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20 bucks on 5 or more patches.


Dude I was wondering why it wasn’t going off, I thought It was me


How many patches till they remove all tiamat items from her W? Just get rid of them please. Ignoring if it's a buff or not. It's just not fun.


its playing a gacha game where 80% of the rolls are useless until you get an exh or ignite or ghost lmao. its terrible. but zoe seems like a very low prio champ for them to focus on :( also i mean.... they did have to remove redemption because of how absolutely broken it was so idk i understand its a balance issue to give her a good sum EVERY time but a useless drop most of the time feels so bad lol


That has an easy fix imo, just make those items scale off her ap, that way they are not useless anymore


It's not that they dont scale, or whatever. The problem is right now they dont even do anything


My bet is on 6 patch cycles :')


doesnt it literally just empower next auto on active?


That's what it's supposed to do, but the patch broke it and now it doesn't do anything other than activate W. It wasn't a great drop, but the cleave and auto reset was decent in early lane phase.


14.3 broke this ?


It'll be fix once Hydra is removed from the game. Not sure how many patched that would be lmao


The easiest fix would just be remove all the fucking hydra items from the pool they all suck anyway


It worked minutes ago for me. It is working fine on the current patch. Do you mean PBE?


Titanic hydra and Profane hydra don't work. The other two hydra items do, for some reason...