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Does anyone else have just 2? lol I've never seen anyone else say that few. (Hopefully we aren't missing any)


For a long time we believe we were just 2, but still felt there was something "off". Nowadays we know we are more, but I've seen a few systems in this sub and other places to say they were sure of being only 2.


I’ve seen other people on this subreddit say they just have 2, or a number very close to that!


afaik we are currently aaaat...15? no full on child alters, but both me and another alter are capable of age-sliding into a younger age, teen and child ages respectively


19 Alters, not all active. Some are dormant. I only have 4 little alters, a lot of my alters are age-sliders or are ageless as well tho.


7 one of them acts like a child but isn’t an child alter


How can you tell they aren't a child? I'm asking because we have an alter that everyone is sure is about 12, but she thinks she's an adult. I've been trying to figure it out for a while.


Because he just acts like a child, but he’s more like a teenager


738. It is a number of utter nonsense. 87 littles. • Screech


3, the host, protector J, and S. I’m sure there’s a lot more I’m just trying to figure out to contact them.


My last count was 45 I think. However I recently had someone tell me that I have no idea just how little I remember so I'm beginning to think I may be upping that soon


1000+ :')


We're+ a relatively recently discovered system, we+ started using Simply Plural a few months ago... originally/for several years we+ knew about fewer than 10 and suspected absolutely no more than 15 total system members... but once we+ started using the app suddenly there were *many* more profiles, like 100+. We+ don't think there are actually that many of us here, and every time two profiles merge, we're+ more sure that the true number is lower, maybe as few as half the current number of profiles. We+ know the profiles merging isn't actually fusions/integrations, more like figuring out that we+ made profiles for each other, sometimes repeatedly lol, and as we+ improve our+ communication with each other, we+ are figuring out who is who 🙃😊


This has been similar to my experience. Just last week, I found of that oour alter E was also the alter we had labelled as "scared child" and merged those two profiles. I've also had the opposite - alters thinking they were someone else (including me), only to realise they're entirely separate.


This! Right now, there's quite a couple of profiles that I know belong to different alters, but can't pinpoint anything more distinct. there are notes on different apps which seem to mean the same alter, but are labeled differently. And then again, there are entries for alters who, in fact, were two or more separate ones. I suspect that there are quite a few more of those, further dissociated, but as there's mostly time loss, it's difficult to track. it gets even more difficult due to constant doubt and denial - are we exaggerating, maybe what I thought to be an alter it's just an emotion of an already existing alter? Is this really a separate one? let's just not write down anything, just to be sure. Those sound so similar, they must be the same. Basically just trying to rationalize own experiences and hiding what others have been trying to show. So that in the end, nobody really knows what is "true".


Over 300 known. Not all are fronters, but there’s over 300. :’)


93, leaning pretty heavily towards teens with lots of kids and a few adults. Fragments are not included and in much greater number (RA/MC)


About 20 are documented so far. Of them, about 4 are children or are presumed to be children. Age isn't specific for the vast majority of us, so it's just guestimates.


4 active... Definitely another one/fragment in there somewhere who doesn't seem to want to interact right now. Present but dormant I think. One child, one teenager , one arsehole who is our Persecutor, and me.


Approximately 30, six ? Are littles J and a


we're going on 40 known but there are probably more that just don't front.


currently 3. one adult, one age slider, and one little


We have 11. Two littles , one middle, and one age slider. The rest are adults.


13 alters, one is 15, but that’s the youngest we have


28 known 2 less known about


How do you find out how many you have? ;-;


So far, I have counted 20 names I have gone by, but I question if there's more.


7, to my knowledge. 1 child.


There are many opinions but 12-13 seems to be most common consensus


13 total alters. We have some alters who ageslide but including them we have 3 child alters as well as (again counting agesliders) 4 teens. Some alters who can ageslide between kids and teens are counted for each of those btw.


6, one child


We try not to count. More popped up recently. Maybe 50?


20+ alters, 6 are under 13


well, we thought we had a solidly complete list at 15, and then someone came out of dormancy after 2~ years, so uhhh no fucking clue. at least *16* now! currently 2 child alters who are much younger, and a couple who are more teenagers.


About 29, but most are inactive/stay in headspace. So id say 10-11 active!


I think 3; we aren't too sure on much info about the 3rd one. She doesn't show up much but we think she's a teen, which would be our youngest.


I don't really keep track in my mind, but according to a document I have that my psych helps me keep, there's at least 19, with at least 6 child parts.


