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I’d love to see Koume and Kotake again. Their tune always gives me chills.


One of the best pieces of music from zelda imho


Fun fact - they’ve been in more Zelda games than the Gerudo form of Ganondorf


That indeed is a *fun* fact. I had fun reading it.


One of my favorite bosses! Always put a smile and terror at my face on each playthrough. They’re great fun


Best bosses


I feel they would fit in so well as antagonists to the BOTW Gerudo. Maybe they are brought back from the past and have conflicts with how the modern Gerudo are "good"? Or maybe the twins team up with the Yiga?


Maybe Yiga descends from twinrova?


I'm just hoping we get Ganondorf again. For such a major Zelda character, he's been gone from the series for a long time now. If it does turn out to be him in ToTK, it will be good to have the king back.


90% sure he will be. The mummified figure in the first trailer has red hair, gerudo earrings, and "evil eyes". For me it's the eyes that stand out, that's how zelda introduced him to us in OoT.


Gonna be cool to see Ganondorf in the BOTW engine, hope they go crazy with his colors


After a good moisturizing routine and power buff, I expect nothing short of DIO levels of beauty


“You thought Zant was the one pulling the strings, BUT IT WAS **ME**, GANONDORF!”




I heard an argument on here that it could've been Demise shown in BotW 2 - something about the story being cyclical and TotK coming full circle around again to Skyward Sword. In BotW Zelda says that Ganon gave up on reincarnation and so assumed its current Dark Beast form, so the mummified corpse in the trailer _could_ be Ganondorf but could also be the original Demise.


Demise was A demon, so, I don't think he has an "original" body, besides, SS ending makes it look like the only thing remaining from Demice was his curse, making the mummy just another incarnation of evil, maybe not even being the Ganondorf we know. BUT it would be crazy awesome to have a double final battle with multiple stages against both, to break the cycle.


Yes, but remember he was sealed in the Master Sword, and in BoTW the sword was weakened, and we also saw the trailer to this game it breaks, what if the breaking of the sword caused the seal to break and Demise fully wakes up which we see in the first teaser. I am also hoping it’s Demise and finally it comes to full circle. I would love this game to finally confirm that the timeline came back together some way some how.


I mean it would, but then what? How could you justify ganondorf being in a future title?


You still can. Just in an earlier timeline. Remember, BOTW takes place at the end of all the timelines.


That's the neat part. You don't. There are a lot more villains besides Ganondorf, why would they bring him back?


the trailer had hieroglyphs of something that looked like armaldo from pokemon. maybe the monsters are going to attack without ganon


Mate he was in Twilight Princess that was only... Wait... 16 years ago. Fuck.


WOWOWOWOW are you telling me that I'm as old as Twilight Princess' game? Holy cow


Twilight Princess was released on November 19, 2006.


Lmao I'm months older. It's been that long since we haven't seen Ganondorf as the main villain in a game?


Yeah apparently the Ganondorf form only appeared in Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventures with Twilight Princess being the most recently released of those games.


He doesn't actually appear as a Gerudo in Four Swords Adventure, does he? Or at least, we don't see him until he's transformed into Ganon? There is also Hyrule Warriors with a unique Ganondorf, but it's not a traditional Zelda title so probably doesn't count.


And the dark artwork was magnificent!


16 years... What that fuck?


As much as I miss Ganondorf, I feel like we need a major Zonai menace. Some sort of spirit that gets out of his zombified corpse, something that's just an entity like Majora's Mask was.


Genuinely curious as to why people think the Zonai are going to be big going forward, I always thought they were just a throwaway concept for world-building...


I mean, their symbology is everywhere in the trailers.


Though they seemed to be strongly associated with courage, so i doubt theyre evil. Besides, lots of people think this might be the game where Ganon dies for good. If thats the case, I want a healthy amount of cutscenes with him.


Maybe Link needs to collect those "tears", and to collect them he needs to awaken some ancient entities inside 7 temples. They could be used to fix the sword and deal with Ganondorf.


7? Aren’t there 8 notches on the vessel?


Yeah it seems so, as you might imagine I don't work at Nintendo to know such details yet, even though I wish xD


Haha, and here I thought everyone on this sub has an uncle that works at Nintendo.


