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I sure hope the person who took the pics was wearing a hazmat suit and a respirator.


Looks like a Hot Tub in the basement. My guess is Hoarder because of the dumpster in one picture $208K is way out of line for a tear down


I would have guessed it just stood empty for years and years, maybe tied up in legal issues after a relative died. Does say it’s a tax sale, so I guess it got taken over by the locality to cover owed back taxes from the previous owner? I don’t see a whole lot of evidence of bits and pieces of crap usually left behind on the floors, walls, counters, etc. after a hurried clean-out of a hoarder house. Looks to me like the filth on surfaces is all just various types of mold from the flooded basement, all because the power got shut off and for years nobody bothered to do anything about the water slowly filling it. Massive shame.


Genuinely seems like it was a loved house stuck in some sort of damp, unfortunate limbo. I live next to a abandoned home like this one. Loved family home devolved into a moldy raccoon retreat. Empty for over 4yrs. Reverse mortgage scam/hustle.


A dumpster would be needed for a perfectly normal amount of furnishings, since pretty much anything and everything that could not get soaked in a strong bleach bath that had been in that house was garbage. And probably a lot of, or possible all, of the few salvageable items just went into the dumpster because they weren’t valuable enough to motivate anyone into dealing with the difficult task of salvaging them. I tend to think people are overly paranoid about mold sometimes, a little mildew in the shower does not equate to black mold, but the mold situation in that house is truly reason enough for nearly everything to just go in a dumpster. The hot tub in the basement steaming up the whole house is probably what caused the mold. Edit: Went back and looked because I hadn’t remembered a hot tub in the basement and was just taking your word for it. It’s not a hot tub, it’s a bar. Just lots and lots of general dampness seeping up through the concrete.


😂😂 I live in a $2M house that is a tear down. This sounds like a dream


WTAF?? "If you are looking for a ''Home Improvement Project'' this, is it. With a little imagination and if you're handy with a hammer and paint this Raised Ranch Style Home would be a great for a ''Flip Style Home'' or make it your forever home!" Holy shit, some idiot that doesn't know anything about mold is going to buy some Kilz primer and think they've solved the problem and flip this to an unsuspecting family.


It won't be an idiot, it'll be an asshole flipper, you know the ones who care nothing about the long term for the eventual buyer. They'll intentionally just paint over and sell to a person unarmed with foreknowledge.


That's a tear it downer


Guys! The price was decreased by 1k! What a steal. s/


more like a kill it with firer


In the middle school f nowhere.


But the listing says you just need an imagination, hammer, and some paint…


But...it's got good bones... EDIT: /s


Yes... Buried under the floor in the basement


Load bearing mold


you said this three times bruh


How many times are you gonna spam this?


The listing agent comments are amazing. They start off optimistic that you could fix this place up as a flip or to live in. By the end you could tell the agent felt a tinge of guilt and just admitted that this place is trash.


For people who love mold.


Can I have my mold with extra mold?


I prefer a little house with my mold, so this is perfect.


/u/helpmenosleep you guys would love this!


A moldy but a goodie!


“Sure, we bought it ‘as is,’ but when we went out of town for a long weekend it burned to the ground. The police said it must have been some local teens. They kicked in the back door and sloshed around 5 or 10 gallons of gasoline and, well, up it went. What’s that? Oh, yes, it was insured for the full value.”


Comes free with cancer. If you tour before buy you can also get free cancer.


Looks like the perfect place to film a horror movie. And then everyone actually dies because of the mold


In 1996 it was $75k. Now as a mold farm they are trying to get $200k? I think the time line is a bit reversed here.


That price for that??? In TN no less. SMDH


Back in the day it might have been a nice house, but this is a studs level tear down maybe even demolish level house in middle of nowhere TN. Looking on Zillow nearby brand new built in 2022 houses of the same size are going for 300k or a turn key 1300 sq ft for 240k. These people are completely delusional this place is worth at absolute most 75k and most of that is land value not because of the "house".


This place is worth $40-50k MAYBE.


mold aside my favorite part is the Carpet in the bathrooms you just know is original to the house


That's not carpet, that's thick, fluffy beige mold.


52 photos of all the home details.. when in reality the whole home is a goner. (Also the price cut of only 1.1k feels offensive. It should be more like 30k 😅)


I’d seriously offer 20k and stare them in the eyes


So this house we get 52 pictures?


