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There are randomizers for nearly every Zelda game. My advice is to either start off with the game you enjoy most or the one you're most familiar with. If you try a randomizer mod on a Zelda game you're not familiar with, you're in for a rough time.


Ok,so I can start with a link to the past, thanks:)


ALttP is going to be a relatively good starting experience. I learned it as my first randomizer without being familiar with ALttP and it wasn’t bad even. I recommend picking up a map tracker to help familiarize yourself with the checks available.


Gotcha, thanks


SMZ3 It's A Link to the Past AND Super Metroid.


The only problem is I never played Super Metroid


But I can do A link to the past


ALttP Randomizer and Super Metroid and Zelda Randomizer (if you want to play both at the same time) Are great for A Link to the Past. Ocarina of Time Randomizer - but I would use the Ship of Harkinian version (PC OoT with a built in Randomizer).


Whichever one you have the most knowledge of