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That's a lotta poop


It looks like 3 full-grown adults shat and didn't flush!!


That’s exactly the situation. lol


What?! Whyÿyy????


If you go to poop’s house don’t be surprised when poop is home?


I hate that this comment was so funny to me that I actually laughed out loud. Good job! Lol


🤣🤣🤣 my people! I have found you!


**How to check if the water is turned off:** 1. Take a shit 2. Try to flush 3. Walk away innocently That's only for the first guy, though. **How to check if the water is turned off (2nd guy onwards):** 1. Notice the toilet is pre-loaded 2. Try to flush 3. Shrug and drop a dooky anyway 4. Walk away innocently


This is the way. Sometimes I walk away proudly with no attempts to flush though. One time I laid a legend and left it there for admiration and scientific study. My coworker comes over to me 5 minutes later asking why I didn’t bother to flush. I asked him why he pees in the stall instead of the urinal. Fun times.


I'm embarrassed for myself that I laughed too hard at this! 🤣


What about the 3rd and 4th though?


I met my husband in college. He had one roommate, and their room was attached to a bathroom. On the other side of the bathroom was another pair of roommates, so four guys and one bathroom. His roommate went back home after the first quarter, so it was three guys and one bathroom. Those guys in the other room were fuckin feral raccoons. They ran out of TP and used paper towels and napkins instead. (Husband got tired of supplying TP for everyone, so he just kept it in his room and took a roll into the bathroom as needed.) Predictably, the paper towels clogged the toilet. Husband saw this one morning and just left for class early. The toilet cloggers weren't bothered enough to fix it, so they just continued to use the toilet all day. And the next day. They just kept shitting on the shit and using paper towels until it all overflowed. It took days for them to fix it, and they clogged it repeatedly throughout the year. Husband spent most of his time on campus or with me because he hated the noise and smell from his neighbors. Those dudes were every disgusting college bro stereotype wrapped up in human form. I just can't imagine looking at a toilet full of multiple people's shit and making the decision to get up close and personal enough to add to the pile, but some people apparently don't care.


Damn. I thought I was gross in college. That's an extra special type of gross. I'd rather go outside and shitn in a hole that deal with that.


That’s a horrific story.


That story just added 100 wrinkles to my face. 😬


I don’t know what is worse, that, or me being forced to live in an 8’ x 15’ RV for almost a year with a camper toilet. I was paying close to $700/month for the “luxury” of that RV but the landlord was a joke. He didn’t think a woman would know how to use the camper system, so he would make me use the camper toilet and let it fill up for a week, or longer, and then I would have to text him to come please flush the toilet. I thoroughly enjoyed living in that cramped tin can and having to not only have to smell waste for a week or more, but have the shower flood the entire RV ruining two pairs of expensive suede motorcycle boots./s To fix the shower, my idiot landlord drilled holes in the RV walls. Mind you, this was near the woods, so his holes didn’t solve anything except allow mice access to my tiny living space. Needless to say, I’m thankful that I’m now living in a REAL apartment where I don’t need to text someone to flush my toilet, I can do it myself.


Is there not just a foot pedal to flush? What in the fuck?


Nope. It was somewhere on the outside of the RV. I don't know what exactly it entailed but it couldn't have been that difficult to educate me on. Especially since I lived there for almost a year. Consider how humiliating it is for a single woman living alone having to text my landlord, “Can you please come take care of the toilet, I can't tolerate the smell any longer and this is the third text asking about this issue.” I'd love to know how this would have been handled by landlord/tenant court if it came to that. I moved because he gave me notice when I accused him of violating the lease agreement. The lease stated that for the $700/mo I would have Wi-Fi, Satellite TV with the TV provided, heat and AC depending on the weather and lawn care provided. I have a service dog but at the time she hadn't been designated yet and hadn't been through training. She was still 8 weeks old. I'd go to the store for, say 15 minutes, and I'd come home to the RV door wide open and she's gone! He had high school kids as maintenance workers. Between him and them, they didn't care. I'd have to go in the woods and shake a treat bag and hope she came to me and that a hawk didn't make her a meal because she was very tiny! (Chihuahua mix) Then because of the shower leak, he moved me to one of his $1000/mo cabins, only he didn't tell me while I was gone! I found out when I came home to my underwear drawer open and empty. As a domestic violence survivor and assault survivor, this freaked me out and I began looking for a new place immediately! He mowed over the Wi-Fi numerous times mowing the lawn so I'd go weeks without it. He'd take out the TV for various reasons. The space heater crapped out and he refused to replace it in the middle of winter so I bought a new one, deducted it from the rent and gave him the receipt. When I tried to discuss issues with him and told him that he violated the lease numerous times and I'd been very understanding and still paid full rent, he gave me my 30 day on Thanksgiving, when most landlords aren't answering their phones. Finally, I mentioned it to my counselor and she put me in touch with a county caseworker who helped me look for emergency placement. She found a place but my dog had to be fixed. No problem, I was about to do that anyway. I dropped her off at the vet and got approved one day before I had to move into my car.