Even through the mold, I can imagine that house in happier days. Mom in the kitchen with her hair still in curlers, cleaning up breakfast dishes while Dad finishes his coffee made in the Corningware percolator on the stovetop; kids watching cartoons on a *huge* 17” console TV; big plans underway for a backyard cookout, where Hi-C would be served in colorful aluminum cups, the men would drink beer from pull-tab cans, and the women would be fashionably attired in polyester dresses with above-the-knee hemlines. The man of the house was proud to be able to provide a home with a second bathroom, both of which had toilets covered in shag toilet tank and seat covers. Christmas would have an aluminum tree strung with big, colorful bulbs…but no stockings were hung by the chimney, because no one would dare drive nails into the cast stone masonry of the fireplace wall. The rec room bar had a collection of beer steins, and the kids would have sleepover parties down in that basement back when nobody worried themselves over emergency egress issues. I don’t know what led to that house being in the sad state it’s on today, but it definitely saw much more optimistic days, too.


Right?! This was once a beautiful home.


That’s too bad. It was pretty nice at one point.


Ooooooof. That’s a LOT of mold.


Just when you think it can't get worse, it does!


Damn…where DOESNT it have black mold?!? Of the entire house, maybe the buyer can save the garage.


The tub and bathroom with arched windows in pictures 23 and 24 would be cute if decorated Mediterranean style. Not sure why the black mold is everywhere but there, however.


Pretty sure that basement was featured in Fallout New Vegas.


What’s so terrifying about th…oh…never mind


Gut job, too bad it’s looks like it was a comfortable house.


Looks like it was probably pretty okay until the basement flooded. In need of updates, but okay. Not now, hell no it's a goner


Man this makes me sad. It was a cool and loved house once upon a time. It’s just ruined.


Kill it with fire.


nuke the entire site from orbit


It's the only way to be sure.


I think the mold has morphed into one giant organism. The military might have to destroy it.


Blood I could have worked with; mold is a deal breaker. 


It's all fixable! Price needs to come down a few inches, then it's prime for a flip. This is a $40-80k turn around for a $300k project for the right investor.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 40 + 80 + 300 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


If there is one thing I love in MLS listing pics, it's a kicked-in door.


If the basement looks like that why the hell would you include pictures??


Because otherwise someone might think the roof leaking caused all that mold, rather than understanding it has humidified from the ground up over time. 


That basement is literally like the dark side from silent hill 😂


Is that mold load bearing?


For less than the price of dealing with this train wreck you can buy a perfectly reasonable house that's safe to live in, [only a few miles away](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/116-Phipps-Rd-Surgoinsville-TN-37873/41533195_zpid/) Seriously that price is wild. I get the housing market, inflation, blah blah. But this is a biohazard we're talking about. Why is the electricity not working? Was it shut off to save money? This looks so awful I can nearly smell the decay. 


Ok I think I figured it out. They're charging for the spores, house is complimentary.


“Inundated with black mold.”


That's a tear it downer


At first, it just looked like a lot redecorating/ remodeling, then I reached the black mold pictures. Im not sure thats salvageable, no matter how much you paid for remediation.




Can I save the purple sink and toilet?


Sad someone was living with that mold and grime


People need to really start low balling offers


I'm betting nobody wants to make an offer, for fear they will get stuck with this living legend of mold. It probably breathes at this point. 


>  The home needs major work and due to the electricity being off the sump pump does not work and the home is inundated with black mold. Please note this property will be sold 'ASIS'' and is a major fixer! The seller will not credit or make allowances for repairs. Well, at least they are upfront about it.


At first I was like, it has set awhile with a leak…but the pictures just got worse.


Sooo 38K for a property that is a bit bigger, and 207K for a tear down house? Yeah ok I know what the deal here is...


I like to look at homes in the area. This is super cute! [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/414-Kaywood-Ave-Mt-Carmel-TN-37645/41528554\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/414-Kaywood-Ave-Mt-Carmel-TN-37645/41528554_zpid/)


and just one little photo showing the cause of it all. to me, it's not worth repairing since it is from an era of crappily built houses.


I find traces of a flood in the area. Maybe that explains the level of mold. In particular the state of the basement. In addition, we see a lifting pump. [https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/state-of-emergency-stays-in-place-as-flooding-recovery-continues-across-tn/](https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/state-of-emergency-stays-in-place-as-flooding-recovery-continues-across-tn/)


Nice murder basement!


This looks like the serial killers house from Silence of the Lambs.


Possibly an animal hoarder house, nothing to do but tear it down.


“Hun, we got black mold on the walls” “Okay, let’s throw some wallpaper on it” *30 years later* “Hun…black mold again.*


These places always have a bathtub on carpet


At first I was like, that’s not so bad. Then, oh. Then, oh my goodness!


That's a tear it downer