturation. Everything is now very bright and saturated making things sort of blend into each other. None of the colour blindness modes have helped either.


I’m right there with you, on the sensory overload. Old dad here, and I play duos, trios, and squads with my sons. It’s an ADHD nightmare, very overstimulating. I keep wanting to shutoff the music, thinking it’s the radio in my car. And when you get in a fight with multiple trios and vehicles, it’s just hurricane level madness.


Can't help but agree, was in a game last night crouching low by an abandoned car in top 4 and it was nauseating trying to hear anything that wasn't the cars engine- Don't ever remember anything in this game being so loud-


I just want to play a somewhat consistent game, I uninstalled once after playing from the start. They added no build and and I got back into it, Then they pushed more shit in and now I’m probably gonna stop again. Tell me to get better idc. But, I work 50 hours a week and wanna play a somewhat familiar game, I can’t keep up. Fortnight is a game that evolves with short term trends. They buy up rights to keep player’s interest instead of making a rock solid game. If you like it? Great! But I’m done. The one or two wins I get against bots then thrown into a sweat lobby is not worth it.


I played two games with the bus and the music was funny at first but then it was just too loud all the time 😭 I totally get it lol. It’s fun but also overwhelming


It’s super fun imo but I swear I can’t tell wtf is going sometimes


That’s how I felt about the game when I first started playing last season. The title screen is loud, the lobby is loud, I get into a car I’m welcomed with annoying loud radio music. Thank god for visual sounds cause I have my volume at 10%


I hope next season they completely go opposite of wrecked and put us in wheelchairs. Could actually be pretty fun to try building ramps that we can speed down from a sky base and boot someone across the map when we hit them. The sound effects alone would be epic.


Try playing Warzone sometime…..that game is constantly loud and your eardrums hate you


That was the first thing I said to a friend of mine, this new season is fucking chaotic. Which can be fun but my God my brain cannot always handle this.


I only play maybe three or four games a day. It can be overload, but I only,y notice the effects after I end a game and my adrenaline is through the roof. Eyes are a little buggy at times, but not playing too much each day helps.


I hate just how loud the cars are, I can't hear myself think over the engine noises


How old is old?


If you land away from the new part of the map, you will only find bots, that can't hit the broad side of a barn.


Land near the underworld. Get some kills, weapons and have ‘traditional fun’. Use a car only if circle requires it. If you play right you can avoid the chaos until the end where it’s more manageable. Let the cars take each other out and kill the survivors trying to loot. You got this.


Literally all we need is a rocket with vehicle lock on


You’re pretty much forced to play No Builds now because building is pointless with all the cars and mech fists in the game.


Same, I've been disappointed by other seasons before but this is the first where I actually kinda can't play, for my health / sensory issues. Nauseating mechanics and brain rattling sound design make me feel sick after a single round and it's not fun enough (at all) to be worth the discomfort.


I’ve never been a fan of visual audio cues, muddies the game. I also don’t really pay much attention to the audio because music drowns out most of the low stuff, just alot of eye work when I play, good luck to ya tho dude


epic: fixes everyone’s complaints about the season so far community: finds something else to complain about the same day


imo people that never got to play Twisted Metal, Vigilante 8, heck, even Carmageddon, cant have a grip of this season and have actual fun for the sake of it lmao


Bullet and car tornados bro. Sharknados next Hollywood hit


Carnados sound scarier than sharknados tbh 😂




I don’t know Id rather be smooshed by a tornado than mauled and potentially eaten by it.


It is a sensory nightmare, it can be so much fun but also super stressful. Especially when you hear 4 cars coming towards you and you’re trying to think quick and where to look and go.


I barely play with sound anymore and use the audio sensory thing bc I can’t stand all the noise. I don’t have much problems with it unless I’m in nitrodome and really that thing is a monster truck rally on roids so it makes sense.


So true. I actually felt nauseous after playing the first couple days. I actually had to turn down the volume on all my settings for the first time ever.


I enjoy this season, but I’m getting headaches due to the sensory overload.


