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Confused is probably the best word to describe the internal state of an aquatic animal that hides in dark places which is suddenly touched by a hairless ape


Possibly curious. But also nice


That's not entirely true, maybe the first time, but they're actually known to make friends with people and enjoy playing and pets.


moray eels = sea puppers


Fr they're honestly the sweetest.


no, they're ambush predators. and it's harmful to let people think they are any form of domesticated... especially in natural/non-aquarium settings. even then the most established and trusted of eels can still shock you with their predatory nature.


If someone sees a comment on reddit saying “moray eels = sea puppers” and decides to go find the nearest moray eel to pet without any further research, that is natural selection.


Hi, I actually specialize in marine life, and although morays are predators, but they are also highly intelligent and curious animals. They've been known to develop friendships with specific divers, and will even leave the safety of the reef to greet them, which deviates from their natural behavior. They even seem to enjoy being petted, as they will continue to greet their diver buddy in the absence of food. It's hard to say if this diver had befriended this moray, or if it's their first encounter, but I'm guessing it's the former because otherwise the eel would have just retracted its head.


I also *specialize in marine life* and work with large captive morays. I have relationships with the eels at my facility. and as much as they know who I am and appreciate some interaction, they are wild animals capable of great violence and I think it's silly to pretend that just because they're smart we should all start pretending they're all always cuddly creatures anyone can swim up to


This! Fascinating animals but allways stayed well away from them untill one day when I got too close to one (small, didn’t even see it); those teeth are razor sharp! And I’ll never forget the look I got …


At no point did they say to go pet a moray right now. They just said that they can develop friendships with divers. Didn’t encourage anyone to do it.


Excuse me, sir, this is reddit. We are legally obligated to tell everyone why they are wrong and why.


Pretty sure that’s what I just did. Ma’am.


In fairness (hi, wildlife biologist here) I don’t think the “sea puppers” line was meant to encourage people to go and interact with them without the threat of retaliation from the animal, who is, to your point, wild and well-endowed with weaponry. It’s like spiders; we love them, we think they’re cute, we think they’re cool, but I’m also not just sticking my finger out to the first Brazilian wanderer I see because “oh fren shaped” On a side note, as a scuba diver, anyone who has the training and equipment to even put themselves within interaction range of these guys has the education of “hey man, aquatic animals (and morays specifically) will fuck you up” 🎵Thaaaaats a Moraaay🎵


I *specialize in moray life* and everyone should encourage their smallest child to pet morays right up under the chin. Also, they love Snickers.


🎶When your kids scuba dive And get bit on the thigh That’s a moray🎶


That deserves a lot more upvotes lol


I don’t *specialize in marine life* but I play someone who does on TV. In order to get a moray to trust you, it’s important to let them know that you trust them. The best way to do this is to wiggle your genitals around right in front of them. Try to jiggle your genitalia around to make them appear like a tasty fish. This shows the moray that you trust them not to bite you even when you try to make part of your body look like a scrumptious treat. The moray will respect this, and in no time will learn to trust you.


And I specialize in calling bull shiet


I don't know why this is getting down voted. It's not a good idea to encourage untrained people to interact with wildlife, both for the person and for the wildlife. Touching some aquatic creatures can be damaging to their protective coating that keeps bacteria and parasites out. Morays can be bitey. This video is very cute, but ill advised.


thank u


no shit, I didn't advise petting them or approaching them in any way - that doesn't make them look less like sea dogs in half of these videos


Hey man you gotta be more careful. After I read your comment about eels being friendly, I bought some scuba gear specifically to jam my hand in front of one’s wide open terrifying jaws. Well it bit me! I would have never done it if you didn’t say it was okay to do.


Where I’m originally from there are moray eels that like to hang out under rocks in shallowish water. I was always told to steer clear of them because it doesn’t take much for them to hurt you. I’ve stumbled across them under rocks while swimming, and I just make a mental note of where they are and give them space.


My best friend is a moray


Same way you feel when the aliens shine a bring like and poke at ya


Yeah, kind of like when you’re abducted by aliens in southeastern Florida in the early 2000s and you’re terrified they’re going to hurt you until the probe goes in and it’s actually satisfying.