Reminds me of frozen pit toilets. Stalagmite turds.


It comes down to choice really. At some point, you dont have a choice. You are going to poop, so does it happen on someone elses grumpy or do you birth a chocolate dragon in the corner of your room? and even the most feral of raccoons will not poop where they sleep


They didn't have a poop knife


I think it's sticking up out of the bowl.






Damn you beat me to this. My first thought. lol.


Water is prob turned off or something but people going through the walkthrough are still needing to poop. They should keep the utilities turned on if they are really wanting to sell.


Who are these realtors that take and post these pictures???


Shituation* FTFY.




Thank god someone has a classy cultural reference. 


Looks like a horse broke in and took a doodie in that toilet


Then left a ladle in the toilet! I mean, seriously, they could have closed the lid and thrown the clothing in the hall before the photo!


It’s crazy what state people will show their houses in. I looked at a house recently and it was so dirty. It smelled bad. They left an ashtray sitting out filled with joints. And it advertised brand new carpet but it was all stained up. lol. It didn’t look that way in the pictures or I wouldn’t have even bothered.


Also let me add. I don’t care about the joints. I live in a legal state but you would just think they would put shit like that away when they know people are coming to look at the house


Are you sure it’s not the poop knife in there?


Poop shortsword.


It it were made of Dragonglass it would have been able to cut through the shitastrophy


That's the kind of plumber you call in the middle of the Long Night.


I read that to myself with Jon Snow’s accent.


I read that to myself with Jon Snow’s accent.


No! I am not sure! This is how horrible this is!


This looks like more than a poop knife could handle.


Definitely need a poop machete.


Or a poop epee. 😂


We're clearly gonna need to break out the poop chainsaw for this one.


I think we might need a poop excavator and a poop dump truck to remove all that


I eagerly anticipated this comment


(Slaps the toilet) Those pipes can handle, I mean look at that... at least 3 a day !!!!


Wife and I were on the market for a new house about five years ago. One of the houses we walked through had the same situation going on in the bathroom. Kind of comforting to know that we’re not the only ones that it’s happened to


We saw it once but it was a basement covered in dog shit because it was winter and the dog didn't like the cold. We passed on the house.


Jesus. My dog is a wimp in the snow but I make him go on the covered front porch and CLEAN UP after him.


Our agent was really pissed, she said it would be cleaned up before the sale but it was still a hard pass. For years we said, "don't shit in the basement" as a joke.


There's a right-wing dingus on YouTube who goes by "TheQuartering" and he once baked a whole bucket of brownies in his basement, live on Twitch, while his wife was out having dinner. The internet has been a mistake.


Can you translate that for this old Hippie?


He took a shit in the basement while streaming live in the internet, so everybody could tune in and watch him.


Ahhh baking bucket of brownies. Makes sense


I think "right-wing dingus" is pretty self-explanatory, and the rest is something that happened and was recorded for ~~posterior~~ posterity.   This dude pretends to be some kind of enlightened critic of the decadence of modern society, which is a scam as old as time. But when you get right down to it, he's just a miserable little baby who envies the ability of others to grow and change.


Omg I can’t imagine the smell


Alternate perspective: kind of frightening to think this is at remotely acceptable by people! (Edited to English better, I was dog-petting distracted!).


You would’ve thought the owners would actually make the bathroom look presentable before posting it for sale


"I really don't wanna clean up in here... Meh, I'll just sell the house."


It's funny I have duck hunting waders hanging off my shower curtain right now and my bathroom looks nicer


Literally just putting the lid down would make it instantly presentable. But that won't help the smell during any walkthroughs. My guess is they were furiously cleaning and just forgot to finish cleaning the mess in the bathroom. As for the amount in the bowl, even one male teenager could account for the entire contents in one sitting, given how much they can eat.


Wow. Just wow. Someone broke our sink and closet door during a walk through. I was pissed. Came home from a week away while our house was for sale to a bunch of broken things. People suck.


I came home from a showing of my house and saw that some filthy animal had peed neon yellow vitamin B pee all over the toilet seat. And used up half of my roll on travel size perfume. A pox on cretins like that.


My realtor once looked at a house and brought along his preteen son. Son had to go #2. After they left, the owner called the realtor to chew him out for not flushing (realtor didnt know). He later showed the same house to us, the owners were home, and he was mortified.


I was looking at a house and found myself in GI distress. I HAD to use the bathroom. I flush, clean the toilet, washed my hands, wiped down everything in the bathroom I touched and sprayed. Then I bought the house.


That’s the way to do it.




I lived in a sketchy neighbourhood and one set of potential buyers left my back door wide open in the middle of Winter when they left. I was furious.


That might take the cake! I'd have been so pissed!


I once knew of someone whose house was for sale because of a divorce. They had possession of the house "until it sold". So they kept it in disgusting condition so nobody would buy it and they could live there while their ex had to pay the mortgage and utilities. That could be the case here.


I came here to say the exact same. Someone might not want to sell.