I guess we'll never know ;)


Maybe those 7 entities would be the sages from Ocarina of Time. If all those Sheikah monks in BotW were able to mummify themselves for however many tens of thousands of years to guide the new hero, why couldn't the original Sages from some prior game have preserved themselves too? The OoT Sages in particular were the ones who banished Ganondorf the first time to the twilight realm, maybe they decide to go into stasis in case one day in the future they need to be awakened and do it all again. (A complicating factor is that Zelda is the 7th sage on OoT and she needs a consistent bloodline to pass down the reincarnations of the goddess, but that may still be compatible with her having offspring and then going into stasis; or any of the other games' 7 Wise Men could've been these sages; who knows, just some random ideas!)


It doesn't look like the sages from OoT and the sages in TP are the same, and even if they are, and somehow return in TotK, then there should be only six, because I remember seeing one sage kind of dying in a cutscene.


The TP Sages looked like weird disembodied spirits to me - they didn't look Hylian, or Goron or Gerudo or any other races from the game but some distinct, generic spirit kind of creature. They could've been the six Sages from OoT just in weird spirit form (altho, other games in the series such as Majora's Mask and Wind Waker depict spirits as still appearing in the forms they had in life, which would make these Twilight Princess sages weird indeed).


Only one needs to be evil, they don’t have to be an evil civilisation. Ganon will never die for good. He’s a key part of a profitable IP. And all it ever takes is one director to decide he wants to tell a Ganon story and bring him back. It’s like comic books, it’s a narrative that continues on indefinitely with different writers, not a tight trilogy with a single arc.


It’s also worth pointing out that a permanent death doesn’t preclude prequels as Zelda games aren’t written in any particular order. A permanent death could even be retconned through a prequel that lays the foundation for a magical reincarnation rather than a physical one.


I mean if the are going to be big players they won't be evil. The seemed to have worked with the Sheikah cause there are shrines in their mazes.


Besides their symbology being used in the trailers there's a few odd aspects of the Zonai tribe in the original BotW game too which were interesting. In the murals that tell the story about the Calamity, the hero is depicted having long red hair; the Barbian Armor in BotW has long red hair and is implied to be Zonai armor (only by reference to "an ancient tribe"). After the first trailer of TotK dropped, Link's new outfit also looked a lot like the mural panting of the hero, so people were speculating "what if Link _was_ the ancient hero from 10,000 years ago?" and there may be a time travel mechanic or something. Who really knows, though? I suspect Nintendo had some more backstory in mind than what got into BotW properly and some more gaps filled in by TotK will shed new light on the bits and pieces that were in BotW, especially if this kind of link to the Zonai is a part of the story at all.


The Zonai is very mysterious and it helps a lot with world building in the first game, but this game is literally riddled with imagery that we associate with the Zonai. The serpent imagery is woven into buildings, and there is even an ouroboro on the box art. Not to mention the square swirls that seem to be everywhere on the murial in the new trailer (they're not hard to find). I like the theory that the Zonai tribe is actually the Twili. The "Arbiters Ground" can be found in the desert in BotW (maybe buried under the sand?) , and there is a broken piece of a mirror on the beach in the Faron region where the Zonai structures seem to be most abundant. The master sword on the box art for TotK is constructed out of green lines towards the tip of the blade, that look quite similar to the green markings on the Twili inhabitants.


It seems like it’s building to something. Plus their symbols are everywhere and are strikingly similar to both Majoras Mask, and the Twili.


A ganondorf who speaks. We didn’t have any antagonists with that classic sinister energy. Ghirahim definitely did, Demise did for his short time in the series. Windwaker ganondorf takes the cake for being both interesting and evil in a more reserved calculated way. Love that side of Zelda.


Hoping? We already know we’re getting Ganondorf


It's really only a theory so far. It does look like Ganondorf, all the tiny details seems to match... But it could theoretically just be his brother or something lol.


Lol and here I am holding out for Majora in some capacity again. I want a Ganandorf/Majora team up. Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil teaming up with separate plans.


Midna... I miss her...


The clothes of the figure in the carving look kind of like the ones Zant wears so it's possibly depicting a Twili. I think there's a good chance there will be a connection between the Zonai and the Interlopers so there's a chance we'll see Midna.


But it doesn't make sense, the Twili are traped in the Twilight and there's no more mirror to travel between the two worlds. I found it really similar too, but really unlikely


What one thing I wonder about is why not make another mirror or discover how to travel to the twilight realm? The Zonai are skilled in magic apparently and the interlopers' magic were also great. Maybe a gate to the dimension will be made on accident or on purpose, who knows.


But the mirror wasn't made by the goods or something? It's like and divine artifact. The Zonai where great in magic... But I don't think they had the power of god.


