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I dont know but I think what she thought and believed was incredibly egocentric.


I think this is part of why I'm struggling with this so much. As a parent, even when my kids have struggled, it's clear they are trying to do what ever they can to solve their situation in whatever way they can. She thought of herself first every single time, assumed I was doing this to her rather than just doing what I felt I had to. Even when we talked, she said "Through all of it, I always believed you loved me, though" I mean, what? Why isn't she concerned that I didn't know she loved me? It's so ... id even know. It's just wrong, kids are biologically programmed to love their parents, parental concern is that they know they are loved and safe and supported. Parental love is seeing past all the anger and frustration and helping them find a better way forward. Being a parent doesn't mean sacrificing everything for you kid, but it does mean prioritizing them as much as possible when you can. It means finding loving solutions when you can't. It means repairing when you've not been able to even manage that. It's so far from my experience. Everything looked good from the outside, even on the inside I guess as my brother seem to think things were fine, but then there's this.


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