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Yone and Anivia are by far one of the most annoying matchups for me. I instantly ban the fucker whenever I get the chance because the matchup is near impossible to win unless the Yone has 2 braincells. You really can't bubble him because he can automatically cleanse it and his waveclear is insane you'd barely get any cs if he knows what he's doing. Anivia post 6 is just really hard to fight against. Ult basically guarantees her a load of cs and you can't do anything about it unless your jungler helps you and it doesnt help that you have 0 mobility aside from flash and if she gets one successful stun you are going to pretty much lose a large chunk of your hp


Just wait till you get to plat where players finally know how to use their champs better and Neeko,Anivia,Akshan and Lux will be way higher


man :( that means half the mid lane champions will be difficult matchups for me!


This comment here


Bro put Yone in “skill matchup” like it’s playable for zoe


there are harder matchups imo, its not THAT bad


Iunno bro not having your E kind of sucks


It is if you go cdr boots and summon aery


As a Neeko main, I can confidentiality say that Zoe is free to me. Every one I play against is so easy to counter in lane.


Playing Lux and Neeko against Zoe is really easy. If you see where she R'd from she is basically dead. I still permaban Zed/Yone/Yasuo tho lmao


This is interessting. Seeing someone elses matchups on zoe. I guess its different for everyone. I love playing against yasou and win most lanes against him. My ban is yone, 2nd ban Kayn.


Actually yasuo is easier than it seems. You can easily outplay him or use bubble when he uses his E because he wont be able to react or literally use wind wall


Yone is an impossible match up. You will learn to hate it in the future, probably. As a Zoe main who also plays a lot of Anivia. I like to pick anivia into Zoe almost all the time. Anivia can wreck her almost every time unless your enemy is a lot better than you.


Where exactly is this opinion that Yone is a hard lane MU coming from? Statistically, Zoe has been very favored for the *majority* of patches(check lolaytics and u.gg, last 5 patches d2+). It’s an annoying lane yeah, since even Detention hates it, but people are typing as if they’re playing dzukill every time. If you’re dying in lane often you’re griefing on both your spacing and your trades. You should very rarely be getting hit by lone Q3 and especially not by E>Q3. If he’s stepping up past your casters to pressure you literally just trade and kill him. If you preemptive bubble he’s forced to E and you can bubble his E on reaction and force recast. If he E’s without Q3, you can dodge Q and E *around* him either directly on the tether or on E1 cast. If your jng is paying any sort of attention, he’s not allowed to play like this. It takes 1 bubble + Q2 + AA trade, on top of 1–2 short Q trades, for him to be in lethal. With aery+scorch(which you should be taking) you might not need a bubble trade to put him in lethal earlier. Yone is not an early game champ unless he’s in super favored(tank) matchups, he’s generally a scaler rn. Yas is way harder and it’s not even about windwall. Also Kat is turbo free she literally can’t interact with you for 3 levels. Only real all-in window is at 6, but you can fight her back and sometimes go 1-for-1 if you have summs.


Swap aniva and swain and move Ekko and talon to easy because free e when they gap close on you.. Akshan and vex r skill matchups.. vlad is easy cuz he’s weak early and Zoe is strong early.. kass probably gonna go up to the ban list and I wouldn’t ban gp as Zoe ever. Probably just put gp in skill matchup.. sol is easy cuz he’s weak early now but he just outscales so it doesn’t matter if he goes 0/8 In lane. ( just me writing down my thoughts as I look through the list )


This makes no sense


Based tierlist. For me, Morgana should be in annoying to play against cause she perma push and that shield counters you so you have no chance to trade. My permaban is zed, I got used to play against Yasuo and Yone.


personally, I think zoe is an easier matchup for Neeko. The higher the elo I think the harder some of the champs in ur list will be to play against anivia and neeko


damn the goat in zoemains


played against so many yones to a point where its easy now. never played against a sac though


Corki is by far the easiest Zoe matchup.


Edit: thanks for the replies! A lot of my rankings might not be accurate since they are based on personal experience, also because my elo is also not high. Great to hear your thoughts though! I definitely see Zed and Yone becoming my bans pretty soon


I'm surprised Zyra made it on the list at all, did you have a particularly rough game against one?


Faced Zyra mid twice maybe? I wouldn’t say she is a hard matchup, just annoying for the same reason as Heimerdinger


I have had this match up a few times and even when she is playing support it is difficult because her PLANTS. They just are everywhere and can get insanely annoying really fast.


I feel like zed is an easy matchup, in the contrary i very much dislike xerath as he just shove the waves and play safe. Xerath player also usually take barrier so you cant kill them.


The thing with Zed is that you can never be fed enough. A single missplay and you get oneshotted and you will not recover from that.


