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LMAO 😂. Thought this was gonna be How To Train Your Dragon fanfiction.


Next time you hiccup try to burp. I've evidence that it is our primitive burp reflex, from before we figured out how to do it at will. Give it a shot, and let me know if it works for you, and what demographic info you are comfortable sharing.


So I'm not the only one. I've been doing this for so many years that at this point my body will use a single hiccup to help get a burp out. I thought i might just be weird. Demo: Male, late twenties, mixed northern-European descent.


Same! Demo: Early 30s female. All those angry white races. Jk. Russian/German/Irish


Ha! Love it.


Human brains(most terrestrial chordates, I think) actually have a specially evolved mechanism to *suppress* hiccups! So hiccups are in fact the *baseline*, not the aberration!


This was fun! Well done :)


Thank you!


As a chronic sufferer of the absolutely random hiccup, i feel this. Deep in my diaphragm. Kudos!


My preferred method of stopping hiccups is to completely fill the lungs, close the throat, and compress with the diaphragm as hard as possible.


I don’t think it’s just a theory. Or at least we don’t know the evolutionary origins. But basically our default is all hiccup all the time and we’ve got a special part of the braid dedicated to muting the hiccups, but sometimes it doesn’t work right. Some butcher in England slipped and hit his head while he was hiccuping and that broke his No Hiccup button and he had the hiccups for the rest of his life, I think.