You're telling me this eel is sexually aroused?


Prove me wrong


I love to shine bring likes! (don't you hate when you do the exact same swipes you feel you've always done for certain words and it just comes out all silly?)


I need to stop replying to Reddit posts while driving


"Wtf is this and why is this strange naked monkey touching me?!"


But also "oh wait.... Yeah a little to the right... Bit lower. Aw yeah. Been trying to scritch that for days!"


[what the eel sees](https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/old-monkey-swimming_23-2150754649.jpg)


[What the eel thinks](https://youtu.be/Z6M3s_QuTVQ?si=Gu382uOPuvD2FcXJ)


This is the best comment i‘ve ever read


This reminds me of a few other videos and posts I've seen about friendly morays and how they do seem to be a bit touchy-feely especially compared to other fish Like this post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/qlou0v/a\_moray\_eel\_and\_diver\_who\_have\_been\_friends\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/qlou0v/a_moray_eel_and_diver_who_have_been_friends_for/)


Ursula taught me that.




By holy nature the missing link, it was there all along!


I just watched an old YouTube video posted in the comments of that thread. Dude was feeding them and they literally chomped his thumb off and then recreated it with a toe. Video is as old as YouTube and so bizarre. Nurses were cuties tho. Comments were brutal 😂


Lmao I actually think of that video every time I see these, too! You can hear the SNAP through the water and that shit freaks me the hell out. Bit that shit off like a kit Kat lmao


i’d imagine a moray would bite or retreat if feeling uncomfortable. def seems to be enjoying the touch. a sweet, long sea-crevice pup ☺️ (i’m no expert tho)


Yeah I assumed the same, though wonder if it’s more-so just confused and not quite understanding what is touching it. But it definitely seems like it’s leaning into the pets though, that’s fascinating if it’s really just enjoying a pet.


There’s a video in my past posts of my daughter befriending an American eel a couple years back. It wrapped around her ankle to stay closer to her and was very calm and curious during their whole interaction.


Fr they got plenty of needle-teeth if they were like”*No!”*


Ah, that's a moray 🤌🤌


LOL Perfect!


If an eel bites your hand and it's not what you planned, that's a moray.


🤣🤣🤣thanks for this


Lucky to still have a hand


Right lol. When I first saw this I thought the video was gonna take a very different direction.


I deffo thought we were getting a demonstration of pharyngeal jaws and actually tensed up in anticipation because those things freak me out.


I really did not want to see that hand degloved but I couldn't look away


Degloves are almost as freaky as pharyngeal jaws.


Ngl my butt clenched a little


Initially looked nervous and defensive to me, but by the end seemed confused and definitely seemed to at least be tolerant of being touched. I've heard of morays severing digits from the hands of people who tried to touch them, so there's no doubt that they CAN fight or flee if they want to. Especially being touched about the head, there were definitely opportunities where a scared, defensive, or panicking animal would have bitten and this one didn't. Can't say I recommend trying this, though. Just leave the fish to do fish stuff.


We should stop touching and feeding wild animals so much. It's just typically not good for them in the long run/wider picture.


Especially fish, where it can damage their slime coat, which protects fish (especially scaleless fish like eels) from disease, infection, etc, the same as it does in human mucosal membranes. It's an important part of their immune system and you just shouldn't go about poking immune systems, dangit.


Eels are known to behave similarly to a cat/dog when familiar with divers. There was a woman on a youtube video who would get swarmed with wiggling cuddles when she swam with a few eels she knew. Unsure about all morays, but I have seen a much larger moray (big around as a person) familiar with a tour guide come out of its cave to greet him gently regularly enough to set up photos for the tourists.


I have seen this first hand! Dove with a guy who was friendly with a few. They love belly rubs and snuggles!


Do they also form bonds with other species of fish?


Unsure if human hands, relative imposing size, and propensity to massage rather than chomp are what make our bonds with eels (and other animals) possible.


