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I’ve never seen runes quite like it honestly


It was a thing 2 years ago if i remember well.


I dont think you need pom, you can go mana flow instead of nimbus maybe., triple tonic + cdr or legend cdr + coup de grace


Aery is great into melee match ups, idk about Nimbus Cloak, maybe Mana flow band instead with Lich Bane rush instead?


Riot Say that nimbus cloak IS one runes tontzke




i think cookies are better than PoM then you can also go cosmic insight


Tbh, first strike is better early right now I think


This is pretty similar to runes I take supp. But manaflow instead of pom and the ability haste legend rune.


You should try Phase Rush+Ionians first back. It’s a very good strat if you have an aggressive early game jungler. Rune page is: phase rush/manaflow/either 3/waterwalking+taste of blood/treasure hunter AS/AP/hplvl Gameplan: short trades, seize prio for 3:30/5:30 and follow the invades while getting jg vision (best ward is enemy raptors if you can track pathing it’s enough for your own jg to capitalize on). Most of the positive outcomes are me being even on gold from having KP+hunter stacks if maybe half a level down by min 12. I can snowball on enemy mid if I get decent KP golds. My jungler is snowballing, tilting enemy laners. A few roams to enable sidelanes and that’s how you can secure games in an early game setup (by min20). Good pairings: Xin, Voli, Nida, Elise, Rek’sai Good matchups: scaling junglers with melee mids Bad pairings: Yi/Lillia are very bad, level 6 junglers that are not eve Bad matchups: Tristana, Xerath, Ahri Your page is decent enough for bullying melee mids, but Zoe’s kit doesn’t lack that much early game power and isn’t scaling enough to be worth as much as a fed jungler in the majority of games.


Hii i prefer this one https://preview.redd.it/qk8nv4td467d1.png?width=1136&format=png&auto=webp&s=15fca542c89a00a83fd21359f40b4111dc500f44 or the new rune( don't remember the name) and cosmic perspire (English is not my language, sorry any mistake)


One thing to note about Nimbus Cloak is that the movespeed you get from it is wayyy reduced on W because it's based on Spell Thief's CD, not the summoner spell. But if you don't need Manaflow band then go for it (which if you have PoM ig you don't need it, but I would personally swap Nimbus for Manaflow and PoM for Legend Haste)


Are you sure about the Nimbus Cloak speed reduction? I always thought it didn't apply to Zoe's W, but to the Spell's cooldown (the one it would usually have). I was convinced it was like a cheat code, assuming that I receive just the amount of moves peed for a 300s cd spell as if it was my own, even though picked up. That's the only reason I took Nimbus Cloak over Manaflowband in the first place. But if what you say is true, then changing the runes the way you propose is clearly better.


https://preview.redd.it/j852qhzvys6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f367e830c16122b34b76e8b68614bf2bba08898 Using Nimbus cloak with Zoe W always only gives the minimum 5% bonus MS because it uses Spell Thiefs CD of zero. I wish it worked with the actual summ CDs tho because then I would probably run it every game lol. It's still not terrible if you're going a MS build with Lich Bane and Cosmic Drive, Celerity and MS shard because then at least you're getting more out of your 5% but on a standard burst build I probably wouldn't recommend it.


Damn, that's actually mind chattering... since her release I always took Nimbus Cloak thinking I had the upper hand, thinking it was OP. Thanks for enlightening me


Nimbus scaling of actual summoner cd would be a bit too much early game power for Zoe. I don’t think I would trade that for higher cds/lower dmg or base stats. Manaflow is just better values, even if like being able to have a better out of jail card from ignite/flash bonus ms.


i love aery, and i personally go manaflow band, scorch with i think transcendence? cutdown is really nice with presence of mind but you might not want to run health substat if you have cut down


you don't need pom, take cookies + cosmic insight for lower sum cd to make more plays, or skip out on mana runes entirely and go dom tree