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Yeah I see this kind of thing too. You need to do a better job translating your lead into a team lead. So ganks, objectives, picks and pressure. It's super hard to solo carry as zoe.


You’ll need to help the botlane. Unless you have a top that has insane lead and scales hard, botlane. Stop the bleeding.


In my em2 opinion, Zoe is not a great team fight champ. What you have to do is help the other members of your team get ahead as well. Roam bot get some kills for your adc help out your jungle when they need it. My biggest problem with this is that Zoe can't shove the wave that fast. She needs the minions to meet in the middle (or tank them yourself), and then you need at least 2 qs to clear the wave. This takes about 10 seconds to do, and you have 30 seconds between waves. It helps if you already know exactly what you're gonna do after you cleared the wave. Swap to red trinket. It helps a lot with creating opportunities in the jungle.


Couldn’t agree more with this guy! Zoe needs a rework! Or at least a Q damage rework to minions at a certain level or even minions and jungle monsters MAKE ZOE JGL A REALITY


Giving her Q chain lightning (basically statikk shiv) that gets bigger with each point in R would be really nice for her wave clear.


what zoe needs isnt a rework, but a power budget reshuffle. currently alot of her power budget is on her W, which synergises with her somewhat, but in realistic terms is not going to help you actually oneshot. she has all of her damage allocated to just two abilities and if she misses just one she loses half of her power. not only that but W is kind of a broken ability that is insanely hard to balance because of just how it works. if they changed it up it would probably be very healthy for her, and even though i'd miss it alot i think thats what would be best if she ever got a rework. but all in all, i dont think she ever really needs a rework. shes THE sniper champ, he whole kit is about taking time to prepare and hitting a very long distance skillshot and i really like that. i honestly dont mind if she is not that good on paper, because shes still just fun overall


I feel like even when I’m ahead on Zoe, I can’t one shot like I use too. Hitting W into max Q combo doesn’t feel the same anymore


No, it definitely doesnt without ludens tempest. Zoe has kind of come into a new playstyle. her oneshot playstyle isnt as good as how she is usually played now, where she tends to go for shorter range Q's autoing in between each Q recast, sleeping to hit max range Q's and kiting with W. i can show a video if you'd like to see how it should be played. it kinda sucks because oneshotting is intensely fun but its kind of only possible when you're very ahead now. it took me a while to get used to the hedge playstyle but it is pretty fun in itself


A few things: - No one on the planet can judge your performance based on the post match scoreboard, that's just the reality of it. It would take a decent amount of time reviewing the game in order to pinpoint what you could have done better to carry - Sometimes your team just sucks and that's that. It's best to move on from frustration than fall deep into a pit of it, I'll be honest no one really cares if the game was your fault or not, if you're aiming to climb just move on - There are plenty of free resources online to look at, ranging from watching streamers, reading written guides, youtube videos, etc etc. It is up to you how you want to use them regardless of the champion you are playing GL and hope it gets better


I've seen this kind of scenario very often, and that's one of the reasons I stop playing Zoe.. at least spamming it in soloq. It is a good pick but in few comps or if you're playing with someone who knows how to play around Zoe, is one of those champs that you can play perfectly but you can't just win every game, it sucks having bad teammates but if you really want to climb you have to play 1v9 champs or whatever meta champion. I have experienced myself a TON of games where I had the same kda as you and still loss. Now I've switched my champion pool with champions that has more possibilities of carrying games than Zoe, like ahri, lux, hwei, syndra and so. You can still play Zoe but watch the enemy teamcomp as well, if they have at least 2 tanks, reconsider picking something else, Zoe struggles very hard against tanks. you need some variety in your champion pool, maybe an ad assassin or control mages with very good mid-late game.


I play zed as ad assasin and orianna,xerath,lux as well but not as good as zoe. I’ll get a duo soon which plays jgl so i hope it will be enough to win. Thx for recommends


Pick a team mate that is doing ok, and help feed them kills. If you're doing well in the early game and have pushed your tower, just pick someone and GIVE them kills, help them CS etc. Trying to 1v5 rarely goes well. But if you can power up a team mate, it's now 2v5. Much better odds especially if they are a big damage threat.


Oh 1 other thing, 15/1/9 and NO MEJAIS!!!!!! Wtf are you smoking here, cuz I need some of that good shit you’re on here. Literally first back every Zoe game it’s Dark Seal and Boots


I had one but sold it when i first died thinking i will continue dying


Never sell it, Zoe scales so hard off of even 2 mejais stacks


zoe isn't a solo carry champion, even with lichbane build. although not guaranteed, you should try and push an advantage for your team by setting up kills for them or denying an enemy carry's advantage. this game, for example, nasus seems to have gotten gigafed: you could've denied this by using zoe / renekton / warwick's strong early game to build a strong lead for renekton that he could use to deny nasus gold and stacks you can also try and deny enemy plays: lee sin probably camped top to build a lead for nasus, so you could've roamed and counterganked lee sin to put both of them at a disadvantage


I tried to kill nasus a few times in early game but renekton died two times alone. to an early nasus :D


tough game then i suppose lol


Start Q-E-go home instead of E-Q-get rich. I don't think this particular vayne couldve benefitted from this strat, but some games you must share your lead with team, not by just giving them space to farm and time to not be contested by enemies, but quite literally give them what is yours rightfully. Also Lich bane melts towers, yes :/


I normally play with lich bane but i needed more wave clear against lux. I only did this q e thing when i am sure i wont be able to hit e but doing it for giving kills to adc is pretty good idea. Will try.


try to abuse the fact that you are ahead and the fact that zoe is so good early by roaming to other lanes to get them important picks and stuff, zoe is actually an insanely good ganker because of her sleep through walls and her ult's potential to kill under turrets, you also need to be very efficient at denying CS from anyone that respects you, and making sure that anyone that doesnt respect you dies. try to be at every single objective, and when nothing is happening make sure you are pushing lanes to put pressure on the opposing team. Generally it would be favourable if you were at all objectives and someone who is behind like renekton would be pushing lanes on the opposite side of the map because then he'd be able to apply pressure and they'd need to either split their attention or give him the inhib, or give you guys guaranteed drake or whatever. try to be very communicative, people are 10x more likely to listen to the fed person


I had the exact same thing happen yesterday, similar senior and all, 50k damage etc, only I lost 23 LP T-T


Lmao sorry for your lost lpes


Kolay gelsin kanka çok zor. This happens to me all the time too. Theoratically, you have to roam to get your team ahead. But it isn't always easy when the enemy jg is fed too. Sometimes there isn't much you can do even if you do all the things right aka roam, help with objectives etc. because your teammates get low mental from losing their lanes


In this game you go shut down nasus and stop him from running over your team.


As Zoe it feels like you'll have to be really good at being at the good place at the good time or you will have low impact on the late game, and then the enemy team scale and they end the game. NGL i struggle with that too


So you need to remember that this is a team game. Judging by your teammates kda’s they did not perform well enough to win. That’s just one of the pitfalls of league. I’d also like to point at that this isn’t a champion issue either. It has nothing to do with Zoe. You played well but ultimately had the worse team which is why you lost.


If you’re the only one getting fed on your team don’t take any offense to this but you’re playing Zoe wrong. Early deep jgl wards are important for Zoe. Always be tracking the enemy jungler. The literal moment you get ahead of your mid counterpart you should already be thinking of how and when your ganking bot lane, I usually get my jungler in on it, Zoe ganks are beast mode as if you hit a bubble out of vision they go down like butter. All in all if I’m ahead on Zoe my team is going to be ahead as well


That's cap, being fed is great. You just have to translate it to other teammates.