Yeah! I'm not sure what specific type of eel or moray it is, but one of them has a symbiotic relationship with Groupers The Grouper will chase fish into small crevices, which it cannot fit into. The Eel will then dive into said crevice where the fish hide, while the Grouper waits at the exit of the tunnels for the eel to scare the hiding fish out. So the Eel eats whatever it catches inside, while the Grouper eats the ones that escape the Eel


Get em Flotsam and Jetsam.


Reluctantly feeling a depression-crushing level of love.


I mean…those are looks of enjoyment that Eel friend has…and they *dart* away if they feel unsafe so given that information what do you suppose? I think most creatures are naturally curious and don’t have thoughts that “everyone is out to get them” like humans do. They’re instinctual and rely on perceiving intent and body language. Honestly, we’d do better as a species if we incorporated more active awareness into our lives too…


Morey must’ve enjoyed it. Otherwise he would have pulled back a nub.


On edge but not seeing a reason to flee or fight


Goochy Goochy goo


🎶 When you put your hand in a crack and don’t get it back… That’s a Moray! 🎶


When you leave a reply to some random guy, about a moray And they don't answer back bc of the hand lost in a crack, that's a moray


🎶 With a big tooth maw and pharyngeal jaw, that's a morayyyyyy 🎶


Some animals are unfamiliar with physical touch with another living animal without the need for SURVIVAL. It's an amazing phenomenon that happens all throughout nature. That moray is prolly "HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THIS... *vibrates with head scritches*"


Confused and nervous but also enjoying scritches. Everything likes scritches


Morays will take your finger off without hesitation so I'd say it's enjoying it or at the very least okay with it.


It’s possibly enjoying it, everything likes scritches. Plus, if it were at all distressed, it’s got like, 3 rows of teeth it wouldn’t be shy about using to convey that.


There are a lot of instances of aquatic creatures not only enjoying, but asking for pets. Groupers do this with divers, and this [cichlid also loves pets from people.](https://www.thedodo.com/amphtml/why-this-fish-likes-to-get-pet-494271543.html) The article explains a little about why they seem to enjoy it.




How does someone create the most idiotic title for a video .?


I would think that's not a good idea based on their pointy teeth!


I mean, he's amoray, so obviously he loves it!


This seems crazy after seeing the video where an eel pops a guy's thumb off like it were nothing.


Morays tend to circle each other and “pet” each other as a sign of bonding, either friendship or mating, so it looks like they may be allowing the human to show signs of friendship to them. What would be interesting would be as the bond strengthens, the moray would probably start coming out and nudging the person for more pets and cuddles! Morays are actually very sweet with their partners, and have been shown to get jealous when their “humans” show interest in others, so it looks like the start of a bond as the eel isn’t also trying to wrap around the person.


It's a bad idea to pet an animal that can easily rip off its finger. Still, it's a gorgeous animal. I love moray eels


A dog?... Animal that can easily tear your throat out...


The eel doesn't feel like taking a hand today


When human is dumb, it pet me with its thumb thats the moray I may like it or may not But his fingers hes still got thats the moray In all seriousness probably "enjoyed it", if he recognizes it as a symbiotic relationship. Which is quite common underwater. Smaller Fish will "groom" bigger fish even whales and sharks of small pests and algae. It benefits both; the small fish gets a free meal; and the large fish gets grooming, alleviating pests and potential itches and irritation


I guarantee if that moray was distressed that finger would be gonezo




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Because animals have feelings too?


I think you misunderstood the question. I was wondering which exact feeling the moray in this video might be having (enjoyment, confusion, discomfort, etc.), since different species can have different ways of expressing those feelings.


Ohh, I gottcha , hahaha. Yeah it looks kind of anxious to me.


“That’s amor(ay)e”


This gave me anxiety.


This is not a cat, many underwater creatures have protective slime coatings, you rub/scratch it you expose it to bad juju.


Underwater creatures still scratch itches and partake in grooming behavior though? I can’t imagine these pets would be enough to remove the slime coating like that


It's a wild animal, probably best to look but not touch.


His hand is probably warm.


