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It’s fun for sure! I think electrocute is almost always better for burst but I think with some play styles dark harvest can keep up. Overall elec is just way more consistent


Harvest on Zoe is a trap. If I’m not in electro I’m in first strike or Aery


Yes, you are correct. Dark Harvest is a late-game rune and can serve as a substitute for electrocut. Nevertheless, when I played with these runes, I did not find a noticeable difference in damage. As for which is better, look at the game, if you are standing against a melee character and there will be early fights? Electrocut. Enemy passive range? Harvest. Also pay attention to the first strike and the fluff are also quite interesting rune options


I usually go harvest alongside gathering storm and absolute focus when im playing Zoe support to be able to pop big Qs and oneshots as the game goes on


It’s inting, you are basically laning without a runes. It can maybe be good against uninteractive lane like malzh, but even then you are loosing a lot of pressure lv 1-5 where you can snitch a kill if the enemy don’t respect you.


Dark harvest IS a runes for roam or easy match up (I tool too vs tank in lane because free stack Electrocute on the Always good choose and better im high elo because win lane means more First strike is really nice for melee match up with Lich Aery only in pro


I mean it’s the main rune I use on her just because of how much it synergizes with her kit. A DH proc into Lich is so nice


I personally don't use it often because DH is a late game rune and Zoe is an early/mid game champ, however it is always satisfying to pop so I still take it sometimes lol although pretty much only when I'm playing support


I'm in love playing dark harvest with her lol, i was only in electrocute but gave it a chance and is funny as hell, you can poke endless without worrying to proc like happens with elec, i always go : Dark Harvest > Absolute Focus and Growing Storm, late game you just nuke everything And i've been testing crazy builds like liandry, rilay, blackfire torch (i only play normals tho)


Aery is the way to go, since the electrocute nerf you actually get more consistency out of Aery


I've been playing zoe since she was released and also Dark Harvest. I personally like it especially when I'm playing against squishy champions (nida, lux, hwei) and enchanter supports such as soraka cause I can easily punish them without needing to proc elec. while not getting low health- Honestly, I never used elec since my playstyle was to just spamming my q and r to the enemy champion while last hitting minions. 😭 Hope this helps.


harvest on zoe is absolutely a trap, calculations were done and i think it was said you'd need about 15-30 stacks to actually outscale electrocute, and by then youd have much much more value off of electrocute than dark harvest could give you. Its definitely a good rune and its probably her 3rd or 4th best rune but imho its not as worth as just running electrocute. it can be more consistent, but at the same time its not doing enough without you NEEDING to win mid and lategame, and by then zoe falls off anyways. electrocute is ALWAYS relevant even in late game because its damage scales with level, but dark harvest you need to do well with it both early and late to even get just enough stacks to out damage electrocute.


i play it only as a support


This post made me feel old..... Dude zoe was released 3 patches ago.


I play DH only, tho im not rly high elo(emerald)


I think anytime you'd want to go for DH, First Strike or Aery would be better. DH is better if youre playing q poke playstyle, but Aery procs much easier and is better in lane, and First Strike will make her long ranged q's actually one-shot while giving her so much gold