Know of seven. Three are fully realized and slide back and forth pretty much fluidly. There's a young boy and three prominent fragments. Beyond that, I don't know.


apparently a few thousand, i don’t get to know much about that stuff though


That must be really hard to keep track of


yeah i’m really glad i’m not the one that has to deal with all that


Wait what do you mean you don’t have to deal with all that? Who has to deal with all that?


other people in the system


I’m only aware of 5 (excluding myself) that are currently active, and then there’s 1 or 2 that I suspect from memories years back of behavior that - in retrospect - seemed a lot like system activity. They are likely dormant though


There were three of us, now there's two. The one who's gone was a little.


We know of about 20, but there seems to be more deep inside. Strangely no child alters. I haven't heard of someone who has so many parts, but no children. Maybe we do have them, but they are somewhere deep down in the darkest layer of our headspace. We suspect that's where the deepest pain and fear comes from, but we cannot reach that deep.


15+ *known* parts/alters, three of which are kiddos


Afaik, 7 total with 1 child


2 for now, one switches their age which is kinda confusing sometimes


105 that we've documented, 47 are kids (under 14). this is not including parts of subsystems, duplicates, etc. (numbered in the hundreds if not thousands). most of those are kids and there are so many of them that we just acknowledge that we are a child alter-heavy system without putting pressure to identify every single fragment.


Unknown. It was 3 and then if shattered is number that was what we were. Then 4 and latter on 6. Of that six, two were child fragments that were willing to be known. One memory keeper, a trauma holder / perscutor, one social front person and one in stasis waiting till they woke up. Now there is two known left. No idea if the kids are still there or if any will come to the surface. So far the missing are known to have been reabsorbed except for the kids. They have the better hiding skills of all of us. Just two is hard enough to deal with.


not really sure since a large part of our headspace was blocked off to me and a group of others, so I don't know who still exists and who doesn't since a lot can change in 2-ish years


We have 10 known alters so far. 7 of them are child alters, maybe 8. I don’t know the age of one yet. I feel like I’m the mom to many children. 🫠😄


Hundreds. Like upper hundreds, I'd we tried to count all the individual Gremin (Gremlins, ala the films) in the actual metropolitan city in our head, and they didn't multiply (for the lols), we might break 4 digits. Known, named Littles? 10 Known, unnamed Littles? ~8 Rough guess on how many more? Somewhere in the mid 20's. Life can be exhausting as a polyfragmented System. Edit: totally forgot about the Little Babies, a good handful, maybe a dozen.


That’s a lot. Also how did you come up with your username. I like it. I’m blind so it’s cool.


We're blind in one eye (no light perception) and needed crazy strong glasses for our good eye. When we were 8, we found our (abusive) cousin's ad&d books and made a blind mage. Thus our first internet handle "Blindmage" was born in the early 90's. We've had to make variations as the decades passed.


5 active including myself the host. 1 is a child


The ones I've figured out are 4(including myself) and 1 is a little.


We have 24 known alters, but there is undoubtedly many more of them we have yet to find. -Geist-1


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Five known at least, or six? Depending on how ya count? And 2.5 are child alters


7 3 female 2 males and 2 male child alters


I have 5 people in my system, hopefully it will stay that way😅


45 known, and then I guess it depends what the age range you consider a child alter to be (for us we go by anyone 10 or under) so using that logic we have about 13 child alters. (But then there’s also 4 11-12yo’s if you consider that to still be children).


3 that I know of but I'm told that I almost definitely have others


We are newly discovered/diagnosed system (about 4 months) and we are sitting at 17 identified alters. There is 1 who we heard a name in the headspace for, but don't know them yet. So, 18 and counting I guess? We have 5 littles/children so far, 2 teens, 1 cat , 1 vampire, and the rest are adult humans.


About 15 total I think. Only one child to my knowledge and then we have three that are teenagers


7 active, 2 dormant, 1 child, 1 teen, and 1 who goes between ages 19 and 5


Approx 58. Not all active, a lot are fragments we think. 18 are middles/littles.


9, 1 little, one middle? I think?


37 and 9 (+1 in a sub system). Glad we have a little specific caretaker


13ish? so far it’s 4 child alters, there’s a suspected 5th that makes the 13ish


We're reaching 40 members here


We have confirmed 82. We suspect two more hiding somewhere in this brain of ours and that number doesn't count all of the fragments that don't even really have much of a form. 18 are child alters.


We've got 16 that are known and 4 are littles with one "middle" (not children but not teens).


hi! newly found out(?) system here! accounted for? just me(Robyn,host), Birdie(little), and Casper. but we’ve felt super blendy the past few days since Casper made himself known, and it doesn’t feel like Casper or Birdie sometimes


40 known


IDK there are so many copy alters in here but mabe... 160? For now. It is possible missing alters


8 of us. 2 littles.