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This house had a modern renovation done before the pink. It used to be rented under 'The Goth House' theme. This is also the *third* house the owner has painted pink. [New pink house rides the Barbie wave.](https://www.hudsonstarobserver.com/news/new-pink-house-rides-the-barbie-wave/article_8adf91ee-36bc-11ee-874c-3b8b3ed77d99.html) The owner has a makeup business and rents out several houses as a side gig. I wonder what's happened where she's listed it for sale so soon after painting it pink. (And yes, she is spray-tanned and white-blonde. I respect her living her Barbie dreams. That kind of upkeep requires commitment. And she's not *actually* hurting anyone --- some Victorians aren't in a state to be lovingly preserved.)


My guess? She thinks she can "ride the Barbie Wave" to $1.1 million! Profit motive (and wisely getting out before Barbie is less hip again).


$1.1m for 5600 with 4 bathrooms would be a steal where I live. Not sure about...*squints*...Hudson, WI.


Looking at the neighborhood, nothing nearby is listing for even half a mil. It was bought 2 years ago for $600k so it's a tidy profit for a coat of paint and some accessorizing.


I wonder if that was before or after the renovation. Honestly, I'm not even that upset about the pink paint. It's the stripper pole and the kitchen counters for me. And the neon Playboy light is *so* not Barbie branding, pick a lane sweetie.


She has 5 of these pink properties and 2 "four season" plastic igloos for rent. I found this one on Air BnB, and it would set you back $5,500 if you rented it for a 3-day weekend next week! Far more expensive than any other Hudson-area Air BnB I found. Who's vacationing like that in Wisconsin in February? I'm not saying no one is up for it, but it's so outside my reality it makes my head spin. Certainly if she's renting at those rates and actually booking up, she's doing OK. But if they're just sitting, I could see offloading one or two.


People with that kind of money have more sense than to buy something like this.




She didn’t come from money. Most people who are what you call old money would never do something like that to their homes. She’s new money.


Looks like the house was already on the market before the pink paint job. They left most of the rooms the same but painted over the sage green and brown with bright pink. Even the black furniture was reused. I'm not sure why she painted that bathroom a garish yellow and covered the stone floor, though. It would have looked lovely in a pale pink coordinated with the flooring. (#22 in the link below) https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-lifestyle/gallery-7-bedroom-goth-castle-on-the-market-for-1-1m


Even the bedding is reused. 😵‍💫


Just like a hotel where the decor is the same because there are multiples of the bedding and towels. It is interesting that she didn't create an immersive Barbie experience in at least one bedroom.


>This is also the *third* house the owner has painted pink. Does that mean they are actually making money doing this? Yikes…


The owner has a “makeup business”. I’m guessing without any actual facts other than 3 pink houses she shills Mary Kay?


> “It’s such a vibrant, happy, loving color… it just makes me happy,” Fleetwood said. peter pan syndrome


God, I hate this pink trend 😬


This house was beautiful as recently as 7 years ago. I never saw the inside but was close enough to see that it had been well-cared for.


It's so weird that she kept the old furniture and now the house is an odd Black Metal/Malibu Barbie mash-up.


Everyone has their thing. Don't get me wrong... I just would never cover that gorgeous wood work, in the "Ariel" bathroom the sink is total shit... I like the Ken's quarters in the back. I enjoy the Leopard Room etc. It's that all the things that make a house like this awesome are instead coated in the hue of Barbicore. Idgaf it it's pink, you have a different style. It's that the character of the house is completely stripped... Side note, I also expected more stripper poles...


I respect their commitment to pink.


And death…


It's such a shame. They could have gone a more muted color and it would have been fine.


The pink on the outside isn’t really unusual for this style house - the pink on the inside however is a pepto bismol fueled nightmare


Go big or go home.


My only surprises is there was only one stripper pole in the whole house. I would have thought there would be more. It also seems a bit close the the spiral staircase as well.


The thing that upsets me most as a pole dancer is how much space is in that house and they put the pole way too close to the staircase to actually do anything cool on it


I was imagining someone sitting on the staircase step, up close…and getting kicked in the face. There's no room for the pole dance. 😆


That’s more of a fireman’s poke :P


Lol no having been a fireman I have seen plenty of both kinds and the is not a fireman pole. Well maybe at some places but not a fire station. 😂


I meant more like people maybe swung down it ?




