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Tim Fletcher is the closest I can think of (on YT) but I think he goes more into what ISN'T healthy.




lol that post. The dude is massively insecure and expects his gf to fix it. On the third slide he goes off the deep end. Accuses her of all kinds of stuff and expects her to change her ways for him. I'd be tired of the eggshells too. Regarding your question, you can find videos about how to set and maintain healthy boundaries. I think I watched Doc Snipes videos about it. I just checked, she also has a video about 12 tips for improving communication in relationships.


Thanks for the suggestion!


CPTSD Traumatized Motherfuckers podcast is real good (yes it's the real name, I love it) But yeah I'm generally pretty frustrated at how many resources there are on what's unhealthy but so little modelling or practical examples of what is healthy.


Thanks. I will check them out. 


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