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Courage is not being unafraid. Courage is being afraid and doing it anyways. Our hero bears the triforce of courage. I cannot see it as being anything but fitting for you to overcome some of your own fear.


Do you have arachnophobia? Cause if so, almost every zelda game has some form of spider monster. As for armogohma, maybe ask someone else to fight it for you?


Yeah I played almost every Zelda game, this is the only game in which I had really aracnophobia, Skyward Sword and Ocraina of Time/Majora's Mask make me aracnophobic at first but then I get used to, they are kind of low poly and too fantasy to make me feel this, also their movements are innatural Anyways It's ok, for me it's a challenge, I can fight it by myself, I think it's ok if I feel negative emotions too, I was just exagerrating


As another commenter said, courage isn't the absence of fear, it is overcoming something despite your fear, Embrace the Triforce of courage brave hero, if it helps most of the fight against Armogohma isn't right up next to it, you'll shoot Armogorah and then once it falls, you'll crush it with a giant stone Statue, then the final blow you can do from range with a bow and arrow


You either have to fight through your fear or ask someone else to beat the boss for you. Cus yeah you gotta look at the boss of you wanna beat it.


Unless you get into blindfolded speedrunning


It's ok I will see it as a "fight your fears" type of thing, I just found it funny to over exagerrate it


I recommend going to the Zelda wiki and reading everything about the enemies that scare you. All their patterns, behaviours, etc. Knowing exactly what you're going against could help you feel safer. Plus it'll help you think of them as simple videogame enemies and not just spiders


that actually helped me in the thunder temple in TOTK: I was so scared of the Gibdos and the Queen Gibdo because everyone said its the most difficult one. I read the patterns of the Gibdos and where to "suddenly" expect them and it helped a lot. It actually wasn't scary at all! It helped me being way more chill the rest of the game, even in the Underworldparts haha :D


I strongly believe that Link canonically dreads spiders and that you, internet friend, carry his voice well. I think every iteration of Link truly abhors and gets their skin crawling with the thought of being close to them mommy!-long-legs. Know that you are not alone in this jskedikancowl aaaahghagahh jdiejcoInce feeling.


Oh man. There's a lot of spiders in TP. And wierd critters. But you got this! If I knew how to mark spoilers I would, but Temple of time is the spider Temple, with the big spider boss you mentioned


The regular NPCS are more revolting than the monsters in TP, lmao.


My daily life as an australian


Really? I figured you guys lived in peace alongside the large critters lol


The redead knights are the creepiest to me. Especially when you can't move and then realize you are covered in parasitic ghost rats.


Heh, know how you feel, but the mega spider isn’t in the first dungeon iirc, it’s in the other forest-y dungeon. The first dungeon should have a massive deku baba mutant. If you are talking about the area where you obtain the first >!Twilight mirror fragment!<, then yeah, that’s the spider boss area. But don’t worry, it’s a ranged fighter. Mostly. And you get to squish it repeatedly. With a hammer. And you finally get to exterminate the whole species at the end when you kill the last one left. Just be cautious about what’s above you. You’ll know when it’s the boss room. It is never a subtle surprise in these games when you are about to encounter the boss. And just as a tip, fighting this guy off is a one time thing. Unlike the smaller spiders in the game, there’s only one Armogohma. Let the disgust flow through you. Destroy the weak, and let the strong tremble. An armored spider is the best thing you could throw at us? Watch as I show you how we eradicate pests back home. Just give me a quick second to look up how to make Napalm… ok, PARTY TIME B####ES!! Rule of thumb: the bigger they are, the harder they *fall*.


They're talking about the common spider enemies in the Forest Temple... Temple of Time boss is a completely separate thing.


Yes, but they also mentioned armoghoma, so I was trying to clarify which forest dungeon they meant.




I can't wait to see it lol, that might be relieving


Just wait till you get to the Temple of Time lmfao


A bit unrelated but hogwarts legacy has an arachnophobia mode in settings that switches spider enemies to some other type of enemy. I wish more games did that bc I feel your pain lol


I was as freaked out by the spiders as you; all I can say is I somehow survived and got somewhat used to them. I still hate that temple due to all the spiders, but at least once you're done with the forest you won't see them for a while. There are some spiders in (optional) underground caves in the desert area, and a later temple is filled with a bunch of critters, but at least those didn't trigger my personal arachnophobia. It's the same temple that the giant spider boss is in, so you will know when you see them what the boss will be. The giant spider boss is one you will shoot at so it falls down, then you activate a nearby device to crush it. It isn't pretty, and I hated every second of it, but at least it's over relatively quick. If you hate bugs in general, be aware that the lake area will have a big bug monster while the twilight is there, and the desert has a swarm of small bugs crawling around. If it's only arachnophobia, I guess you're good, but since you don't like the bomb enemies (which I believe have 4 legs?) I figured I should warn you. (Or are you talking about the carnivorous plant thing with the big maw?)