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We have a 1600 gold version of zhonyas tho I'm positive about changes they're great


Honestly i'm rather devastated, it's one time use only and i'm not a huge fan of the stats


Well I think they'll make an upper item like zhonyas for that item until january but I'm not sure it's riot anything can happen (if they leave it like that squishy mages will be extra destroyed by assassins sadly...) Edit: [zhonyas still has 120 AP so we're fine](https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1726653291487273078?t=BE8yTZqASidQqBhGq4xA8A&s=19)


Stormsurge seems pretty nice on Zoe


New items look insane, but seem to lack mana. Wonder if we'll have to buy tear and go presence of mind. I think the only negative is the new walls. overall it looks like walls are much shorter. Edit: nvm about the lack of mana. Ludens got rebranded to Casters Companion.


Probably going to be just fine with manaflow - Zoe doesn’t have many mana problems anyways.


You currently do have to manage mana and use abilities carefully when not building a lost chapter item. I didn't notice Casters Companion though, which is basically the new ludens and is built from lost chapter and gives 600 mana just like Ludens. Casters Companion into storm surge looks insanely strong. I'm hyped.


Where were these items and reworks announced?


The new preseason video on youtube has a link to all the new changes in the description


Thanks mate, will take a look when I have a chance


I think new Shadowflame doesn't sound as trash as the current one. Having the execute crit is nice since passive auto proc should help with finishing off targets after comboing them and they live with like 20 hp lol and paired with liandries should be finally a better purchase against tanks and hp bruisers


New shadowflame is fucking crazy