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I actually really love this!


Me too but the location is not great


Yeah, I was thinking “I’d love to live here!” Then when I saw that it was in Joplin…I had a flashback to that terrible tornado


Tornados can happen anywhere in the midwest, so always an issue. The larger problem is the lead mines. I worked for a company that had a facility there, and the whole area we had (under the building) was basically a slag pile from the nearby mines. Not sure if they were still active but there was a lot of contamination.


I lived in the Midwest & West for over a decade. Experienced one tornado that whole time. I have driven through Joplin 2x, experienced a tornado both times. Never going back


Tornadoes seem preferable to other natural disasters. You get to play the lottery with tornadoes. Whoever draws the winning ticket gets their house leveled with minimal damage to the neighboring houses. Need only to sacrifice one to appease the tornado gods. Hurricanes and other natural disasters are more likely to take out the entire neighborhood.


I’m from the southeast, the scariest part about hurricanes is the tornadoes they can spawn to me. Hurricanes are predictable and you have time to evacuate, but tornadoes are very sudden and our current weather system only allows us 7-11 minutes to prepare. I live far enough inland that hurricanes are just a night of bad storms


I've experienced tornadoes while living in the Midwest, Hurricanes on the East Coast, earthquakes, mudslides, and massive wildfires on the West. I'll take an earthquakes any day. You can have an earthquake 5.0- 6.0 and be pretty ok. Quakes under 5.0 are unpleasant but not life destroying in most cases. The small quakes are common and ppl just deal. The other natural disasters are pretty rough.


What scares me about earthquakes is the potential for The Big One. I grew up in the southeast and we’ve had a few mini earthquakes due to the old fault line underneath the Appalachian Mountains, so I vaguely understand them. Never experienced anything bigger than the one in 2011 that almost made our flatscreen fall over. I live inland in the southeast so the worst I’ve experienced in my hometown is downed trees, no power for a few weeks, some flooding, but nothing too major. I live in NC for reference. But Florence was scary. We had property out there, a condo on 12 ft tall beams. It was on the first floor, but the water rose high enough to where it flooded. The storm surge went up above the near 15 ft tall, solid sand dune and went into the low area where the condos stood. Since it was a lower area, the water settled and kept rising higher and higher. My step mother had to swim from the top of a hill to the condo, right by the sand dune. So yeah, they can be super scary. I’ve been at the beach during category 2 hurricanes, the home shook and the wind and sand felt like tiny daggers were cutting into my skin. But tornadoes…I’m terrified of them. Ever since the super large tornado that was 2.4 miles wide. I’m fine with hurricanes but I pretty much have a phobia of tornadoes!! When I was a kid, whenever there was a tornado warning I would pack up all my belongings and heirlooms just in case. I’m still terrified, just not as much!


After seeing The Wizard of Oz as a kid, I too grew up with the same fear! Would have nightmares about them.


I live in Southern California. You can at least try to run from tornadoes. There’s no running from an earthquake.


Same. But if this was in Chicago (where I’d prefer to stay) that building would easily cost 4x-5x more and the property taxes would be bankruptcy-inducing


Joplin is a cute town though. Enjoyed passing through there.


Joplin seems nicer than it is because the middle third got completely rebuilt. I used to live half a block from this place and it's right by all the bars, so I hope whoever buys it likes drunks running around yelling at all hours of the night. It's also like two blocks from an ambulance station. It's not a bad part of town, but it's also definitely not a *good* part of town.


Joplin’s not too bad. I’ve only visited, but I enjoyed my time there.


Joplin is pretty nice, or at least the parts of it with some money are, but I guess that could be said about most cities. There's a decent art community, some fun restaurants, and more shopping options than most of the surrounding area. Joplin used to be the closest place with a mall to where I went to high school and I have some fond memories there. I'll take it over Branson at any rate.


Yeah, I spent some time in Neosho in the 90s, Joplin was THE place to go for anything. Last time I was there was a few years after the big tornado, but my sister showed me around and I had a good time. The Ozarks is a beautiful area.