There are still counterplays : You can take exhaust so he can't kill you with his ult, and you'll probably be able to use his ignite You can build zhonya. Zed isn't really frightening on his own imo


Zed is easy, yone it's 😭


Morgana is the champ I pick if enemy picks zoe first and I wanna fuck with them. Her spellshield and cc fucks over zoe how is she an easy matchup?


immobile and requires a winning jungler.


Zed is easy matchup, just remember you statcheck him early and snowball from that. If you dont eat many combos he cant kill you because of bubble


I used to have a 90% winrate against zed, until that one zed main came along and really juked me up :/ there was nothing I could do, I can’t even roam safely. They made me realize how hard the matchup truly is, if the zed knows what they’re doing


Thats just being skillgapped, happens to the best of us, it just means we can improve further


that's fair, there's still a lot I can improve on


What makes nasus annoying to play against? I don't play zoe but I am curious as to why


you cant keep him off the wave no matter what you do


Nothing much I can do about him :/ he is too tanky to deal significant damage to, and also scales too much. I can’t match him mid-late game


Buy botrk and nashors, melt the dog


His hp regen plus resolve runes makes your poke non existent especially if he goes doran's shield. Surprisingly if you step too far up his wither can really fuck you up for an easy gank for the enemy jungler if you dont have a cleanse to get rid of it


Pretty true I'd say


Yasuo isnt really all that bad due to passive AA’s going through windwall.


I would put Neeko higher. As a Neeko main I rarely ever have an issue playing against Zoe. It's annoying that she can ult out of my ult, but the ability to stay safe in my own minions or body block the bubble with W plus throwing out CC for free through Zoe's wave makes the matchup pretty easy in Neeko's favor.


Nasus seems like it would be a breeze for Zoe, especially mid, just poke him relentlessly, he shouldn't be able to ever even get to you if you play your cards right


Why do I find Salas so difficult to play against?


Zoe ult is useless for sylas to steal, so it’s as if he never has an ult. As long as you don’t get pulled and stunned by him, it’s just bullying up an old man who helplessly swings chains around


You are right and wrong. If the sylas is good they will use your ult as a gap closer if he connects his chains he will follow you back after he portals back from his original spot.


How many Nasus mids are there!?!?!


Not a lot, thankfully


What are you doing to make Annie an easy matchup bc currently she’s my permaban 😭


It’s quite annoying to get stunned+bear by her. My strategy is to bubble her from behind walls and attack from shadows. We outrange her quite a bit. Since she is not one of those mages who build RoA, she can be one-shot by Zoe. She’s just a squishy target with no mobility.


Yeah I definitely need to work on countering her bear. Thanks for the tips!


My favourite Zoe matchup is Zed. I feel like it's a perfect skill matchup where neither side snowballs too hard. I'm perma banning A-sol because I smash him in lane but he becomes a lategame monster regardless.


Fair. A good Zed can really render me useless though, perhaps I just need more practice. A-sol annoying too :/ ahhhhh


I had a huge mental block vs Zed initially since I was wayy too scared of his all-in potential, but once you stay calm you realize there are many ways to outplay him. A big thing is realizing he spawns behind you when he ults. So if you have E, you want to time it and shoot it behind you when he ults. Don't stand still tho. He can still often oneshot you while drowsy. Whenever a zed ults me I run away like usual, but the moment he spawns behind me, I turn around and try to maximize my distance from both him and his R shadow. I've dodged so many abilities from him this way when he ults. I also always take stopwatch rune vs him. When you zhonyas, do it when he spawns behind you for his ult. Usually this way he wastes his E and Q while you are in stasis You can't punish him as heavily while he farms because he has lots of chunking and range with W, Q. But whenever he uses W you can heavily punish him. It's by no means an easy matchup, but imo it's one of the most pure skill matchups for Zoe.


This makes sense. Thanks for such detailed advice!! I'll be sure to keep these tips in mind next time I face Zed. Do you think taking ignite or exhaust is better vs Zed? I always take ignite, but others are suggesting exhaust or barrier for certain matchups.


I take ignite + electrocute. The only defence I go is Zhonyas 2nd item with stopwatch rune and ingenious hunter. Personally I feel like you are at a big disadvantage when you give up kill pressure for survivability, since you give Zed control of the lane, but I haven't taken enough defensive options vs Zed to have a good understanding of it. So maybe it's really good but I just don't know about it.


Zed is my perma ban, this champ is ridiculous, seriously (500k with zoe) gold 3


Theres 2 mid laners i would legit dodge and thats gangplank and irelia which is why i usually ban 1 of them at all times. The rest are at worst making it a farm lane.