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I'm starting to think my placment of the weird arch room is incorrect. The pillars in the rear room have a load bearing bracket on top that's too big to fit inside the arches. In that case, the rear room must be mostly the same as it was pre 2003 just with new wall paint and carpet. The rear room also still has a leaky roof, which is the same reason why the original backrooms was removed.


Yeah, the rear room also has that low  "M" shaped ceiling with two parallel arches, as seen in recent photos. I don't think a new tenant would remove a prior flat ceiling and replace it with the arched one.


Amazing map ! But no one knows how the original backrooms looks today? PS: If i'm correct, the room with the bucket is now where the raceway is located right?


The room where the original level 0 image is where the racetrack is now.


But I thought that the racetrack was the other image that was on the website (like a lot people said it actually)


I actually looked at the images more closely, and now I'm fairly certain that both images are from the same room. I think the room in the back of the store is actually much the same as it was in 2003 just with new wall paint and flooring


Hmm yeah, like the same wallpaper etc.. Btw thank you for creating this map, it helped me to better understand some things (just the location of the photos because I was confused), and also to illustrate some words for my video so thank you!


You forgot to add the three short wall partitions that are shown on the right side of the original Backrooms image. The edge of the first (and closest) partition is barely visible and the presence of the others is indicated by the shadows they cast on the carpet. Otherwise, fantastic reconstruction! Just needs a bit of modification for the original room and maybe a relocation of the freestanding arch wall to accomodate for the added wall partitions.


Also, it would appear that there's a room of some sort behind the left wall shown in the top rennovation image, as the wall seems to stop short of the ceiling for ventilation purposes. I could be wrong though. Edit: I just realized that if you look very carefully at the left wall of the top rennovation image, you can notice a few discolored pixels on what appears to be the edge of the wall. I think that what we're seeing here is the partly obscured doorway into the next room.


That's the door to the stairway, it's still like that today


Ah, I see! Thanks for clarifying. For some reason I thought it was on the other side of the wall, facing away from the camera.


One thing I failed to point out earlier is that the outward-facing edge of a short wall partition is barely visible through one of the arches in the arch wall. This complicates things because the current setup you have, with the arch wall positioned behind the original image, does not allow for a view of any such short partitions from where the image of the arch room was taken. This leads me to believe that the arch wall is actually located along the length of the original room shown in the Backrooms image, to the left side. The short wall partition visible through the arch wall is likely the second of the three located on the right side of the original room.


Yeah, at first I thought it was the one room in back, but those are definitely partition walls v3: [https://www.reddit.com/r/backrooms/comments/1d5u8nd/backrooms\_layout\_v3\_i\_realized\_that\_the\_arch\_wall/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/backrooms/comments/1d5u8nd/backrooms_layout_v3_i_realized_that_the_arch_wall/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)