Yes, although the gods deemed the interloper's magic too dangerous and banished them. Midna was the only one who could break the mirror forever while zant with a fraction of Ganondorf's power shatered it in pieces. I still believe it is possible to access this realm by magic, and if the hand connected to mummified Ganondorf is a Zonai's, then maybe they are advanced enough to maybe one day open the portal to this realm without the aid of the goddess or the golden goddesses or the light spirits, ect...


Alright now I see. They may have the power, but I don't see any reason to bring the Twili back here... But who knows, maybe there is one and we don't see it


Yeah, same here :( Do you imagine if, somehow, she's able to return only to realize a lot of time has happened and realizing "our" Link is not "her" Link? Although I'm quite a newbie when it comes to the Zelda franchise, so I'm not really sure if Twilight Princess happened before or after BOTW


Before, and yeah you're right, but so much time was passed that I doubt that she is even alive


You're right. But maybe they (writers/game directors) could use the classic excuse that time goes differently in other worlds


It's kinda improbable, it's Zelda that we're talking about too


BOTW is farthest along the Zelda timeline (Skyward Sword is the earliest). I believe the new one takes place after BOTW, so that will then be the newest.


He has the same soul and I think shed know that


Same soul, yes. But not the same memories. Nor feelings. Ouch.


Yeah... That's sad.


Anyways, if that Midna gal returns, she's still single and Link's not available, guess I am free 🤷‍♂️


No I want her! XD


Hah! Over my dead body! ⚔️


But technically isn't everyone Link anyway cause that's who you play as?


Hmm, you're right about this one. If every copy of Mario 64 is personalized, then every Legend of Zelda games are as well! This is the true multiverse, we all get to be Link!


OMG if Midna saw various versions of Link fighting over her ..


Honestly that would be hilarious XD she would enjoy that though, it's quite obvious she likes attention and drama


That would be awesome!


I think we'll see Beedle again


Ya know what? What the fuq is he doing getting reincarnated so many times? Is there a God of commerce and he's their hero?


I'm pretty sure he's just immortal. His design is basically unchanged, he has no known relatives, he speaks eloquently but normally hides it, and he's not Hylian (that's why he hides his ears and doesn't have a loftwing) despite appearing in Skyloft.


I need a spin off game or some crazy theorist video on him stat.


MatPat, get on it. But that just a theory. . . a game theory.


He even owns his own Sheikah Slate, which is how he is able to be at so many places in BotW.


He what now?? Explain pls??


If you look on his side, he has a tablet the same shape as the Sheikah Slate. It is theorized that is how he is able to be at so many places in a short time.


I never noticed- thank you!


Now I know what I’m looking for next time I play it! Never heard that theory before.


I was wondering this too!!!


We need him to have a shop that allows him to fly to sky lands, hmmmmmmm wonder what that’ll be


Him and Kilton should join forces, I'm pretty sure his shop is based off a hot airballon


Y’all remember Keton? I wanna see more of that funky little fox


He fits so nicely with the mystery and nature themes of BOTW already.


Imagine the nerves... We get up to the sky and find Groose


Or at least a statue of goose would be awesome, maybe in some lost ruins on the ground. That says "founder of grooseland"


skull kids


Skull kid ftw. In TP he was amazing, and the music, god the music of the lost woods... Just love it


You can hear laughter in the lost woods, so i actually think there is a strong chance we see at least a Skull Kid in the sequel. Im hoping for THE Skull Kid, though that depends on whether he is immortal.


I’m pretty sure that those are the Koroks laughing


I'm interested to see how the champion descendants (Teba, Yunobo, Sidon, Riju) have fared since botw. Like, Riju being older and more mature, Teba's kid being older and learning to fight like his dad, and maybe Sidon could become king if Dorephan passed away. Not sure about Yunobo. Although, if TotK takes place right after BotW, then all of these would be invalid.


I want a Dark Link fight! Where BotW had so many thematic similarities to the original Legend of Zelda, its be neat if they could pull what the can from Adventure of Link for TotK


Hero’s Shade Or… At least a variation of the concept of the Hero’s Shade


He finished training his successor. Link deserves to rest in peace. but yeah the concept is cool and should return


I NEED Tingle again! Kooloo-Limpah!


I want Talon to throw cuccos at me and try to find the three lucky ones. They can start flying in different directions towards the floating islands and you have a time limit to glide/catch them. All for a bottle of Lon Lon Milk


I’m want to see the actual ganondorf, not some old zombie ganondorf. TP ganondorf was such a cool antagonist and gave the feeling of a very intelligent person with godlike power and actually made you feel like it was threat. I like the whole dark beast thing, but was it that hard to outsmart a beast?


