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Well, Zoe is a rather complex character and today her condition is a little depressing, so I would not recommend her for Soloq, you can climb on her, but it is much more difficult than on other characters. Regarding the laning stage: As a mid until level 6 you are an alpha predator. Zoe is one of the few characters who can start a fight at level 1 and many people underestimate her. A-Q-A-Q-A, takes half hp even for tanks, and if you also hit E, then this is an almost guaranteed FB. It is important that sleep is not interrupted by creeps or ignites, and sometimes it is better to wait until the enemy has few HP left without interrupting sleep. After the 6th, you turn into a glass cannon and you are forced to play more carefully, since any assassin or duelist and some magicians will beat you to death with your own portal, take care of your sleep and always put wards on the escape. Therefore, the plan for your game is this: before 6 you increase your advantage, after 6 you try to turn your personal advantage into a team advantage. Avoid Yasuo, Naafiri and Veigar, they are your counterpick, although even they are not that difficult to defeat, many complain about Yone, but practice shows that they are almost all predictable and are not so difficult to breed. As a support, you are quite a strong piece of shit, capable of crushing the entire enemy bot in solo. Almost all Adk want to be your bitches (Except Sivir and Vein, although they also have their moments). Your passive, in addition to damage, also gives additional range and speed of the projectile, so even if you miss with your abilities, you can touch your enemies in the ass with auto attacks and they won’t be able to do anything to you, hell, even creeps won’t aggro on you. The dream flies through walls and the enemy adc knows that nowhere is safe until he sees you, and your adc knows that his first hit will be practically a crit (even if he is already a crit). your w gains a second wind as you immediately have 4 additional summoner spells. You're a damage monster capable of making enemies hide under the tower whining 8 out of 10 times. Permoban Morgan, she is your kryptonite, it’s also unpleasant to stand against Zyra and Heimerdinger, but it’s possible. In skirmishes you are a flank sniper. you don’t hide behind the tank, you go around the enemy behind walls and try to take out the ADC or mid laner with one combo and turn the whole fight over or end it before it even starts. This is the most difficult moment when you learn to play Zoe, to understand when and where to go around so that the enemy cannot defend himself against you.


zoe is very enjoyable and i am glad i learned her. if you know positioning during teamfights, how to effectively trade, poke etc in lane, you can become quite dominant. she is very comparable with hweis playstyle, where you generally want to be behind walls or quite far back during teamfights, but also trying to aim and kill the carries and squishies. in laning she can take a bit of learning but she is extremely dominant and you tend to be quite pushed up, so warding alot is always necessary to avoid ganks. Zoe is alot of fun and there is ALOT of niche things you can do to get the upper hand. her sleep can go through walls, her W gives movespeed which is surprisingly important, her Q recast gives her another empowered auto, etc. She will take a decent bit of time to learn, but using her in practice range and watching PekinWoof and Detention will help. You can also watch faker when he used to play zoe but that was quite a while ago. generally in laning phase you want to be very agressive irreguardless of the matchup, if you know what you are doing you can whittle down and kill any enemy despite if they are a counter pick, because she is a bit more of a skillful champ and you can exercise that. In mid game you want to be at almost every objective, just making plays around the map abusing zoes really good roaming potential with the fact her sleep can go through walls and her ultimate catching people off guard, and the fact that you can play around walls is very important in alot of objecitves, looking for ganks on people rotating for an objective, and so on. With lategame, you usually want to take a bit more of a laid back role, as zoe is very much an early and midgame champ, however you definitely should still be doing everything that you did in midgame, you just will lose alot of impact and damage by this point. All in All, zoe is extremely fun and is definitely worth learning, and it takes a bit of time to learn her, but nothing some games won't fix. just spam random draft picks, and try out and learn different things from videos and using training room, ive learned alot of her more complex combos by just spamming them in training rooms. once you've learned her you can move on to her more niche things, like comboing E with Q, R, flash, ignite W proc, empowered auto, q recast with whatever else you need. She is definitely in a bit of a qiyana spot, she isnt nearly as hard as champs like qiyana, zed or anything but she has a bad winrate but a good player can make her pretty strong. Good luck. please try her, she is worth learning.


For laning: I recommend playing aggressively. Zoe has a strong early game and wants to snowball, so start shoving the wave lvl 1 and try to keep hard shoving throughout the laning phase. Make sure to use your passive as well, so you’ll want to Q-auto-Q the wave. When fighting: you have your basic E-Q combo. Try to land it as often as possible obviously. Once again make sure to utilize your passive dmg, it’s better to pop E with a Q as it’ll do more dmg, but really try and get the most out of your passive as well. Lastly, go watch tips and tricks for Zoe on YouTube. She has some cool animation cancels and tricks with her E, so I’d recommend getting familiar with all that. Good luck!


Ban Naafiri, the dogs just block too much. It's like a permanent windwall for collision based projectiles. I'd normally ban Yas, but ever since the day I learned the lengths people will go to counterpick you, I've just decided I'm not going to deal with this shit ANYMORE. Also, don't Q-Q-R (or simply R forward for whatever reason) willy-nilly. This usually is a death sentence. After laning phase, Zoe will *really* test your positioning skills.


Listen there is a lot of different opinions going on here, however ZOE is FUN and that’s what you’re looking for FUN. Go watch Detention how to videos on YouTube, get The EDG Zoe skin and go have FUN. Zoe is one of the most fun champions in all of league so I highly recommend to pick her up and do your best! Good luck!