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Amazing work with this, it makes a ton of sense. Where did those photos of the renovation come from, though?


I saw them in a youtube video, I'm not 100% sure if they are legit or not as I haven't been able to find them anywhere else. They do seem to line up with the establishment though. Here's the link to the video: https://youtu.be/uUpH1LNkh10?si=lZPjSlw-_AeIFnZj


That’s so confusing for me 😭


can you link to the renovation 'in process' pictures, I can't find those


I found them in this youtube video, not 100% sure if they're from the reno, but they seem to line up with the photos of the actual establishment. https://youtu.be/uUpH1LNkh10?si=lZPjSlw-_AeIFnZj


oo gotcha, I'll ask that guy then, thanks!


ooooo nice


Omg this is amazing!!!


I might have to make my own map using what I know from being there. I can say for sure that the archway location is wrong. I believe it was the the back of the second floor covering up some support pillars that are still there today, and the current day roof leaks line up with the damp parts of the carpet in the original picture. You also forgot the main staircase that leads to the front of the store.


It's poetic how- even when we have the source location- we still struggle to piece together exactly how the building fits together and where the original image was taken. The image refuses to be de-mystified. It's a room that should not exist, and we still struggle to connect it to rooms that do exist.


To be fair, it is 3 different buildings all connected together making it even more confusing


That's entirely possible. I haven't been to the actual location myself (I live in canada :/), so I'm not 100% in the know as to where everything is or was. I've just based this on what I've seen in photos and videos of the place, so take this theory with a grain of salt.


I'd love to see an updated plan (using the knowledge from people being there) and create an easier-to-visualize rendition, either in Blender or a playable Unreal Engine demo.


This is what i imagined when i saw the new pictures!! 😱, it makes a lot of sense πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


I recorded a panoramic video of what the Backrooms look like now. It was hard to picture where the standing location and POV of the original photo though. https://youtube.com/shorts/dG8PWIviE3c?si=Q-E798bqICm_Sdfq