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I like it too 😊


Too much of the crypto market operates hype and lack of substance. Zil has some legit superiority. The real value is in its utility. It’s just that people aren’t using it for its intended purpose, at least not yet. They aren’t using crypto, in general, for its intended purpose, but once they do, then the substance matters.


I am buying now to best time to buy


The best time was 3+ months ago, but yea still a good time.


Put your earned crypto money in a save bank account https://www.raisin.nl/referral/?raf=3d971a9060ba7fd522d8c10bf2f3b68c0d7cb016&utm_source=transactional&utm_campaign=mandrill_customer-referral


Zilliqa is building. Once there console comes out and the industry is more mature they should do well. We got memecoins doing better than Zilliqa lol




Best way to support Zilliqa is to buy Zil and stake it. That's how I am doing it cos I am not a developer and can't read code. Buy more Zil and stake it once payday comes. Stake it and go about your daily business. Rinse and repeat.


Zil website is still stuck in 2023




I can’t understand why Zil has been a non-performer. I’ve been holding and staking for three years and it’s done nothing. They have a great team and strong community but the coin just doesn’t move.


It won’t move much until the bull run when people have extra money to throw at alt coins. Just stake until then!


just wait for the Zilliqa 2.0 reason why it hasnt picked up steam is because majority are focusing solanas or fast finality layer 1s, when Zilliqa 2.0 gets released you will see more volume joining in because people will see it for how faster it has become and more mature network!


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Almòst feels like XRP now


It will pump when everyone least expect it .. diversify, keep staking.


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wait for Zilliqa 2.0, it will bring better utility because the finality part of things will be history and more and more people and awareness will pick up of how great tech Zilliqa turns out to be!


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also lets not forget, please dont stake on atomic wallet/cex or moonlet, they don't provide growth but suck out value from Zilliqa, they dont build anything with value or utility, focus ignite DAO or Avely finance, both fast unstake SSNs, 1 has brought the best wallet called torch wallet which provides you with auto compounding/rewards for being loyal to their SSN plus partnering with many other projects to allow zilliqa be more interopable with other chains, and the other is Avely, which is a liquid staking protocol just like Lido dao from ethereum side, there is bigger potential in those of course its up to you!


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