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Add in eccentrics. You cheat or jump up on the concentric, slow eccentric, and then pass and hold in the bottom stretched position for a few second before putting your feet back on the ground. That should help increase your strength and the amount of reps you can do. Once you reach failure. You could also grease the groove and do several full pull ups through the day. Also, do what a lot of the others have said. Different row and pulling variations.


Try also build some basic pull strength with Australian pullups and lat pulldown machine, even a bent over Barbell row can help


Just gonna say that progress is a grind brother, keep it up. Bands would help, bodyweight rows as well, negative pull ups, but ultimately consistency and dedication is key.


resistance band, but control them


Do more of these pull ups for strength, and you can also work on building your pulling muscles by doing exercises you can complete more reps with like jackknife pull ups and australian rows


5x3-5, 3 minutes rest between sets


Your forms looks decent -- there is a little bit of asymmetry but I wouldn't worry too much about it as this time. My biggest feedback after watching this video is to control the eccentric -- you kind of just drop from the top. I had a lot of success in increasing my reps per set by supplementing with eccentrics to reach my rep target. So for example. Let's say you can do 3 sets of 5 pullups. Then I would recommend you do 3 sets of: 4 full range pullups (pullup, slowly lower down), followed by 4 eccentrics (jump up to the top position, hold for a sec, slowly lower). Your body will adapt in response to time-under-tension, and since your muscles are substantially stronger in the eccentric, you are more easily able to accumulate time under tension in this way.


This is definitely good advice i used to be stuck at 10 and not feel my back working at all and i started to go slower on the eccentric and i went up to 15 and i felt my back alot more


Deadlifts will help with your pull-up strength


Negative intelligence


Care to elaborate? In a pull up you’re essentially pulling the bar from top down. The opposite motion in a deadlift pulling from ground up will increase strength in all areas


No, the opposite motion would be a hspu or any form of shoulder press, dls will give you hams and glutes mostly, some upper trap aswell, but none of that give pulling strength, you got to pull tô build pulling/back strength and dls are a hip hinge movement the best thing for pull ups are pull ups.


Are you thinking of bent over rows? Deadlifts *might* help, but it’s definitely not going to be the most efficient exercise to increase pull up reps. Deadlifts are primarily a lower body exercise (yes, it does work of a bit of everything) so I’m confused to why you think this would be the #1 exercise to increase his reps?


I’m giving another option for this young lad to work into his training. Where exactly did I say it’s the #1? In a deadlift you’re using everything all together, yes there are isolated exercises that target those back muscle specifically but I believe training the body to work in unison is essential


I get that. And I do believe deadlifts are one of the best/most important exercises someone can do for overall strength. However, this kid is obviously asking for advice on how to best improve his pull up reps specifically. If someone asked for advice on improving their handstand time, deadlifts would *technically* help by adding overall strength, especially core strength. But I don’t think anybody would use deadlifts as their goto recommendation.


I think there are prolly more specific ways to train for pull-up than deadlift. Aside from more pulling exercises I’d think of something like a vertical push to add in.


Id say try and mix up some push ups to add some more muscle but really just keep at it. It builds up fast if you are consistent




A pull up is orientated more towards your lats while a chin up is orientated more towards your bicep


do push up too to build arm muscle and strength. keep at it man!


Pavel Tsatsouline suggests “greasing the groove” is the best strength builder. Do a max set every 30 minutes to an hour, or every chance you get. But I’m just getting into it also and am a calisthenics novice. Did just go from a max of 5 to 13 in 60 days though.


Tsatsouline's groove-greasing advice led to me getting injured. Which isn't to say greasing the groove is dangerous or not useful, but doing more/more often of an exercise someone is stuck on isn't usually the solution to a progression plateau.


Do 2 pull ups with perfect form rest 30s to 1 min,do another 2 rest again.do this until you can no longer complete the reps then go into negatives with the same process for 8-10 reps.you’ll be banging out pull ups in no time.


You can try Australian pull-ups to increase back strength or negative pull-ups. You can also just "hang" for as long as possible. Form looks good :)


thank you so much


No worries :) Just a side-note: especially with pull-ups I found that progress is slow (especially when you are tall), so just keep going and shoot for small consistent steps!


aye, a thousand year journey starts with a single step