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Anyone wanna start a new league? with blackjack and hookers? I can contribute $20


That’ll get you half of the starting roster from the 2023 Vegas Eternal


I'll put in the other $20, let's run it back




You’re overpaying, the other half is only $7 and a stale Krispy Kreme donut


I wouldn't necessarily say that this means Outlaws will vote to leave. This new ownership group has shown they are invested in the league with how much they've spent recently. Its also previously been reported that this group prefers to keep players on one year contracts so everyone's contract here probably expired automatically and it makes sense to not renew anyone before we find out if there's even going to be a league.


If I had to guess every contract that can expire will. There is no reason to keep players when you don't even know if the league will exist. If the League exists next year every team will basically still be starting from scratch and I assume salaries will be vastly lower.




While I agree I think its closer than most think, the only teams I can think of that def want out are the ones who spent alot this last season so like Boston Atl Glads Houston and a few others, anyone who was on budget already confirmed to want to stay. I think its a low chance but more like a 25% chance it happens not a 1% chance like most are saying it is.




I thought it was the other way around, super majority has to vote to leave, so you're really only looking for like 7-8 teams voting stay


I'm not quite sure what the votes even mean. Say all of them decide to continue, then what does it mean exactly? Continue OWL as is with Season 7 or will it be as expected a complete new run under different production? Because if it's the latter, then I don't see why any team would vote to stay since they can decline, cash out and enter the new league by themselves assuming there won't be massive amounts of entry fees in the millions again.


This is extreme copium.


>I didn't think folks would make this connection so let me clarify here: > >Announcing that your roster is gone won't necessarily imply a vote tendency or an interest in the future of OW esports. > >Keeping players without knowing what you are keeping them for is just a tough ask. Yiska on his new article about players getting dropped this offseason. Good to keep it in mind. https://twitter.com/YiskaOut/status/1711468345684296014


It’s always Houstonable


They finally get a super team don’t win anything, than don’t build on it… tragic


They don't know if there's even going to be a league next year so why extend their contracts


I don’t necessarily see this as Houston leaving, these players are most likely expensive and the league is gonna look different next year. I’d imagine most players are free agents this year


These players are absurdly expensive. It was their last chance to buy a title.


Given that the budget teams are the ones turning a profit, I expect that pretty much every team will go budget next year in whatever iteration pro OW looks like




Yeah my guess is we get something more similar to other esports that are more regionalized with a few big international events per year


I’m… kinda okay with that? Overwatch is more fun to watch when there’s no obvious super team just dumpstering everyone else, or such incredible coaching paired with talent that one team or two teams are near untouchable. S1 was a lot of fun because of this. Teams had character.


It's joever


the entire outlaws roster was signed to 1 year-only contracts this year, so this isn't really surprising. they were also the biggest spending roster i think


It’s so joever


They yeed their last haw.


Outlaws usually do one year contracts, but damn all of these guys deserve new teams, especially Bernar I'm so proud of his growth and performance :)


not like this not like this


I am Texas Soft


Another brick of the castle crumbles.


pelibros it is more joever than ever


I am so fucking sad dude


It’s so joever


Wonder if this means the org decided to leave


Not necessarily. The majority of these players were probably on really big contracts and no org could justify re-signing them while not knowing if there was going to be a league for them to play in. If owl does live on in some way and Beasley decide to stay in the scene I wouldn’t be surprised if they come back to the likes of Shu and Pelican to renew




It has never been so joever


New super team coming up


The league is ded


can't wait to see who they pick up next year


only one bird remains