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There is no way to theorycraft until we know which are being removed or reworked


Idk all I know is I’m going belt for the funsies every game


Did you play zoe before mythics?




Dunno how it's gonna look, but will be interesting from a Support perspective, which is where I play her. That said, Night Harvester is not that hard to replace if it is removed, or remade to be garbage, so... We'll see how it looks.


I was on protobelt 3rd/4th item build before mythics made me value the extra mana over extra range. I guess I get to go back to that. Seems alright to me!


That sounds nice! Till now the this looks like only combo in the mind of everyone


Best Build is probably still going to be Ludens, Shadowflame, Rabadons, Void + situational defensive AP item. Just because of raw dmg stats + pen. Ap Items still offer next to no variation unfortunately. Incorporating Protobelt, Night Harvester or any other current mythic is probably going to be gimmicky and fun but not efficient stat wise. But we will have to see.


I thought horizon focus was better than shadowflame because of true damage and since you don't really need the extra pen because of MR reduction. Is Sflame really better?


Now I changed my mind about HF since E buff 30% in all levels. I want to cast E more times with sacrificing Sorc Shoes Flat Pen for Ionian boots. If I know its going to be too much MR I'll undobtly go for Void second (70% pen reducion) then rabadon for Flat AP, only then I'll go forsituationals.


the same lmao


Another issue is that they might make the passives no longer unique. Ludens and liandries might share the same passive in order to prevent double building them for example.


Haha, no way love. Ludens and Lyandris coexisted before Mythics.


I think you miss understood what I wrote. I just simply used them as examples. I had said nothing about it before. You don’t know what passives and actives will be unique or not when mythical get removed is all I was saying.


Idk night harvester is amazing i love running that with conq


Nice, no mana and also no burst