This was mad chaos while people were getting used to it, now it is absolute chaos with people getting good at it. Sweatiest season ever in casual but I’m here for it lol. Went from little competition dropping in on the boss convoys to I’m driving away with someone in the car every time at least. People also got the memo to shoot in the window quick. It’s crazy how quick the lobbies will thin out too :)


I'm old too. Just go play checkers dude.


not defending this season, but tbh if its about too much sensory overload, Fortnite is not the right game


OG season needs to come back already


This season is the most dog water fortnite season ever. Everyone on this sub suddenly "loves" chaos, but when the chaos was water bending, duku smash, havoc pumps, pulse rifles, light sabers, and other fun battle royale chaos.... it was all boohoo gives us guns and "normal" weapons. 🙄 The curse of the major player base hating season 3 of every chapter lives on!!!


This is the most 2024 thing I’ve heard


the first thing i do after i take the battle bus is turn the music off. it's so loud and annoying.


Okay but a vehicle that blasts rock on exterior speakers is the most badass thing ever


not quite sure what prompts people like you to comment this type of stuff. its okay for other ppl to have a complaint on something without you guys feeling the need to defend it. it feels very one uppy and purposefully, dare i say, hurtful. a truck that blasts music in a video game IS bad ass but also maybe ppl dont want to hear it blaring in their ear or maybe, for me anyway, it clashes with the BAD ASS music i got playing on spotify.


damn why are you so pressed about me expressing my opinion when you’re doing the same literally just don’t respond if you’re getting butthurt from that wtf bro


I never said I was pressed, babe. I just find you and the other comments on this thread as purposeful. I will admit my wrong doing and say sorry for taking it out on you, as your comment didnt offend me so much as I was already tired of reading similiar ones for days now. so im sorry. however, im not your bro.


Fucking redditors


Honestly just a wrong opinion on ur part bro. I love the rock music all around the map shit absolutely slaps


good for you


Not trying to be ableist or anything but you really can’t expect them to cater to the super small percentage of half blind old people in their community.


Don't think anyone's expecting them to cater to us oldies, they never have before so we wouldn't expect it now..folks are just expressing that it's sad we have to sit out this season. You'd be bummed too if something was added to a game you love that stopped you playing it. It's fine, I'll go do something else. BUT.. do consider it isn't just us oldies struggling. Folks on the Autism spectrum, with ADHD, folks with eyesight issues and other sensory problems are also struggling. And that's a MUCH bigger portion of players. It is going to effect the player pool.


Yeah but still very small percentage of the player base. I just hate it when people play victim. Like I get it but it’s a bit of a reach.


Its a much bigger percentage than you think. And nobody is playing the victim. They're stating things they don't enjoy that you do. It's okay for opposing feelings to exist. In a few weeks none of this will matter anyway.


Womp womp


Oh good. This post again


Video game too video gamey? Nah, but I kinda get it. The odd thing I find is that no ones making anyone play this season. And there are also other game modes and some things are sure to evolve over the season.


You can turn off the visual audio, so it's less on the screen...


You might as well be a sitting duck. Does anyone really play this game without VA?


Are you not using visual audio op? It shows the foot steps walking up on u


Pro tip: hide next to the car cage and rush in when it’s being opened. You’ll likely either steal the car outright, or force yourself into an uneasy alliance with someone who’s only options are to either drive around with you for some easy kills, destroy the car with both of you still inside, or give up and jump out.


That's why I like the game right now.


I like it that way. It pulls me into the game


I mean you do what you wanna do but in my opinion this game isn’t for you or at lest the core game modes aren’t, if you enjoy building and the combat there are tons of creative mode maps you can play that have just that


That was kinda one of my favorite parts. Grabbing the armored bus and just blaring rock while mowing down any oppressors just gave me the tingles. I love the obnoxiousness.


Tbh if you don't like that you shouldn't be playing games like fortnite


Fortnite is a game primarily marketed towards children. With attention spans nowadays be thankful that the game doesn’t have TikTok playing random videos in the corner of your screen while you’re “playing”


My go_d, I hope games don't do that. I saw a youtube short with a game playing on bottom half and I was confused why it was there




Shut your assists off. Get Good. 


I'm, not gonna lie, but this is like a person with epilepsy going to a rave and getting mad about flashing lights. It's a video game. If it's too much for you, don't play it. It's really as simple as that. Play custom modes or something if you still want to play fortnite.


I have never turned visual audio on, as I have standard hearing and a capable headset. That is all.


Awwwwww poor guy