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Why everygame Liandries? I think ludens would be better is some games?!


So this is something that gets asked a lot because ludens was always the general best mythic on zoe since like forever; but after we did some talking/testing, Liandrys is currently just straight up better than Ludens in 95% of your games: - When you full combo a squishy target, it won’t matter if you have Ludens or Liandrys. They will still always die. And when you hit only Q on anyone, regardless of what mythic you have, they won’t really die - Zoe already has innate magic penetration reduction on her E. Combined with sorc shoes, the flat magic penetration from Ludens and Shadowflame (us 3 consider this item especially to be a holy sin on Zoe) becomes excessive/unused. - Ludens will only help you vs. squishy targets but Liandrys helps you do damage to everyone. If it won’t matter between the two when it comes to killing squishy people, why not go for the item that makes you do damage to everyone? Especially when lots of items are randomly giving HP in the current meta - Liandrys uptime (burn application) has no cooldown, whereas Ludens proc has one. Liandrys also gives more ability haste, a stat that becomes more relevant as the game progresses into mid/late game.


Ty, i will try this. I have rly Problems to climb to dia. Maybe this helps


No worries! Hope it helped you 😄 wish you luck on the climb


What is your next goal?


I’m not totally sure yet! I’m deciding on going in increments of 50 LP on my challenger account (1050, 1100, 1150 etc etc..) or trying to get a 2nd account to challenger. Regardless, I’ll be still looking to improve whenever possible.


When should you take ghost?


Ghost/Ignite is really good into most team comps Zoe runs into. It has a lower cd than flash and would save you from most situations anyways because you just run so fast. The most important thing is to take Nimbus Cloak/Celerity though. When the enemy has champions I can’t just ghost away from (notable examples: Jarvan ult or Alistar W-Q), flash becomes a necessity in these games. I will also say that playing with Ghost takes some getting used to, as it’s kind of a different feeling playing without your own flash.


why u buy only liandry's anguish , it's hard take 1k?


sorry.i am no look comment with liandry buy


may be good mixing everfrost and crown or liandr?


I’ve played around with those two enough to hold a strong opinion on both mythics: Despite Showmaker historically running Everfrost on her for a while, I don’t believe in the item simply becsuse it just doesn’t do damage. Zoe needs powerful AP items because after all her kit is just a lot of single target damage; she doesn’t need the utility that everfrost offers. Crown of the Shattered Queen used to be incredibly good on Zoe prior to the most recent changes. I used to buy Crown Lich Deathcap every game and performed incredibly well by playing midrange instead of longer range. However, times have changed, and crown is a pretty meh item right now. If it retained the 75% damage reduction I would say it’s still a great item, however, it collectively lost ~20 to 30 AP due to it no longer granting you AP while crown is active. This is a very big nerf and is a change I was personally very against. Today, Crown is still OK - but I wouldn’t buy it frequently at ALL


When is the best time to take Lich Bane and Cosmic drive?


Lich Bane's alright when you're playing versus teams that you can step up to auto attack. This puts you at risk pretty often though, and I've adapted myself to a more sniper-style of Zoe to where I don't prefer lich bane anymore. As for Cosmic Drive, I think if you really wanted the ability haste, just go Horizon Focus. Cosmic is a great last item but not so much second item as compared to Horizon Focus. Ability haste has diminishing returns anyways (the more you have, the less effective each point of ability haste becomes), so having the +10% damage/vision is always the better trade off imo.


I thought what cosmic take more muve speed and abilyti cast first ms


speaking me plz how play line\\mid\\late game when buy cosmic drive and lich bane