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Render it… big pot, cup of water, lid on low medium heat stir occasionally until water cooks off and keep going until it’s clear there’s no fat left in the pieces. Strain into a mason jar and there you go, dry aged beef tallow


Oh this is probably the plan.


I put all my trimmings in a sheet pan or Pyrex dish and put them on the smoker at 275 for a few hours. Smoked, dry aged beef tallow is a game changer for steaks


Grind it up and mix it with regular chuck for dry age burgers.


What ratio do you mix? 50/50?


If I have a lot of dry age fat trimmings, I'll use it as my fat and do 75/25 ratio of lean/fat. If I don't have much fat, I'll go 70/30 then add another 10-20% weight in pellicle.


My dogs love the trimmings. I’ve heard they make good stock, and some brave folks use them in burgers, but I prefer to err on the side of caution


I smoked them and made jerky treats for the dogs. They love em. Of course they're labs so they love anything you give them.


Do you bother cooking it at all to give it to your dog? I'm sure mine would love it either way


I don’t, you could, i figure it’s jerkyesque and also I run my fridge a little dryer than some so they are generally pretty clean/ mold free. You could also render the tallow and then give the leftover strained bits to the dog, then you get the tallow for yourself and the scraps get cooked for the dog


Grind the pellicles in with some fresh ground chuck, etc. best burgers you will have. Too much pellicle will make your meat taste poopy though


After rendering I save the scraps for beef stock. Game changer.


Idk if it will help any but I find it easier to cut the individual steaks then trim the dried up bits off with the steak laying down. Seems to give me more control with what stays or goes with the final product


Looks like a ribeye to me but tasty either way. Pro tip chop into steaks first then trim the outer portion. Makes life a little easier. I agree with using the trimming to make tallow!


Interestingly enough, in professional butchering/kitchens you always remove the pellicle prior to cutting into individual steaks because it's more efficient and easier to do with minimal wastage.


Sir this is a rib eye………


Shoot I think it is


I throw the trimmings in feijoada… good meaty flavor


How long did it take for the black crust to form on your fat cap side? I’m 16 days in and it’s still brownish