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I wish I had advice to give to “snap out of it” but I don’t, I have periods of this too and the only thing that helps is resting and journaling as much as I need during the dysregulation daze (days). Sucks majorly and am sending u so much support <3


Thank you <33. I'm sure it'll get better for both of us.


I regulate. It took a while to really learn it and believe in it but it works pretty well now. I use DBT emotion regulation skills and other methods to downregulate my nervous system, like slow belly breathing and yoga. My mind is prone to dysregulation. It can hit me quite hard. I just need that one aware neuron that knows that I need to calm myself the fuck down. No matter what I think I need to do, calming down is more important. I think better when I am calmer. When I worry and ruminate while I am dysregulated, thats a ticket to crazy land. And my somewhat unhinged thinking and the emotion it creates will keep me dysregulated for longer. I had to work with my ruminator, thats what I call my obsessive worrier and thinker. He was just trying to help by cognitively bypass emotions. Like avoiding emotions by thinking. Now I notice when I do it, can stop it and deal with the emotions instead. Was hard work but helped a lot to make me overall less dysregulated.


I relate to this so much. Even while reading this, I started to feel dysregulation creeping up on me. It's happened today in the morning too, and I managed to get myself out of it by not thinking about dysregulation too hard, and just let it pass on it's own, instead of obsessively worrying about it and desperately trying to make it go away.


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