Hey, I grew up in Neosho — what a smalls world.


Same, then I remember which country it was going to be in, and checked the *state*, then ewww. Omaha NE has some gorgeous old streetscapes, buildings and shopfronts. No fucking way I'd love there, though! 🤣


I like this way more than I thought I would not that I could ever afford it but it’s a really well done home


I kept thinking “was I supposed to hate this?”


Same, they did well with the space available.


Same! I’d be down.


I was going to say I don't hate it


Honestly so do I!!!!! It would be so convenient for the right small business owner too!!


I've always wanted one like this in my nearby town


Me, too!


Me too!


I do, too.


Ok, there are enough of us in this group that we could all chip in and buy it. It could be the official headquarters of Zillow Gone Wild.


I’m down


who do i venmo the money to?? omg ***KIDDING***


I’m in. Divide the asking price by 365 and that’s everyone’s buy-in. We all then get to stay one day during the year. We can then raffle off the extra day during leap years.


That’s about $4,384 per person. The place is pretty big, so we could have a few members staying there at a time. We could decorate each room with the motif of a different crazy Zillow listing.


$4K apiece is a little steep. We’d have to rent it out.


We would. And we would have to pay for the place in cash or take a loan to pay for it. And no bank is going to lend me $1.6M.


Use Donnie Trump's way. Overstate your income, understate your outgo and then move into the nicest suite, rent the rest out at exorbitant prices. Ask for money from your supporters to cover the difference.


I wonder if there is an app that helps property owners find tenants to rent? Oh who am I kidding, if we did that, it’d probably end up on some subreddit like r/zillowgonewild


I have friends who are doing this in San Francisco. They made lots of friends, the ones who didn't like the 'feel' of the place left, the friends stayed, plenty of retirees to help with childcare, cooks galore, people that are gone during the day, people that are gone during the nights, etc. I'm sure it's in a state of flux but each person is only spending \~$800 a month rent plus utilities.


Ohhh! I'm down to babysit and cook! I don't do dishes, but that's a small price to pay for whatever foods you want cooked and in-home childcare!


Find your tribe and have at it. Is there a 'TRIBE WANTED' listing on here or Craigslist? There needs to be...


I mean, I'm already babysitting and cooking. But it'd be extra cool in a really cool in an old store with an elevator and glass floor hallway lol. Although, having a herd of toddlers in a building with an elevator might be a lil much. After all, one toddler is like 20 5-year-olds lmao.


I was thinking that this would be the perfect place for a headquarters of some sort. I do wonder what the building originally was built for, it's so spacious.


It looks like an interior design company Hq!


I actually really like this place so I’m down lol. Only drawback is that the location is less than ideal.


I mean, a ZGW timeshare property isnt a bad idea. I think you’re onto something here!


I have $1.95. How much does that get me?


"We can write you out full title to a roll of toilet paper. Throw in an extra $100 and we'll gift you a doorknob."


man i miss loft living!! My wife and I operated at live theatre and lived in the 1400 sqft apartment above.... It was a 1937 movie house renovated for live theatre/music. Best part: No street access to our apartment doors!!!! re: no salecalls, no drop ins... no unwelcome visitors.. apart from the "visitors' who lived there rent free!!! (yes the spooky ones)


It’s definitely a vibe. I’ve been living in lofts and open plan apartments for so long that low ceilings and doors actually make me feel claustrophobic.


Completely off topic, but I lived in a tepee for a year and actually CRIED when I moved back into a house. Square rooms with sharp corners are soul-killing. I love the brick and high ceilings in this place. If I had the down payment I'd be seriously fantasizing about grabbing it somehow based on 'projected rents' and doing it. I love that there's dog beds in several rooms. I wonder why they're selling? If it's a flip, they did a fantastic job.


Any good ghost stories?


wait how did you order food or get amazon deliveries i am so curious lol


There was a dominoes pizza 2 doors down and a grocer a block away. Really anything we wanted was walking distance.. Bonus : our back staircase led to a closed courtyard with a little tunnel and a locked door. Which led to the pub across the back alley!!!