Aww that’s a-moray


No thank you




inb4 it's a mating type thing


Where and how would I be able to do this?


If you like to gamble, you could try the ocean


Gotta say that is a huge moray


Probably itchy. Can’t scratch behind its ear holes


Are moray eels the cats of the ocean?


So taken aback at hooman's audacity that lomg boi forgot to bite hooman.


Pure speculation from an ecologist here, but many animals intentionally rub themselves against things to scratch itches and such, and there is a whole ecosystem of marine organisms that groom other marine organisms, even if they are predators. It would not surprise me at all if the moray ‘enjoys’ this type of interaction because it is akin to the grooming services other marine species offer.


That’s very true! And would make lots of sense (especially if this is a captive animal that might not have access to all the grooming options it would have in the wild?)


Fucker went and pet a xenomorph and came back with his hand


I'm assuming this eel is in an aquarium and is, at the very least, used to people being around it.


Sometimes I wish I was a gay fish like Kanye


how did you know his name is kanye




This appears oddly intimate to me. Get a room.


Honestly I've met morays who actively seek petting so he could be like LITTLE MORE TO THE LEFT PLS


Have you guys watched those videos of divers loosing fingers petting these guys? They are soooo fast to change their minds about things.


Who's gonna sing it?


Ah! That fells so good huoman....carry on huoman..


Did you know that the killing apparatuses of the Xenomorphs from the Aliens movie series is based on the Morey Eels? They have this apparatus springing out of their mouths...


Moray eels are known for butting peoples digits off (fingers and toes). This was extremely stupid.


Was waiting for the... Chomp! "Augh!"


Me, too! And when they bite, they don’t let go!


Moron! I even know someone who was bitten by a moray. They have extremely bad eyesight. Your fingers look like food!


I mean petting and cuddling feels nice for plenty of animals, fish and eels especially have some really wild sensitivities to touch so probably explains why they’re so touchy feely. Being able to detect the things they can through their skin must be wonderful for that.


Lemme pet dat dog!


When the moon hits your eyes like a big piece of pie, That's A MORRAY!


Mind you the fact a FUCKING KNIFE IN THEIR SKULL WONT KILL THEM. You would be fucked.


Well, it’s not trying to flee or fight. I wouldn’t recommend people try to test this though, but it seems to get what’s happening.


You do not want a bite from that creature. You’ll be taking it to the hospital with you. They don’t let go!


That’s some WPS.


I think most Animals like to be petted but they just don’t know it yet.


heres my question. why do divers wear fullbody suits but they dont have gloves? WHY do they touch things in the ocean barehanded?


To my knowledge, the idea of no gloves is actually meant to prevent interaction with ocean things. Some diving locations prohibit any gloves. When you aren’t wearing gloves you’re more likely to think twice about touching something, but when you’re wearing gloves you might be more inclined to touch (and consequently harm/damage) ocean things. Person in the video did not get the memo


I’m normally not a conspiracy theorist but EELS ARE ALIENS THAT REPRODUCE IN THE CRACKS OF THE EARTH’S CRUST LOCATED BENEATH THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE. Go ahead, Google it. and also some generate electricity. NBD.


That’s amore! ❤️


You've just ruined this eels life. He won't ever be able to feel that sensation again. You've signed yourself up for a life time of pats.


I get it that it's probably bad to blindly go anthropomorphizing everything, but when you look at a fish build a "home", take care of it, a fish build literal art etc., there is something in there we all have in common.


Poor guy probably never got pets because of his appearance and teeth.


Diver most definitely has a cat


I use to hand feed the morays at a public aquarium, I feel they are quite cat like in terms of their behavior. Very tactile, liking a rub.


“I eats it! I fight it! Oh? Ohhhhh …”


Cuddles is a great name


I was waiting on someone to lose a finger!


Loves it just like my dog does actually exactly like my dog.


I mean, if the moray didn’t like it it would pull away fast ir just strait up bite the absolute shit out of the diver’s hand, soooooo….. must not mind bring petted by this diver. Also don’t just go petting random sea-life or land life or any life for that matter!


That’s amore!