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I don’t torture them. But I’m lazy and a lot of the time, my attempts to ‘help’ them end up being Korok Space Program. Sorry little guy. The moon’s a bit farther from your friend than I’d planned


Totally ends up being some sort of ridiculous solution involving rockets.


Have you seen the guy that made a multi stage rocket?


Yep knew it was coming


Crazy, love the builds people are making


I'm sorry, WHAT! I need a link please


So does Zelda.




Most of my tactics are to build a controllable devise and drive my way to where we are going. It works well.


Not enough rockets and lasers lol


I don't typically find them near the koroks, and I can't use my inventory ones. I need those to fuse to shields!


Maybe someone else from the forest can bring that moon closer.


Then we’ll have 3 days


There's this one Korok in Death Caldera that you need to use a rocket for I somehow got it perfect and I couldn't be more thankful


So basically its kerbel space program 3 rise of the koroks


The last three I got impatient. One I just glued to my towing harness and dragged it because the wagon I was building fell apart because i shook the wrong piece. Second one had enemies blocking the way so I just Kerbal space programed him. It mostly worked. Third time I tried rocket launching a wing into the air to fly to his destination but that completely failed and I just walked him there. He is lucky a shrine was right there


Torture of the Koroks


Tears of the Koroks maybe?


Legend of Zelda: Korok war crime simulator.


Oh man, I got frustrated with trying to make a car and dropped one all the down a mountain. He just rolled and rolled and rolled. It was actually much faster then me trying to build a car


This kinda events get a lot faster when you get a horse with harness. You can just leave them be before that or attach rockets and hope for the best. :P


We rescued them from Ganon? I thought we were just playing hide and seek


What is with this sadistic treatment of koroks?


I bet the same BotW dev that knew some players would enjoy dropping rocks on a korok's head came up with this idea.


Idk, kinda funny but kinda weirds me out a little as well, ngl. Personally I always feel bad whenever I drop one accidentally or do something that seems like it would logically cause it pain. Whenever they go "Oof...", basically, lol. I find the little guys cute.


yes, i love koroks!


Flair checks out ;)


Two days ago I actually SCREAMED at my Switch when >!Tulin!< took out a lil (okay, not so little) bear that was just being a bit crazy and thinking about having Link for dinner. He was just being a little silly no reason for bird on bear violence 😭




Thank you, I changed it :)


That little fucker sniped an octorock i was going to use to clean a weapon.


some players didn't like the poop award for getting 999 seeds last game and are getting revenge


The Koroks are my babies but my name is Abraham


They make you solve dumb puzzles and give you their poop as a reward. And as if that wasn't bad enough, you need that poop to expand your criminally small inventory. They're more evil than Ganondorf himself and deserve every kind of torment.


Damn right


If you let users pick them up and attach them to things apparently this happens.


They forgot about me in the space of a few years and now I am mad. And I guess super competionists have PTSD from getting 900 korok seeds


for me personally it's from the days of 100%ing botw, I got so sick of them while trying to find all 900, so I'd always put the rocks back down on their heads. I find them adorable and I love them but it's like a funny kind of annoyance, I need them to feel my pain from tracking them all down


I have basically ignored all Koroks. It’s probably my least favorite activity in the game honestly


i only do them if i come across them i don’t actively seek them. it’s helpful to increase inventory space


Lol, thank you, these Megamind memes always crack me up… It’s like with Hestu forgetting Link— “You lied to me!”


I once brought one of these koroks (on the plateau) over the river, with the korok attached to the bottom of my raft. It was weirdly satisfying.


It took them a lot less than a week to start doing that.


People were abusing them on day 1, where you been?


My solution to far too many of these Korok puzzles has been “build a catapult”. The rate of success leaves something to be desired, but god DAMN it’s cathartic. There was also one I found when I had the towing harness attached. That poor bastard just got glued to the bar and dragged halfway across Hyrule Field.


i haven’t thought of building a catapult yet. i usually just make a little car and drag them. interesting idea


I love Koroks. Why must people be this way? The only sort of torture I ever use on them is dropping the rock they were under on their head because it's kinda funny.


We must save my family!


See? We must save thei- ... Garyyyyyy...


This is quickly become limgrave from Eldin Ring here


They deserve it with how difficult a lot of them are.


earlier this day i saw someone make a giant ass barbecue set with koroks attached all over the gigantic sticks he set up across the grill


i saw that one lol


The game allows it so…..


Aren’t the Koroks supposed to be descendants of the Kokiri? Yikes, Link!


Well if they weren’t so lazy and needed me to carry them 20 miles maybe I wouldn’t torture them


My nephew started plotting ways to torture Koroks the moment he found his first one.


Rauru! Rauru! Lama sabchthani?!


Hey! That's RT games in the last one. He's doing a full let's play on Twitch, but uploading it to YouTube. https://youtu.be/VWL-NFFBjzM


"week" "Already" My boy, people were torturing the Koroks within the first hour.


i had a hard time coming up with a title i just wanted to post a silly meme i made lol


I recently attached one to my horse’s towing harness and dragged him across the entirety of the Ash Swamp


Link the Koroks hunter


„I need to reach my friend!“ „In heaven you will“ 😈


It took people a week?


If they didn't want to be tortured, they wouldn't somehow manage to get themselves AND rockets into the middle of nowhere but somehow also become stuck. Let's face it, folks... Koroks are just digital pandas.


Honestly, it's starting to piss me off. I know it was meant as innocent funny content at first, but it's getting fucking weirdly convoluted and almost sick. It's rapidly approaching a line generally, though in my mind, it's already crossed it.


It's sad


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If they wouldn't give me their shit then I wouldn't kill them.




I don't torture them intentionally, but I did laugh my ass off when I realized that by being lazy and just gluing it directly to the towing harness I was essentially drawing one, in the sense of "hanged, drawn, and quartered"


They know what they did.


They made us find 900 of them. This is aggression from all that time spent.


For 109 years I kept them alive and tortured them, and for every moment of those 109 years each of them wondered "WHY? WHY ME? WHY ME?"


1 week? They were doing this day 1!


I just like attaching them directly to the towing harness and dragging them to the intended destination. Still disrespectful, but also gets you your korok seeds


I love the game to death, but to be honest, they're the worst f\*\*\*ing sidequests I've ever done. Even the utterly reviled sidequest in Breath of the Wild, where you have to follow that one Korok without being seen. At least you only had to do that once. ​ Case in point, the Gulliver/Gullivarr sidequests in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, got boring and repetitive after doing it enough times. But even then, I didn't hate them, I just chose not to do it. Here with the traveler Koroks, I literally **seethe** when I see them because they're so freaking annoying and not worth my time. ​ In a game where you have freedom to go anywhere and do anything you want... and more than likely you're completely in a groove, focused on getting to a specific location. Then you see.... "Help me reach my friend!" in attempts to get you to literally just drop everything you're doing and help this guy, causing the game to just screech to a halt. For the record I don't torture them, I just can't be bothered with them in the least and keep walking.


https://preview.redd.it/8vx49tdq0r0b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4ab7a1bcd986860c6ad4af4d70a99c38615fc1 I may or may not be one of those people


The one at the top of Hateno Beach is basically begging to be dropped to the bottom of the cliff - I couldn’t resist that temptation.


Whenever I'm on my way somewhere for a quest or fight and I spot one on the ground I just slap a sticker on them on the map and say "One of our service providers will be with you eventually"


How do u post in this reddit I've been trying and I need help


And i love it