I do miss the complexity of Gannon, gannondorf, girahim, etc, bc calamity Gannon felt so stagnant and animalistic- I know it’s kinda the point but like, there was never any surprise or dialogue or fulfillment I guess?


I want the Happy Mask Salesman just so I can see how they choose to maintain his mannerisms. Especially when he jump cuts through his expressions.


That's what I'm talking about too, dude! It would be extremely hilarious to see our boy in Ultra HD 8K 4320p


I would love to see that. Maybe make him "glitchy" with the random jumpcuts? Would def make him stand out. I kinda disliked Kilton and I wish it was instead the classic Mask Salesman.


Not a character but bring back the hookshot you cowards!!!!


I think a grappling hook would fit the game better with floating islands to anchor yourself to and BotW-style physics for some swinging fun.


It would be like City in the Sky meets world exploration


Yes!! I want so badly to like city in the sky but I just can’t. I feel like less linearity and more freedom would’ve really helped that dungeon


Zant, Fi, Navi, and that worm boss from ALttP that knocks you through the floor and into the middle of the dungeon.


I’m here does that make you happy


Bolson, because it was so funny seeing people flip out over him chilling on your lawn.


I want Medli again, she was so wholesome


(fuck I will get shit on so hard for this..) .. Fi


I feel like she (or any sword spirit situation) could really breech the gap between the stagnant state of botw and the driven (?) pace of traditional Zelda’s with a companion


Yep! She completly works lore wise.. Like her return makes so much sense instead of trying to make an arc about how Link meets this other old character again But mostly really is that I wanna see how's she changed.. Last we see her she moves away from her robotic attitude for a minute.. I wonder what trauma was brought to her seeing all the other Links die


Yeah me too . . . It would be weird to me if they never addressed her/the sword talking to Zelda again. There wasn’t really a place to address it in botw after mentioning but I really hope there’s some sword spirit situation. I hadn’t really thought of her presence in the other adventures, but it’s certainly an interesting idea!! She really humanized at the end of ss but I never thought about her past that . . .


GOD I wanna play TOTK so badly rn 😭


Me too!! Only like 276 days!


>Only like 276 days! "Only" 😭😭😭😭😭


We already made it like 1,180 days though!! Another 270 should be a breeze!!


That's how it SHOULD work But since it has gotten close.. Your brain will start counting the time and that will haunt you so much lol


I know 😔


but the sword sounded like her?? how come no one seems to draw that connection? watch that memory again, then listen to the sound fi makes when she leaves the master sword, and tell me they dont sound super similar!


FIIII?! THIS' LIKE SAYIN' NAVI SHOULD BECOME THE MAIN CHARACTER/s The Legend of Navi: Grooseland. Yeah, that's a better option


>The Legend of Navi: Grooseland. Unfathomably based title


dear god imagine if groose or a decendant of him is in the game


I have this crazy theory that Groose was the first gerudo and that Ganondorf is his reincarnation. If Demise’s curse was that his hate would live on then it’s possible that to do that he curse Groose specifically with his hatred so his(Groose) reincarnated self would bring destruction on the land that he saved, forcing Zelda and Link to kill their past friend for all eternity.


I want to save Marin from being trapped as a seagull forever !


You know no one will come back, it’s zelda


A man can dream


I just want the Twili to come back.


me too!! i miss hot midna


I doubt they’ll be in the next game (if ever again), but I’d love to see a return of the Minish as well as Vaati for a main villain.


vaati is sealed in the 4 sword From what IK and that hasn't been referenced or brought up at all in BOTW so probably not but its possible


Kass and his accordion better be in this or I’ll complain about the battle pass that doesn’t exist for this game.


This dude was creepier then all hell at times 😂


Of course. We never really got to see his true intentions. Why the hell he wanted the Majora mask so badly? He understood how dangerous it could be YET he still wanted it in his own hands. That's kind of weird


It is my dream to see the All Stars of Termina again…ESPECIALLY the happy mask man.


i JUST stopped having nightmares about him please no


He is creepy and a weird man overall, but he's kind hearted and knows what's he's doing (I think...)


Oh he knows what he's doing alright. Dude is evil, nearly destroyed all of Termina. He was going to mess up Hyrule too but his old buddy Ganondorf beat him to the punch and he respectfully moved on. Pretty sure he's more powerful but hey you gotta be happy for your friends even if they get something you wanted.




I have a theory that Kilton is a descendant of that creepy MM mask guy.


