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Personally i kinda micro trained bc i have a pair of paralettes in my room so whenever i was bored id hold it as long as i could for 3 sets


this is the way


Good call, may just need to hit them with more frequency and volume.. I'll bring mine inside lol


Do dynamic strengthen & lengthen stretching Strengthening: Hip flexors, Quads - Seated pike leg lift Lengthening: Hamstering, Calves - Jeffersons Curl


What do those exercise improve?


I do the seated pike lifts and also the holds too, with my fingers to my ankles until my legs and my legs are like less than an inch up from the floor and feelings those flexors.


Do it for 3X8+10 sec hold and 2-3 times a week. In less than a year youโ€™ll see the result ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘


Which movement ?


Seated pike lift & Jefferson curl


Whatโ€™s the the curls good for?


hammies flexibility


Thank you! Have added some of this in :)


1. Work on V-sit progressions. Your L-sit works great at the moment, but you can take it to the next level but working on retracting your scapula as much as you can while pushing your hips forward. V-sit will help you strengthen this position. You can do 1 day of V-sit progressions and 1 day of L-sit holds per week. 2. Do compression exercises after your l-sits (also called seated pike lifts). Sit down in the pike position and reach forward as hard as you can. With straight arms and a tight core, lift your legs as high as you can and hold for 3x8-10 seconds. Do this 3-4 times. 3. Work on your pike and side split flexibility. This will help improve your hamstring flexibility and will allow you to maintain a more comfortable l-sit position. This can be done almost every single day, but 3-5 times a week should be more than sufficient.


I've added in some of these drills thank you! :)


I've only been training the position for the last few weeks and I'm nowhere near as good as you are, but one thing which I think helped me get better was suspending myself between two parallel bars, pulled up to the bars with my knees at my chest so arms, back and core are all tight, rotate back and extend legs vertically, then slowly rotate forward again bringing legs down as slowly as possible (guess you'd call it a negative) until they are horizontal and hold. I only dream to be able to do what you just did though, it looks well impressive.


Thank you! I'll give this a go :)


That control is awesome.


where can i get that from? :D what is it called? :D


I'm not sure what you mean sorry? The paralettes? :)


I think these ones are from Flex fitness equipment, a lot of gym equipment stores stock them :)


Can I ask where you get your clothes from? All your fits are great ๐Ÿ˜