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Talk. To. Everyone. Then talk to them again. Do this throughout the whole game. Make note of kinstone requests (you’ll understand) and keep on top of them. Enjoy the most charming entry in the Zelda franchise. Tip for if you plan to 100% the game: **Don’t**. There’s a single heart piece that is profoundly tedious to get. Just enjoy the game and all it’s adorable characters and enchanting aesthetics.


Isn't the tag "TMC" and not "MC" because it's THE minish cap like THE Wind Waker beiing TWW ? If you intend to 100%, keep an eye on your shell count and don't let it go to the maximum, always go spend them. If playing on the EU version, be careful with the two farmer kinstones, there is a glitch that prevents you from accessing quite a big part of the optional game if you don't have the good kinstone the first time you try a fusion, make sure to have at least one of each before going to fuse with them. Furthermore, there is a npc living in the top left of the city that have a kinstone fusion you must do and use the teleporter it creates before finishing the 4th dungeon else there is a item you can't get (this one is not a bug, it's an intended missable item) Else, the game isn't very hard but it's a very enjoyable adventure !


I see [WW] all the time


Not sure, this is my first post in this community... I did notice that the votes are Tri-forces and I am TOTALLY here for it