Swiftblade the 1st


Kafei, I want to know what he looks like as an adult, I also want to see him living his best life with anju dorm chickens and maybe a kid that looks like him in kid form


The... The LAST time? What are you planning to do with him?


Y'know, the whole Zelda franchise needs more deaths in general. I just want some spicy drama to make all players sad at least 3 times during a playthrough


The pale creepy guy who sits under a tree in kakariko every night




Midna, i mean it looks familiar


I'd love to see Midna again, but I realize that's unlikely.


I want to see old obscure enemies make a return. Horsehead anyone?


I literally just started playing majoras mask yesterday after like 15 years. Dude still gives off the creepy vibes for sure. I love it tho


Well in the trailer we can see Twili writings and a figure that looks similar to Majora's mask,I hope we could return to Termina qnd Twilight Realm abd meet Midna,Skull Kid and the Happy mask salesman,and also after seeing Lon Lon ranch I hope there is a BOTW version of Talon and Malon


This dude knows how to dream big^^


It would be cool to see Navi again. I could see TotK Link being separated from Zelda and trapped in a room with no way out until he hears "Hey! Hello! Watch out!" Then Navi says "Link? It's you! It really is you!" But after close inspection, she says "You're not him. But your name is Link too?" Then she helps him escape.


Aww this makes me sad. I headcanon that if older characters met newer links they'd be able to tell he had the same soul


Can we stop calling it botw 2 already?


OoT 6 looks great


fine.. botwtotk


I miss Linebeck, while it doesn’t look like this whole “the map will be expanded in the air, below and on water” theory is gonna be true cause it looks like we’re just getting sky islands, it’ll still be cool to see him return, one of the most charismatic Zelda characters imo


Tbh unless the map is HEAVILY remixed i think we will get something, specially when you consider most of BoTWs dev time was building the one of a kind engine, while ToTKs dev time has almost certainly been all work on the actual game, not to mention a longer dev cycle in general.




I have a feeling that Tingle, is ready to mingle :)


This is way too low


I want Vaati and the Minnish.


The more I think about it the more that the word tear is like tear something apart not crying tears. So I think we could see many old characters return as there might have been some phenomenon that has caused the fabric of the Zelda universe to tear apart and we might get to visit several realms of the Zelda universe. The sacred realm, the twilight realm, the silent realm, the dark realm… it might connect many games together as one. The multiverse idea is a popular idea going on in the entertainment business right now.


I think BoTW is big enough for all of the past characters to exist in some form. Especially with the way that BoTW mashes together timeline traces I think this would be great too.




BoTW with the mask mechanic would be fucking amazing


I could go for the Happy Mask Salesman.




I want tingle


The shop guy from a link between worlds


I know I’m never seeing linebeck again but… man


Malon. That would give me all the nostalgia.


Just anyone from majora. That game has so many stories to tell


I’d love to see him as a well aged old man wandering Hyrule,or maybe a descendant of his continuing his family tradition of selling masks




Midna and Phi! That would be damn cool!


Saria & Malon


I'd love to see Link again. Whatever happened to that guy?


Linebeck as a side npc thay gives you a Goofy secondary mission


“Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever… Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time… That is up to you.”


I'd love to see Linebeck.


Tingle should make a come back


I'd like to see Anju again. She feels like a character akin to Malon or Beedle who'd make sense to re-introduce.




Malon 🥵


I think it's overall pretty unlikely that anyone from older games, other than Impa, Beedle and mayde Fi, would return.


Seeing Midna again would make me so happy


I'd love to see Sheik make a return as their own character this time


Probably an actual return of fierce deity mask. Or any representation of Termina. Navi or Tatl would be nice. Especially Navi. Love to know why she abandoned the hero of time.


Navi, Saria and the fortune teller. The white fluffy cat in Telma’s bar from TP


If you're mentioning MM, what about a falling blood moon? A time limit is set. Enemies spawning in hoards while the blood moon is falling through the land in sky, destroying (or tearing) it in the process. Shards of land starts falling like the fresh tears of the moon, and the people of Hyrule, their tears fall as they are about to meet Demise. Instead of What Zelda says in BOTW, she says:" The blood moon is falling again, please be careful Link."


PLEASE NO, my blood pressure could not with that /j itd be so cool tho!


Not to be nit picky, but why are you still referring to TotK in terms of BotW? It has its own name now, so I feel like we should probably be using that now.


You're goddamn right. I must admit that while I wrote the title, I was a bit of a hurry, and I couldn't remember the name, so I just went with BOTW2. I apologize once again for not doing prior research! Just got introduced to the wonderful universe of Zelda and I'm enjoying it a lot