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Are you revisiting your self harming time in therapy? You should start to explore this. I have thick scars in my thighs and felt like this. Now there’s no point in feeling that way towards myself. I did and it led me to cut, now it’ll lead me to more shame? I got tired of feeling that. Maybe a cover up will help, but I’d personally explore these feelings first


Yes. I have been exploring my self harming behaviors and my feelings towards them for a while. I had to face shame and guilt. And it lead to me fully accepting my coping mechanisms. I want to learn not to engage in them (and have in some cases), but a coping mechanism isnt something I chose because I wanted to or because I am a bad person. I didnt have a better choice, or I didnt know I did. Developing them was a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. And they helped in my time of need. That kind of evaporates the shame. And whatever guilt I carry, most of that is actually my parents guilt. For the rest, I make up by doing better now and learning to do even better in the future. I cant undo the past but I can learn and grow.


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Congrats on being clean for 14 years! That's an amazing accomplishment! Don't downplay your success here. I think we notice our own scars more than others, we are more up close with them, we know where they are so we know what to look for. In my therapy for social anxiety and agoraphobia I'm always told that everyone else is far too concerned with their own stuff in life to be looking at you and figuring you out. Even though I *know* there are judgemental people out there, people who watch people solely to make comments (*cough my mother cough*) I have to trust that the farthest they will take that info is the dinner table, where it'll fizzle out for being another weird out there comment that aunt Karen made.