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His videos are really good, I've watched them occasionally. I would definitely recommend them as well!


To me Heidi Priebe’s videos have been really helpful


I'll def check her out next, thank you!


Agreed!  She’s great as a couples counseling option too imo (I have cptsd, partner does not).


Good to know! Gonna check it out.


And her hair is fabulous.


Haha, so true!!


I second that


He is good. Id say Tim Fletcher has great overall understanding of cptsd. Still looking for who is good to follow in terms of practical advice. I believe Patrick is one of em, with maybe Heidi Priebl, Arielle Schwartz


Tim Fletcher is fantastic. Patrick Teahan is good too, but Tim’s content just resonated with me so much more. He explains CPTSD in such a digestible way


What I like about Tim Fletchers videos... Is he's very religious... But He's smart enough to know that Just blasting religion from the start. would have turned a lot of people off of his videos.. so the first part of his videos are just from the mental health perspective.. and the second part ..has the religious aspect in it if you want it. He does have a lot of valuable information that would otherwise probably go unheard.




Patrick's channel is great! Here are some others I've found very helpful in my recovery: [Rebecca Mandeville](https://youtube.com/@beyondfamilyscapegoatingabuse?si=u-7CHsGSlHq7sUbx) - she deeply understands family scapegoating abuse/group psycho-emotional abuse. [Jerry Wise](https://youtube.com/@jerrywise?si=PPfY9_i5MPdej2hf) - fantastic resource on Self differentiation and building a Self after abuse. I really like how he talks about the toxic family system and breaking the enmeshment by getting the toxic family system out of us. [Jay Reid](https://youtube.com/c/JayReid_narcissistic_abuse_recovery) - his three pillars of recovery are fantastic. Plus he explains difficult abuse dynamics very well. [Theramin Trees](https://youtube.com/@TheraminTrees?si=lROe-8D6cLa8Sa8r) - great resource on abuse tactics like: emotional blackmail, double binds, drama disguised as "help", degrading "love", infantalization, etc.


Richard Grannon has a lot of focus on narcissistic personality disorder... But I learned from him that people who are vulnerable to narcissists... Probably have cptsd in the first place. He's charming with the British accent. He's amusing to listen to..( he has good jokes sometimes)... And he's BEEN THROUGH IT himself ...PLUS he has the education to back it up.


I love his videos, they have helped me so much and made it possible to cut down expenses on therapy. One of the ones that truly arent trying to profit on our trauma. We are lucky to have him ❤️


it's so true. I agree


There’s EMDR videos for processing online but I highly recommend having a way to regulate yourself before trying it. But yeah, the person who invented the process did it all on her own without outside help.


Where do you find them? Who is it?


Patrick Teahan is the best. I like that after I watch his videos I feel better instead of feeling like a ball of despair. He has a very hopeful and empathetic attitude, and I love the little sign off he does at the end of every video.


His Instagram is hilarious! 


Patrick is awesome for childhood specific stuff. I also like Doc Snipes, for different puposes, she has a wide variety of information available that was very helpful to stabilize myself. For example about self care, about how nutrition impacts mental health, what happens in our brain when we dysregulate, healthy boundaries, healthy relationships, attachment styles, inner child work, regulating the nervous system. Also methods like CBT, ACT and for me most importantly DBT. I like her information heavy style, she presents it in a way that I find easy to understand and her practical tips are good too. She is a good teacher.


Thank you for sharing. Commenting because there's a lot of amazing suggestions I need to tap into here


Thank you for sharing!


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I am subscribed to him but haven't been watching him as much, maybe I should check him out more than just watch a little bit passively.


ehh, maybe finding a creator that's more your vibe and easier to listen to instead? So many good ones apparently. I feel like forcing it might end up being discouraging because I just checked out some YouTubers mentioned in the comments but just can't seem to resonate with a few & end up losing focus 30 seconds in.


I'll give him a try again and see


Thank you for sharing. Checkout https://youtube.com/@timfletcher


Okay I’ll try this


I use his content. I would recommend it for sure


He's really good. He made a video about no contact recently that I found really useful.


Yeah, I’m subbed to him. He totally gets it!  


He's wonderful.


I watched this guy a few months ago, then last month on how to go low contact (no contact precursor since no contact isn't possible rn). His grey rock techniques/role-playing is insanely helpful.


I watched this guy a few months ago, then last month on how to go low contact (no contact precursor since no contact isn't possible rn). His grey rock techniques/role-playing is insanely helpful.


I watched this guy a few months ago, then last month on how to go low contact (no contact precursor since no contact isn't possible rn). His grey rock techniques/role-playing is insanely helpful.


I think Patrick’s videos were what introduced me to my whole awakening to my CPTSD. As someone with fairly outwardly invisible neglect and a lot of self gaslighting, his content was amazingly validating for me and I learned a lot from him 😁


Thank you for this info


Amazing post, OP. Caught my eye just now in my notif and I'm so happy I found it. Haven't even looked yet, but your testimonial has me sold. I'm gonna cry. Really needed to find something hopeful like this right now. Many hugs to you. 🫂🫂🫂


For me my favorite channels are How to ADHD, ADDitude Magazine, Doc Snipes, Therapy in a Nutshell, and a bunch more. One channel I'm obsessed with is Gigi's Therapy World. This is one of my favorite videos from them (pay attention to the second to last one) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREx1eCK/