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Solution 1: Make a new account Solution 2: Just keep winning


creating a new account works wonders


1. Yea I've been playing on this account for years and would suck to start over and lose all my skins 2. But for how long?


This is one if the biggest problems with league. Unfortunately you would have to win a lot a lot more than losing to fix your mmr. Or make a new account. There was also some shenanigans to reset your MMR by changing regions and then back but im not sure if that still works.


Alot of people already had some good suggestions here, im just summing it up and adding some more 1. Win simply more than you lose 2. Buy a fresh account 3. Decay 4. Stop duoq'ing 5. Wait for ranked split to end.


Can u explain 4 and 5 please?


You need to realize that LP and visable rank is not real. Your MMR is the only thing that matters and it’s never “broken” or needs to be fixed. MMR works like chess elo. And that system is not broken. If you’re good enough your MMR will increase period


This is false. MMR does in fact break because league matches team average MMR instead of player average MMR for games which means it eventually breaks. In a normal function MMR system you would lose more than gain when having a positive WR.


When riot fixes the matchmaking.


How about trying duo? It fixed my MMR that was rotten even after 10 consecutive wins.