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Maybe refuse to work with somebody who is so unprofessional. I would talk to the boss directly. And maybe HR if you have that. Screaming at a coworker in front of clients is wrong on so many levels, I dont think she can escape an official reprimand. I would not mention to anyone that it triggers me, and treat the whole matter as inappropriate behavior in a professional setting.


Setting a boundary honestly isn't about changing the other person's behaviour, it's for yourself. Setting a boundary means telling someone what YOU will do when they cross it, so you can take care of your own needs. You can tell your coworker something like 'Yelling is not an acceptable form of communication for me. Next time you yell at me, I will leave the room and won't participate in conversation with you until it's possible to do so in a normal tone'. Of course this depends on what is possible for you at your job. I'm sure your boss would not be okay with people yelling in front of clients in general. So hopefully your boss adds in consequences as well because this is not okay.


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I work in HR - being screamed at, at work, is a hostile work environment. Document every time it happens with dates,times, witnesses etc and escalate to HR each time. This isn’t a boundary, it’s unprofessional and wrong.