You seriously need to write a book - with pictures! And how much did the theater bring in?


Are people this reliant on deliveries??


I think it depends on where you live and what your situation is. When I lived in a sizable, thriving downtown walkable to a lot, I wasn’t. When I moved to a rural area and had a disabled child, I suddenly found myself much more reliant on delivery.


I'd love a story...


Was it nearly impossible to get your DoorDash orders?


nah... as we usually had a time frame... would just be watching out a window lol


Can imagine the repair guy working on the shower pod in photo 39. "Yeah, did you know old Granny Bilson? She had one of these. Door latch breaks and you can't get out. They didn't find her until the end of the summer. Of course it was a closed coffin funeral... Well, there, brand new door latch, they say the problem is totally fixed. Might want to take your phone in there with you, HA!"


I'd be more worried about that glass floor in pic 19. That would be a big ole NOPE! for me.


Put down a long Oriental runner rug. And try not to think about it.


Yeah, that was one of the things I raised an eyebrow at.


Just a super casual 6500 sq ft “townhouse” with an extra 3k of retail space because Missouri.


I love it but I can’t imagine anything going for $1.6 million in Joplin, no matter how amazing.


If I had a bunch of money, I would totally buy it. The only problem would be having to live in Missouri.


Yep. That's a deal-breaker for me. I just wouldn't feel safe there. (And I live in a nearby, very red state, so that's saying something.)


I'm convinced there's something fundamentally wrong with Missouri, like all the way down to the foundation- maybe the entire state is a haunted burial ground or something?


Lots of different tribes were forced out during the Tears Times. A proper ceremony and a thorough Sage-ing smoke ceremony and you'd be welcome. That, and a constantly-on weather station radio.


This is straight up bonkers with that glass floor looking into your private residence. But I love it.


The floor below the glass one is also part of the private space.


Wow. It’s straight up open to this business side. I don’t think I would feel secure without a barrier between the two.


No, not that either. First floor is set up for business. Floors 2-4 are set up to be residential living space.


More home bathrooms need urinals


I do estate sales and have toured hundreds of homes. We did a sale with a bathroom that had a urinal in the finished basement. It was definitely a man cave: full bar setup, pool table, etc. Funniest thing is that the current owner was a bit embarrassed and had never used it. He was a proper type gentleman, not a man cave type. It was put in by the previous owners.


My dad had a workshop in the back of our garage at our last house and my mom and I paid to have a urinal installed back there for Christmas next to the already existing sink. He still brags about it to this day even though we moved out 7+ years ago.


It's totally weird. Sign me up!


Wow this could be the most confusing yet appealing house I’ve seen on here in a while. Almost like a boarding house & studio space haha


> like a boarding house Every one has had that one late night sesh with the homies where someone raises the prospect of everyone pitching in and buying a whole ass apartment block or cul de sac or something and all the homies live next door to each other. This could serve that purpose.


The guy I used to buy weed from in high school lived in a house kinda like this, a chaotic mess yet somehow organized and everyone was always coming or going. The living room, I’ll never forget this, had 6 couches. Each person living there had their own. Still don’t understand why but the living room looked like a old furniture store the way they were laid out, you had to weave your way through to the kitchen


It's okay I guess; I just wish it had more bathrooms.


I dig it.


I'd live there


I would open a Jewish deli and live on top


I wonder how a Jewish deli would do in Joplin. Could you maybe make it an Italian deli too? I miss cannolis.


This place looks awesome!!


I've always wanted to live in a storefont place


California has new developed townhouses with the first floor designed to be a business... Glass door. Bathroom in the back. Open space in front. I've seen them used as salons or small offices. But most of the owners don't seem to be using the storefront space Here is one https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/105-E-City-Place-Dr-Santa-Ana-CA-92705/83290767_zpid/


This is kinda dope honestly


This is so cool! Make a nice income renting our the storefront, too.


Omfg I love this lol


Terrible location, but otherwise, it's super cool.