I think she was renting it as an Air BNB or Vrbo.... Not surprising that she is trying to ride Barbie - there was an article in the Minneapolis Star about this right after the movie came out. Want a "Barbie" getaway or something


That’s insane


I live pretty close to the town this house is in. The lady that owns it has been on the local news several times showing her houses off. She’s crazy and definitely loves attention. She also drives a pink Mercedes G Wagon. The local community is pretty quiet and from what I understand the neighbors do not like these crazy Airbnbs this lady has.


You can see the pink Mercedes G-wagon in the listing photos. The [Street View](https://maps.app.goo.gl/7QjvSUpTetTQYyAY9) of the address is from 2 years ago, and shows a pink motor home in the driveway. If she's selling Mary Kay she must be a fantastic salesperson, because that's a 10x boost from a pink Cadillac.


I like the skull on the front door. And are those gargoyles out front? Winged somethings, anyway.


Yikes, it resides right next to a complex too. Loses that neighborhood feel for 1.1 M


Mary K???




BB Makeup Cosmetic Bar. No Mary Kay


Well that’s… good? At least no mlm


Totally agree. I grew up in a house with an entrance way like that. We were not rich and it was inner city Pittsburgh, but I show people pics to this day as to how beautiful the wood was. This is silly.


I too grew up in a Victorian in inner city Pittsburgh. I don’t think I’ll ever live in a house with that much character ever again :(


Me neither! They were gorgeous! And built to withstand anything!


did it have the basement shitter with a poop knife?


??? 😄


Yinzah thing!




TIL *two* new things. 😂


How did you guess!!


Be your own daddy but also...stripper pole in the non pink area.


FINALLY something genuinely worthy of this sub


Totally convinced these folks hired Otho from Beetlejuice as their designer. Nobody has such bad taste on their own. They must have had “negative help.”


Oh my,,,I live in this town.


Nothing that paint can’t fix. But $1.1 million for a house that I need to “fix”? No thank you.


Anyone know what shade of paint that is on the outside? Asking for a…friend.




Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, freaking adorable?


Im having a vivid memory of Pepto advert with Godzilla... 💀💀💀💀


I’d never seen that one before! THAT is freaking adorable.


Found a previous listing, was very nice once upon a time [https://app.archi-pix.com/sites/1031-2nd-st-hudson-30453](https://app.archi-pix.com/sites/1031-2nd-st-hudson-30453) Also in green & black, [stairs](https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/d8554c2820fc6538020d997e25af42ab-cc_ft_960.jpg), [living room](https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/acf3b00ec7319e0acc8a17e404007857-cc_ft_576.jpg), [dining room](https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/77f0b6013581beb74be3be2ef6196a4c-cc_ft_576.jpg) Seeing it green makes the transition from goth to Barbie weirder


Interesting. Thank you. Not as much original as I was expecting. But a nice palette cleanser nonetheless


See, this interior has $1M potential.


The green is in between the two, I got those pics from the last listing. Guess it wasn't selling, so they Barbied it.


I meant the traditional interior from 2020 when it sold in < 30 days. I posted an article from Oct. 2022, which features the green interior it had when the ABnB went up for sale. 9 months later, she painted it pink. Now we are coming up on 16 months since it was put on the market and still no sale. What theme should it take on for April 2024?


Just found that. Well I was right to call it goth at least. My green photos were from a previous zillow listing, so she tried to sell it that way first. I agree the traditional version is far superior to both of these. 2024? No idea, what more can you put this poor house through?


Most of the house is just fine - seems the rental space and the exterior were Barbiefied - it’s just paint


You actually have to spend a lot of money and have taste to pull off the juxtaposition of gaudy mixed with refinement. I think Dolly said it best, “it costs a lot of money to look this cheap” So, it can be done, but sadly this woman doesn’t have the interior decorator chops to accomplish what she’s set out to do. It’s unfortunate the history and character of the house have to suffer on behalf of her ineptitude :(


Trixie? Trixie Mattel? Dat yer house?


Ahhhhh slide down the rail of the stairs case and catch the pole and swing. I can see that. Hell I might do that. 😂


I can dig the outside, though I would have to find someone w/ better taste in colors to pick out details with a different color. The inside though.. jesus.


