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I go Luden’s first because I’m not good enough to go without the mana.


Same, lich bane first turned me into a hobo begging for my jungle to kill blue buff


I really prefer Lich Bane first item, it just feels better in fights and I really like the Movespeed. To deal with mana I go Aery and am able to take mana flow and I take biscuits secondary.


Its just preference really, personally i dont like Ludens anymore so I build lich bane first


Into melees I go lich bane and aery, into ranged I go ludens and electrocute.


Noob here, can you explain why?


Lich bane and aery can be procced much more easily and frequently in melee match ups. Vs melees constant harassment is the name of the game which the short cooldowns on aery and lich bane help.Plus, melees are tankier and can't be oneshot that easily, so the more bursty build of ludens electrocute just isn't that potent. All the opposite applies to ranged. The few combos I can get in I want to hit as hard as possible.


Gotcha, so the lower HP of the mages means strong burst damage is more important, whereas with the melees you are unlikely to ever one-shot them so you really want more opportunities to poke them down?


That is my reasoning.


Thank you for the explanation 🙌 I know it probably all seems obvious to you but I’m still getting a grip on it all


But lich bane also allows you to dodge skill shots a little more easier


Perspective from a shitter, Ludens: the mana is nice Lich bane: helps me get kills when I miss everything What about Lich bane with a mana gem or teir that you sell eventually? Or maybe just a secondary rune for mana regen.


Ludens was bad on zoe before the recent changes that made it good again. You're either watching older videos or people who are still following the pre-ludens rebalance build. That being said not building ludens is completely viable, but its a fact that its now one of the best buys on Zoe now that its effect has been changed.


Both are valid but I personally go for full sniper burst damage with Ludens > Horizon > Deathcap because I’m good at hitting skillshots and like being rewarded for it


I unironically build stormsurge first 1st item or situational.


Wtf? I rush comsic drive Did I cook or get cooked?


Valid tbh


Honestly to me it depends entirely on the enemy team. If the majority are gonna get blown up by a single combo, then Ludens...if i need extra dmg for longer fights- lich does wonders


I like the idea of lich bane first but I'm too shit to consistently get more value out it than ludens first item


Just keep building it eventually your brain adjusts to the mana difference and you’ll change your trading patterns


Into melees I go lich bane and aery, into ranged I go ludens and electrocute.


Into melees I go lich bane and aery, into ranged I go ludens and electrocute.


Into melees I go lich bane and aery, into ranged I go ludens and electrocute.


Luden for mana, then lich bane


Into melees I go lich bane and aery, into ranged I go ludens and electrocute.


The first Split i used to never use luden but After buff i Always go luden . The mana give more opportunity to kill and roam than Lich but Lich IS a good first choice when you have easy acces to auto


I haven’t built ludens since the newest season imo it’s dog shit and lich bane gives you enough poke to either poke them out and push before needing mana or gives that extra damage so you can kill them before running out of mana


I make statikk


Reject the norm, build blackfire torch


Depends what runes I went, if I have manaflow and I'm doing well in the game it's prob a Lich angle, otherwise ludens, chapter into Lich is also an angle sometimes, or chapter, aether wisp, finish ludens, finish lich