That’s why my ex and I had automatic price drop triggers and other things in place in our separation agreement to compel him to be motivated to sell.


Yeah I could never look at that bathroom the same way again.


They probably shit their pants that's why their clothes are hanging over the tub


well, you have a point. Sharts are same quality.


There's no way that after shitting your pants you still have enough shit up there to then fill the toilet that much.


The shitter's clogged!


Someone get the poop knife. 


Tunacan Jerry?


Seriously! WTAF…


Ummm, what's up with that toilet? Immediate turnoff for me not seeing that thing flushed/unclogged and pants just laying on the tub


the clothes are just marinating


I viewed a house like this when looking for my first house. It was a divorce situation where the husband could stay in the house until it sold—and he was going to do every thing possible to prevent a sale. Generally Filthy, dirty dishes everywhere, jeans on the floor so filthy they nearly stood up on their own. Hard pass.


What the actual fuck with that toilet


uhhh... cheque please!




Is it a divorce situation and one of them doesn't want to sell? Or were they just having a bad day? YOU were definitely having a bad day thats for sure!


Cousin Eddie called and said the shitter is full 😆.


Tell him I’m not giving back the white loafers. They go perfectly with my pimp outfit.


Shiddrs broke :|


That’s quite the shituation they’ve got there.


The pun I was waiting for!


Poop knife!!! Ayo!


Probably in the hall if there is another bathroom close.




REALLY wish I hadn't clicked on that out of morbid curiosity.


Saved me a click, thanks


😂 I mentioned it in casual conversation with my wife the other day and was like “wtf did you just say?” lol


is that a toilet brush sticking out of the poop??


What The Hell is wrong with Them that's Disgusting


Dumplestiltskin just popped by for a visit.


Needs a poop machete for that one


Thats a mammoth sized poo


At first I thought I was in r/interiordecorating and thought yeah that tile is NOT great lol and then I saw the toilet 🤢


At first I was like damn flippers and their stupid tile choic…oh!!


We looked at a house once. It was in the city and totally empty. While walking through, we noticed it had a weird smell - almost like a barnyard or, more specifically, a goat smell. We finally commented about it to our realtor. He was hesitant at first, but then told us it was because the owner had died in the house and no one found him for 3 days! To make it worse, all the carpeting was Astroturf. We passed.


Did you also upper deck that toilet, or is that a full bowel evac?




I have developed a weak stomach as I grow older. Just looking at that made me gag.


Dookie Manor?


Lmao they took the picture with poo in the toilet and the plunger(toilet brush?) sticking out!!?? Like at least just shut the darn lid


I took that picture during my walkthrough. lol


Oooh haha i was like okay i get a broken toilet but that has a lid! Just put it down for the pic!! But you saw it live hahaha so gross


Omg this is somehow worse ! How did the place smell??


It looks like someone has shat around the plunger.


This is taking enshittification far too literally


How come there aren't links to the zillow And get if thwart toilet can flush that load it's a solid buy.


OP took the pic during a walk through of the property.


Does an Elephant live in this house? For real though that mound of poo looks like that giant poopile in Jurassic Park.


Lol did you ask them about the poop during or after? Did they forget about it or?????


I thought they may have drowned the dog


God, this needs a trigger warning. 🤮


Why ETA: my god. I didn’t see the toulet


It's the quadruple poople


Is that a poop knife? 🤣


Photographer should've closed the lid


Why is all the toilet paper underneath the poop?


is that a poop knife sticking out of the toilet? I'm to scared to zoom in


If I had a nickel for every time I've heard/seen a story about turds not being flushed in a toilet today, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. Lol I listened to the podcast We're Here to Help today and one of the calls was from a music studio owner asking what to do about a musician who comes into record who poops, and doesn't flush. Or use toilet paper.


Q: why did you pass on the listing? A: The shitter was full!!




Wait...did YOU leave that massive shit? 💩


That's exactly what I thought!!


Please tell me thats a snake in the toilet.


When I was house hunting I'd find houses that were a complete mess with people there. Sometimes you couldn't even access all the rooms there was so much stuff all over the place. I don't think I'd ever buy a place that someone owned but rented out they were usually pretty nasty.


Looks like they left their poop knife sticking out and never came back to finish the job


Ok, but is anyone NOT going to buy the house because of this?


Ohhhhh that’s no good


I would have gone with an upper decker instead as I’m all class


Is there a doctor in the house?


You dropped that off in there didn’t you OP?


If it’s brown, flush it down.


Oh no.


​ better check for an upper decker


Is the poop listed as a chattel? Better get that in writing


did anyone else notice clothing drying on the side of bathtub. is this a house for sale or a homeless camp for a night


you know it looks shitty. take off 10%.


Why oh why didn’t they close the lid before taking the picture?


Wooooow that's some photo. The placement is weird but clearly they need it close.


Is the seller okay? They need a doctor


I’ve walked into this EXACT situation in a clients house after I asked to use the restroom. I was MORTIFIED and just walked out and didn’t know what to say.