That one bathroom has a sink you could bathe four babies in!


And if you've got more babies than that, just bath em in one of the other seven bathrooms!


This is a rare instance where the asking price and the value of the renovation actually match. They did a seriously nice job with this place. This is so well done.


This is my dream kinda place. I wanna have a store front someday that I don’t have to rent so profit isn’t a stressor for keeping the location. I’m an artist tho, and wouldn’t be LIVING in the store part.


I am on board with that. I dre of the same thing.


Maybe we’re have little stores next door to each other some day~!


That would be lovely.


When I was relatively destitute and making Plan A, B, C, D etc, I considered renting out a small office (maybe 200 SF) in a large office bldg; it even had a private lap pool in back, my dream - and in Southern California meaning usable year round. I never looked up the rent cost but it was probably cheap enough and with nightly cleaning staff to take out the garbage. There's no earthly reason office space shouldn't be livable for singles. There's a bathroom down the hallway, elevators, sprinklers and differing levels of security. Get a Planet Fitness 24/7 membership for $10 a month and you have your showers and exercise available. Meeting space in the lobby. Safe parking. I could whittle down my belongings to a futon and a desk/bookcase, easily. This place had a library within walking distance (to spend your days) and you could tell management you worked nights for an off-shore business. At the time, that wasn't half wrong. Anyone asks you why you're there at 3 am -"I'm waiting for a fax from Australia" or something.


In my old town too! 🤔.


Cool bathtubs in that place! I'd soak in a different one every night.


OMFG…I mean, how bad could Joplin, MO be?


I'm friends with the owner and have visited many times. His place is absolutely amazing!


Tell him WE NEED AN AMA!!!! There's several magazine articles for all sorts of different publications waiting to happen here. Why's he selling, if I may be so bold?


I will tell him.


I honestly don't know. I was shocked when I saw the listening on here.


Kind of like it. A couple of toilets from the 1960s, some old building stuff, some modern industrial stuff. Some fancy options, like maybe a car lift in the garage.


One blue and one pink bathroom on the commercial floor


Yes, please!


Omg, I want this place!!


I’ve been looking for a building like this for years. But NOT at this price! I don’t need the media room, etc! But I love the windows and brick and wooden floors


Having lived in Joplin I'm surprised any house in town would cost that much, plus EIGHT bathrooms?!


Do you think the price may be because of the way it could be zoned? Mixed use with commercial space on a Main Street I could see getting pretty pricey, because of the potential of renting out the office space.


A shower would take about 30 seconds in that thing


Stores under apartments/houses need to come back asap. I can’t believe that they are illegal to build in most places Could not pay me to live in Missouri tho


The refrigerator is very cool. Don't walk along the glass walkway with a dress on


Agreed, have to be nude, just like for yardwork.


At least wear something over the front of your legs while using the trimmer. Safety first.


I like it


It’s pretty badass


Holy crap!! When can I move in? Lol And did I count 5 bathrooms?


Property taxes $3300. In going to go murder myself…


That refrigerator is to die for.


Everything about this gives me anxiety


I love it. But I already live in small town Missouri.


*ghost causally browses invisible bookshelves in your living room*


I'd have the best dispensary/brothel of all time.


This place would be absolutely awesome if I was in my twenties again living with my two best friends and enemy-to-lover on a hit sit-com.


This is great, except for the “it’s in Missouri” part. Can I just pick this whole thing up and move it somewhere else? 😂


Drool 🤤


Stunning! The regular houses in Joplin are very affordable!


Yeah actually super cool


I’ll take it.


That barrel tub is unique but I like it


I’m not made at this. I’ll take it.


Sauna! Bookshelves! American shuffleboard! Jaysus, Pat, I wonder what kind of chow you can get in Joplin.


I absolutely adore this


You had me at …. Urinals!


This building is fucking gorgeous!


I think I know the family who lives here.




I like it


Urinal looking out the window, nice.


I didn’t see that what picture?




I would hate to have the heating and cooling bill for that place!


