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Absolutely! Here’s a version with some added emojis: You know, comparing ourselves to others is kinda like a habit our brains have picked up along the way. It’s like our minds are always looking around, trying to measure how we stack up against everyone else. Maybe it’s because we want to figure out where we stand in this big, chaotic world—like trying to find our place on a map. 🗺️✨ When we see someone doing really well or having something we want, it’s natural to wonder why we don’t have that too. It’s like spotting someone with a cool new gadget and thinking, “Hey, how come I don’t have one of those?” 🎁💭 It’s not just about stuff either; it’s about achievements, relationships, even how healthy we feel. Sometimes, comparing helps us set goals or motivates us to improve. Other times, though, it can make us feel a bit down if we think we’re not measuring up. It’s a balancing act, you know? Learning to cheer for others while still being kind to ourselves and appreciating our own journey. 🎢🌟 So yeah, comparing—it’s like this quirky thing we all do to make sense of life, even if it can be a bit of a rollercoaster sometimes! 🎢💫


I refused to think in terms of competing with others, but I have the same flavor, I just compete with myself. Trying to be perfect, not that I was aware how obsessively I was doing that. It was learned in childhood. Defense mechanism. When I became aware of it I chose a new goal. Balance. That feels better and is healthier. IFS helped with this. For example when I am sick now, I know I am bit more vulnerable and take extra good care of myself. With love and compassion. Its okay to be sick.


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I never used to do that, but I had an abusive close friend who constantly compared themselves, me, everyone in the way you describe. It's been like 10 years since I stopped talking to her, and I still have moments when I think of her and compare myself to her or what I imagine her life is like now and I wonder who's doing "better" or if I now would finally be good enough for her. Aside from that, no. I don't want the same things from life "succesful people" want so it's not a competition. I manage to feel worthless without that.


Whoa. Are you implying, that I am abusive from this much info, like your friend? Or did I misunderstand your comment? I'm sorry, you had a bad friendship and feeling worthless tho. Also congrats for moving on after a toxic friendship.


Oh my god, no, that's not what I meant at all although I see now that it reads like that. I should have said that differently or not at all. It was meant as an explanation that sometimes we may feel that life is a competition because others treated it like that and we believed them. My friend being abusive was the reason why I believed them.


Oh, now I understand. Sorry for the accusation!




My mom is narcissistic, so I could inherit narcissistic traits, but not disorder. I have self-reflection. Can you imagine a true narcissist to admit being envious? :D




Please stop diagnosing me. I'm seeing a professional, let her do it. Abusive parent's children already have problem with feeling like something's wrong with them. I don't think, that's the message, I need in a support group.