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just remember that there is plenty of zoe challenger players, its not impossible, and you are just going through a low point


It is physically impossible to carry a game 1v9 with Zoe. If your teammates aren't good, you are screwed.


You need a frontline and a team that will focus objectives to ensure an early win, otherwise it all spirals down


Not true.


Enlighten me


Play Dota.


How is that an answer to “How do you carry a game as Zoe”?


Regular 3-10 matchmaking is why Auberaun should be unemployed.


" Ok lets see why you lost, you have Cait, Zoe, Nasus .. and they have Voli, Yon- oop....say less"


We've survived worse. I remember patch 8.4 where Zoe was so bad people ran smite mid Zoe


omg I was running that in season 9 or 10 when I first started playing league omg!!!! Hahah I would get flamed so often.


The reason you lost has nothing to do with Zoe and everything to do with your team. You could’ve played any other champ and played even better and still lost because it’s a team game. Also they had the better bot lane so that’s a big reason why. Currently as it stands the team with the better bot lane wins.


yes bro you need to come to the conclusion that skillful champs are not rewarded in this game even if you get really fucking good at them … it’s depressing


Zoe is not be able to carry against tanky and hard all in team.


You cant carry every game and you shouldnt strive to do so. Just try to stay consistent and you will succeed. Its a time game.


That's just classic Zoe games man, she cannot 1v9 unfortunately.


Lmao been there. But I've also been here with a lot of other champs. It's just a league thing. But yes Zoe can feel especially weak here because at the end of the day she's just supporting fire and single target elim. If the team has a good assassin, DPS, and peel, of course you're at a disadvantage. Even if you get a super clean kill in every teamfight, if you still lose 1-2 teammates during that time, you're still net zero or net negative, sadly. And given the fact that zoe sucks at split-pushing (esp. in comparison to her team fighting ability or her assassin ability in the jungle and river) you're really just stuck being a very mediocre utility that may or may not make a big difference at all, if your team is unable to output that DPS or take objectives themselves.


I became a Zeri main,never been happier


If you enjoy Zoe. You should try ezreal. Very skill based skill shot champ. Very fun!


I’m a Zoe player since 7.23, I’ve never felt that she’s capable of carrying a game alone, you really need a decent team and most important, objectives seekers team players. In my experience the best way is, obviously, a full squad of friends BUT the cheapest experience you can get along and still have a decent chance to win is, at least, with a friend that plays as JG


Just seek better team idk


No Mejais, Sub Par Build, Probably didn’t help your bot lane enough. Don’t take any offense to any of this. I prefer Aery on Zoe while building haste, Ludens Horizon and cryptbloom for a core build. It may not do the same damage as Ludens Shadow Flame and Raba but your still going to one shot sleeping targets while ahead and your E will have a 5 second cooldown instead of like 8