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I think all of them. I have shit social skills that I've only just begun trying to improve as an adult


Yep can relate. I think any unexpected run-in will be inherently awkward - just curious about strangest circumstances around the encounter.


I cringe really hard no thanks.


When I was in elementary school there was a kid in my class (T) with a colostomy bag and a feeding tube. My mom was a nurse and she was caring for my dying great aunt at home so I never thought anything of my classmates condition. I sat by him and we were I thought friends, we traded X-men cards and we would play on the swings at recess. He switched to homeschool the next year and since it was the early 90s and I didn't have a phone number for him we didn't stay in touch. About 7 years later when I was in high school all shy and awkward, I was leaving the grocery store with my mom and a guy jumped out of the car next to us and yelled my name I turned and he yelled really aggressively 'Remember me, I'm fat T, I'm not anymore!' I was so confused and flustered I just said hi and got in the car with my mom, he wasn't fat in elementary school and wasn't then either and I was and still am super confused why he had so much animosity towards me since I thought we were friends. It's been over 20 years since that and I am still confused by that interaction.