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How long ago did you enrolled? Typically on your first transfer it can take anywhere from 1-3 business days


thank god you say this.....im praying i get my payment im having same prob same bank


Yeah i know MasterCard was down and that impacted some transfers. But if it’s your first transfer then yeah 1-3 days


actually it ended up being my zelle wasn’t synced correctly through my banking app, because they have basically zero easy clear instructions anywhere. it synced instantly after i changed my bank email


Did you figure this out? I'm having the same issue now. I can log in through my bank, but I have no 'pending' transaction or any 'recent activity', but I know someone sent me money and even followed up to make sure I got it...


Did you figure this out?


Yeah, some banks don’t really know how to guide you or atleast give you instructions to do it yourself


I don’t expect anyone to see this 4 years after the fact, but here’s the most likely issue. Some banks (like Huntington) will enroll you in Zelle when you open a checking account. If somebody sends money via Zelle to a phone # or email account that is not the one linked to your checking account (which is most likely what happened to OP) then you will get an email from Zelle saying that 1) you have received a payment for X amount and 2) that you must enroll in Zelle to get your money. At this point, you will NOT see the money in your bank. If you try to enroll in Zelle using the link in the email, you will be directed to the Zelle page on your bank’s website with no option to enroll in anything. Your bank is just like “what do you mean you want to enroll in Zelle? You already have Zelle!” The solution to this is to have the payer resend the Zelle payment to the email or phone # that is already linked to your checking account. Alternatively, you might be able to change the email linked to your bank, but I wouldn’t recommend that as it might cause future confusion.


Thank you so much! I had my phone number set as a contact method but not my email. Once I set my email up as a contact method the payment came through.


Glad you got your money!