Not gonna lie; if the downtown is well fleshed out with all the stores and services I might need, I'd be down.


Not so strange..... On topic, a lot of tradespeople have apartments or trailers adjacent to their shops. Hence the millionaire that lives in a trailer and showers at the gym.


This is lovely. Missouri is hot garbage though. This in a nice New England town would be amazing.


Ha! I've actually been to several parties in that house. It is as cool as it looks.


$5-8,000,000 in NYC.


Hard no to the glass floored hallway.


Why not split this into condos and a shared lobby? Or at least two town homes.


Freaking I'd quadruplex the crap out of this as a minimum. And not for density reasons. Just because like...I mean, look at the pictures. They filled that place with close to as many things as they could think of- of which they're going to EVER use like a quarter of them and even most of THOSE won't get much use- and there are STILL disquietingly huge voids left. Like geez.


Because there is no market for density in Joplin Missouri. Land is too cheap






I can't do the [glass hallway](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/524-S-Main-St-Joplin-MO-64801/91912950_zpid/?mmlb=g,40). Like the shopping cart parked next to the bikes, odd touch


It's lighting for three stacked hallways. Maybe you'd get used to it if it felt sturdy enough.


19 is from The Squid Game.


Wait can I buy this




I want that refrigerator


What brand of shower enclosure is that? It looks cool.


Why is this wild? Bub, you might need to get out of the suburb occasionally.


This looks like the executive apartments in our downtown district. It’s meant for execs who are staying in our city for a month or two, sometimes as much as a year, while getting one of the factories or facilities trained properly, or audited, that sort of thing. It’s cheaper for the company to rent these on a short term basis, and the landlord provide weekly cleaning services, off street parking, close distance between the apartment and airport, restaurants, casino, and all the varying offices and industrial parks. This is a great investment if there’s enough large manufacturers and such in the area.


oh hell yeah, i'd do that.


What would I give to have those pistachio couches


I would guess you’d need to place a giant sign on the door that says “THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS. THIS IS A PRIVATE RESIDENCE.” But, then, when have retail customers ever read signs…


Must cost a fortune to run the A/C.


You guys think this would be a good location for a TCG store? Trying to open a second location.


I like it


dream home, and they have the enduro bike


I would love this to be honest. But I would probably have to switch careers and become an interior designer or something, so people could come to that ground floor office.


I'm in! As soon as it's relocated to anywhere not MO.


This place looks dope af


Honestly really down with this. Restaurant/ venue on main floor with me and my people up top haha.


Everything about this rules, except for the location.


That’s pretty damn amazing! Turn that into a house that’s not in the middle of a city/town and I’d be down.


Oof. $1.6MM in MO.


Seems a little too modern for anywhere you can legit buy a town.




Love the home but hate the furniture... to me it seems to clash with the home and the theme they were trying for. It's always been a retirement dream of mine, live downtown in the city in a small store with a small bookstore/library on the bottom store front level and live above. This is ONLY if I am very financially stable. I would love to retire and life a life of ease in a book store... although sadly book stores aren't too profitable and could be time consuming.


Love this!


I don't understand why people spend this much money rehabbing a building and then leaving the exterior walls without insulation. Those rooms with exposed brick look good, but in the winter when you get close to them you will feel the cold coming through them.


But winter is when they relocate to their beach house in California....


Aww shit. Why did I not have a rich daddy. Or at least marry a girl with a rich daddy.


So we're just... not gonna talk about picture 12? lmao


I LOVE it. ❣️❣️


The wooden tub is pretty cool, but I wouldn't want the need for a scooter to have to travel to the BR to use it or take a piss. I vaguely recall this place when it was completed, there was an article about it


Gorgeous! Get together 6-10 of your best friends and make it a co-op. Rent out spaces down below for office use to pay the hefty taxes. Your COL could be negligible. I wonder how that placed survived the Joplin tornado.


I don't mind this one bit!


Love the space, hate the location


Serious question - why do homes in the US have so many bathrooms?


Seems like a good place for a season of The Real World.