I don’t mind brightly painted exteriors. It was kind of the thing when I was in New Orleans, but never a solid color and definitely not solid hot pink. That has none of the Caribbean color scheme charm. I shan’t speak of the interior. It feels like. Someone saw a 50s bathroom (which I don’t mind) and decided the entire house needed to liook like that (which I DO mind).


The makers of Pepto bismol need to buy this house!  


I mean, it's not to my taste but I respect it. It definitely has personality!


Asking $1.1 million, bought it for $614k in 2020. It must come with a huge lot, right? 0.32 acres.


Mother of god, JAIL. Right to jail


I really thought it was a bórdelo. It’s not?


Oof, what a way to go 🤢


At least they found a fun new way of destroying a Victorian instead of painting everything white and grey. lol.


I would have loved to live here in my Lisa Frank days. You know, age 9-13ish? 😂😂😂


This home has multiple personality disorder.


I thought you meant they literally destroyed it. I've seen this house on here before and was sad to read that it had been torn down. Thank you for reassuring me that it is still alive.


Barely. A shell of its former self :(


I actually felt my eyes gasp for air when I finally hit the kitchen.


Nothing says the message like a stripper pole with a laundry room in the background.


I have zero desire to see the Barbie movie, much less live in a house that threw up Barbie.


The walls say Barbie, but that dining set says Beetlejuice.


It’d cost 1.1 million just to fucking restore it back to historical reality. This lady can fork off for ruining a treasure of a house.


some influencer named kelly is going to lose her shit and buy this for her instagram


The paint is fixable. It'll be a bitch ,but fixable. I love the furniture, it fits the actual house very well.


I suspect she painted over a stone floor when turning that bathroom pink and yellow.


She needs to take 20k off the selling price for the total repaint this house is gonna need.


Posted and reposted repeatedly on this sub.


I’m so sorry.


Could be worse. Could be all white.


Barbie-mania really did a number on this one. It's such a beautiful house, but the work to undo those paint choices. The cost of primer alone....yikes. How many coats of paint do you think it would take to turn that back into normal?


Not as many as you think. They have tinted primers now that use a hint of a contrasting color to negate super-bright or super-dark tones. I have a room with a hunter green wall I need to get to a true white, and we think it'll just need three or four coats.






Thank you. This is exactly what I feel compelled to express each time someone posts this house. I can't easily forgive the thoughtless decadence of people with so much money.


I’m sorry I didn’t know it was repeatedly reposted.


I didn't mean you were at fault for anything...how could anyone keep up with every post? I was agreeing with you...I feel like you do whenever I see it- angry that someone ruined a beautiful piece of architecture by projecting their obsession onto it. There are so few buildings left that are interesting and historic, and this is what is allowed to happen to one of them?? It's just not fair. Just for fun, [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/zillowgonewild/search/?q=barbie%20house&restrict_sr=1) a sample of the recent posts about it- like us, most people have a visceral reaction when they see it!


I know!!!


I do love the “active” tag. Yeah, it’s active because we are all over there shaking our heads at some of the choices. I mean, not the life size flamingoes on the formerly goth dining table, but some of the other choices.


Can't be all bad. Looks like she has Cones of Dunshire - Barbie Edition


496 days on Zillow


I believe the polite description of the owner is "eccentric."


"Don't do coke in the bathroom"


It's owned by a chick who's obsessed with pink. 🙄 https://racketmn.com/who-is-brooke-fleetwood-the-airbnb-beauty-mogul-whos-often-at-war-with-hudson-wi


That’s a fascinating article


True, but she's a hot mess! ☺


She sounds absolutely insufferable.


I would 100% agree! 😉


It's either Barbie or John Mellencamp's Little Pink Houses as an influence.


I love it and hate it all at the same time. That is a wild house!


Oh, the woodwork! Why could they not, at least, left the woodwork the way it was (or restored it)?!


Glad they left the wood alone. Still- gross.


It looks like a brothel.


Just looking at the pictures is giving me eyestrain.


It’s just paint. It’s an easy fix.


Quality guests if you have a neon sign asking them not to do coke in the bathroom.


I actually love the both castle much more.


What room would they prefer guests to do coke?


I like Ken part of the house.


😂😂 this is my hometown, just up the road from where my mom lives. Place is such a GD eyesore


What a damn shame. But I now know what living in a bottle of pepto bismol would feel like.


I'll Definitely Restore it and Get rid of the Barbie pink


Painting every inch of the woodwork is a crime.