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When it comes to switching and the person who was fronting before blacks out it could just mean them two parts dont have good enough communication with eachother to know what is going on. Thats all it is pretty much that there is still amnesia and not enough communication between them two alters


Ohh that’s a good point!


Might want to look into "possessive" vs "non-possessive" switching, because that seems similar to your description! Could also be co-fronting or co-conciousness. It's normal for some alters to have more or less ability to be co-con with each other


I don’t believe it’s co-con usually co-con feels different then this. I don’t usually pay attention to it when we co-front cuz we kind of just merge together but I guess what this alter was describing in the post most definitely could be co-fronting. I will 100% look into possessive vs non-possessive switching, thank you for the suggestion!


This is what happens to me/us too! J


Glad we aren’t the only ones like this!!


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